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I Challenge Peng to Eat a Bug

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Originally posted by Nestor:

Rather like the mis-firing neuron(s?) in your brain that link isn't going anywhere helpful you useless prat.

Oh, my mistake, it does now. This post will now be downgraded from Public Service Announcement to a Level 1 insult. Please move along, nothing to see here.

Fester, this is all well and good, but as I recall, you were tasked with stomping on Malcontent's head and post the details here. I ain't seen nofink yet
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Originally posted by Persephone:

Panzer Leader, quit your whining for the wine!


I think there needs to be a prize for the whiniest player in the tournament....a pacifier maybe?


Madam, your rebuke stings like a shot across the flanks by Lars. I Shall now endeavor to repent in the only way I know how: Carnage, violence, and destruction.

It will begin with a little toadstool known as Boo's Funhouse. I am the wrecking ball for that clap-trap flop-house. One by one it's denizens will stagger out, half-dressed and bleary-eyed, and bullet by bullet I will drop them into that eternal gutter of discontent. I've already begun!

Boo was the first to come stumbling from his hooch. He was having a tea with Flamin' Aussie Jeff when I showed up. Pants around his ankles, he charged forward,trailing a long thread of saliva behind him. Of course he was bracketed by my uber-menschen and e'en now, the partial penetrations bring him to his knees.

Nidan1 was 2. For him, I coerced him into a nice meeting engagement in the woods. It's damp, and he brought his big guns. I have a little gun, but it's situated on a hill where I can plink away with impunity. E'en now my Tactical genius ( Call'im Fred) is handing me the keys to House Radly

Next, little Lurkur came out to the yard to see what he could do. I was caught unawares, surrounded by water on three sides, heavy arty falling! What could I do? Well, who knows, but needless to say, my tactical genius (Fred) helped me out of a bind, and e'en now he is rocking backon his heels, dumb-struck.

*I may have confused Nidan1 and Lurkur, but really, who cares?

I hope this begins to assuage the sting of the rebuke I have suffered. If not, more heads will roll, and roll and roll...

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Originally posted by Marlow:

You forgot termites you ninny.

Speaking of ninnies, aren't you the guy who promised a set up for my two squires, oh...I don't know...a couple of weeks ago?

So, how's that coming?

Having trouble focusing through the miasma of your own bodily funk? Or since it's rapidly becoming the Xmas season are you too busy breaking into poor old widow's mailboxes and burning up their govt. checks?

Just curious.

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Subject to the approval of the Pool Potentates, the following method will be used to determine the matches for the Cesspool Tournament of Winos:

Persephone and Emma will determine who plays whom. As a backup, should the fine Ladies of the Pool choose not to accept this "responsibility", the matches will be arranged by The Justicar.

Treeburst155, Squire to Senior Knight More-Arty, Defender of Lost Causes.

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Marlow:

You forgot termites you ninny.

Speaking of ninnies, aren't you the guy who promised a set up for my two squires, oh...I don't know...a couple of weeks ago?


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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Boo was the first to come stumbling from his hooch. He was having a tea with Flamin' Aussie Jeff when I showed up. Pants around his ankles, he charged forward,trailing a long thread of saliva behind him.

Right. I'll do you for that one, Sparky.

Oh, and Lurker as my original squire is bolded. Got that, you sniffer of dress shields?

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Lurker, you simpleton, do you remember me?

We had a lovely CMBO game going a few months back. However, right when I started pasting your advancing Frenchies with a 150mm infantry gun, you began complaining that you could not open the files I was sending. I can understand that the turns were getting hard for you to watch, but you should have done the honorable thing and surrendered.

Want to have another go, CBMM this time? Might I suggest that you play the Italians this time? Your experience with the French should have prepared you to handle them. I’ll expect a little more machismo from your troops when they surrender in droves, but it will pretty much be the same. Say the word and a setup will be on the way.

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Nidan1 was 2. For him, I coerced him into a nice meeting engagement in the woods. It's damp, and he brought his big guns. I have a little gun, but it's situated on a hill where I can plink away with impunity. E'en now my Tactical genius ( Call'im Fred) is handing me the keys to House Radly
Not so fast PL , you neglect to mention that the hill in question is actually an island, with one bridge, and no shallow fords, as my luck (or your specially designed map) would have it all the VLs are on the island as well. The little gun you mention is already dead, its the other 35 little guns I'm worried about. No matter, you will feel my jackboot on the back of you neck soon enough.
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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Originally posted by Panzer Leader: </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> Nidan1 was 2. For him, I coerced him into a nice meeting engagement in the woods. It's damp, and he brought his big guns. I have a little gun, but it's situated on a hill where I can plink away with impunity. E'en now my Tactical genius ( Call'im Fred) is handing me the keys to House Radly

