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For the Record, I Am the PENG CHALLENGE Thread

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Happy Boy you really shouldn't go about faking quotes - it tells us wayyyyy too much about what you consider a good time!!

And what's with the stoopid grinnin' face?? What've the smelly old ones been doin' allowing that sort of behaviour in here??

Hasn't anyone been keeping up with the training schedule??

Good lord, no wonder this place has gone to rack and ruin - hugs, kisses, smilies and a distinct lack of SOD OFF, and even formatting beyond bold.........sigh...oh for hte good ol' days when one could get properly insulted on here - there was soem great tauntin' back then, not like the spinelsss simpering dribble I have to put up with now!!

Sure, yuo might say the technology is fun, but where's the Spirit I ask - I have to coke y'see and I need something to make it drinkable.

Anyway - msut be someone else's turn to make some dorky comment or other, so carry on, as you were, toodle pip and what oh old chaps.

do try better will you all please.


[ July 30, 2002, 10:08 PM: Message edited by: Mike ]

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That was a faked quote? I thought you just went back and edited it. Anyhow, consider meatball as your great new rejoinder. Its Waaaay better.

On to things that matter at least as much as the frog on the bump on the log, which is still MILES above our mike guy here. Sir Joe, I believe those have always been unofficial guidelines, and the subject of many interesting scathings, but consider it done! Good rule, mate, keep them coming!

Oh, I would also like to take a moment and elevate Gaylord Fokker to the summit of his wildest fantasies, and promote him to...Serf, lickspittle of the MBT in recognition of the ignorant bliss with which he allows me to pummel his Canadananadians.

Go to it, eh?

In other news, cmplayer (a.k.a. Gamey bastiche) has crumbled and now weeps at the feet of my brave Bosche, who put foot-patterned puncture wounds into the carcasses of his limey gits. He disallowed me to have king tigers (wha?) while loading up on the Airborne or six-pounders, or whatever the hell it is considered gamey if you're the Brits. Feh!

PopCan has used the gamey technique of his fast-turreted shermans to eek out what is shaping up to be a draw in our (yes Dalem) meeting engagement. I have given these french fields rivulets of blue-blooded fertilizer, but STILL those fecking shermans roam about with the abandon of retarded elephants, oblivious to my valiant huns attempts to push grenades into their exhaust pipes or somefink.

Joe's game is as drab and dreary as he himself. Nothing much to report, although I'm sure he could file a 56 page AAR, complete with OOBs and maps. It still sucks. Oh, I am also driving his quailing forces before me, and that's fun.

I'm also playing Seanachai (aren't we all?) but he is too busy prosetylizing on the nature of Peng and his relation to Fred to return files.

Yeknod? He only returns files on Wednesday's that have full moons.

Anyone else? No one of import...

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Anyhow, consider meatball as your great new rejoinder. Its Waaaay better.

Thanks for the advice dork, consider it filed in the normal place.
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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

PopCan has used the gamey technique of his fast-turreted shermans to eek out what is shaping up to be a draw in our (yes Dalem) meeting engagement.

Ahh, thank you, but when I cast off the oppressive yoke of excessive rules I freed my squire from his quest. He is equally free to abide by his previous stricture should he wish. I trust that Pondscum will shepherd him well as I gad about the dewey morning grass of the MBT, wearing white and feeling secure in