Not so fast PL , you neglect to mention that the hill in question is actually an island, with one bridge, and no shallow fords, as my luck (or your specially designed map) would have it all the VLs are on the island as well. The little gun you mention is already dead, its the other 35 little guns I'm worried about. No matter, you will feel my jackboot on the back of you neck soon enough.</font>
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Originally posted by Treeburst155:

Subject to the approval of the Pool Potentates, the following method will be used to determine the matches for the Cesspool Tournament of Winos:

Persephone and Emma will determine who plays whom. As a backup, should the fine Ladies of the Pool choose not to accept this "responsibility", the matches will be arranged by The Justicar.

Treeburst155, Squire to Senior Knight More-Arty, Defender of Lost Causes.

Errr... I only do Wednesdays. Did I mention that? No. Good.

Is it Wednesday yet? Who owes me a turn... have we started? Bother...


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Originally posted by Treeburst155:

Subject to the approval of the Pool Potentates, the following method will be used to determine the matches for the Cesspool Tournament of Winos:

Persephone and Emma will determine who plays whom. As a backup, should the fine Ladies of the Pool choose not to accept this "responsibility", the matches will be arranged by The Justicar.

Treeburst155, Squire to Senior Knight More-Arty, Defender of Lost Causes.

I accept, and will look forward to the task...

What say ye Persephone !

P.S. Nice of you to include us ladies Treeburst

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Originally posted by YK2:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Treeburst155:

Subject to the approval of the Pool Potentates, the following method will be used to determine the matches for the Cesspool Tournament of Winos:

Persephone and Emma will determine who plays whom. As a backup, should the fine Ladies of the Pool choose not to accept this "responsibility", the matches will be arranged by The Justicar.

Treeburst155, Squire to Senior Knight More-Arty, Defender of Lost Causes.

I accept, and will look forward to the task...

What say ye Persephone !

P.S. Nice of you to include us ladies Treeburst</font>

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You're welcome, Emma. You Ladies can even change your minds on the matchups several times if you want. Feel free to drive the participants crazy for awhile. I will post the final list of draftees in about a week. After that, the baton will be passed to you and Persephone. Have fun with it!

Squire Treeburst155 out.

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Originally posted by Treeburst155:

After that, the baton will be passed to you and Persephone. Have fun with it!

Eww.....who'd want to have fun with a batton after TB'd been playing around with it for a week??!!

Take a leaf from Putin's book on visiting strange places dear ladies (for what place could be stranger than the place where you get a baton fromSplinter???), and dip it in Vodka to kill all the bertie-germs!!

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But ... but this just won't DO! I've finally managed to find a few moments to browse this thread whilst in the hotel and it ... well it SUCKS! Of course Panzer Leader started it so that would explain a lot.

I'll have to beg off active involvement in choosing the players matches in the proposed Tourney (mind you I've seen no wine or cash so as far as I'm concerned it's simply not on). December is going to well and truly suck. I'll be gone much of the next week and the week after.

If it's after that I may be able to lend my unique and invaluable talents.


Did I mention that I'd seen no wine or cash?

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Anybody want to touch this one?

Shaddup! Return to eating hot lead, you give-in gibbon, and send the next turn. My "Directive Number 3" warriors for Mother Russia are SSSOOoooo gonna kick the crap out of your "tankettes of tremulous torpor."
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Oh, Berli, you'll be glad to know that Licensed Fool has been banned.

Turn's out that he was previously banned as 'Veteran Gamer' back in November, came back and started posting as some tool named Scatterbrain Kid, who made a huge deal about leaving the Forum, and now Steve's officially banned his 'Licensed Fool' persona.

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Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

Who owes me a turn... have we started?


YOU owe ME a turn in this abortive NIGHTMARE that has been going on since JUNE!

There are only one or two turns left. Send a turn or send a surrender, you cad.


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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Seanachai, I think you need to be nicer to Redwolf. Though he is a git and a pillock, he has maintained an air of dignity through-out, which is commendable, whether deserved or not.

Plus, he even made a funny on the outerboards.

What the hell are you talking about?! I am nice to him! Do you think I'm kidding about worrying that he's not having enough fun? I'm dead serious about that. It's important to me that redwolf have more fun.

For that matter, I'm way nicer to him than I am to you, for example. I treat you horribly!

Still, it speaks well for you that your concern is for others. You're a bit like the Cesspool's version of 'Tiny Tim' Cratchett, aren't you?

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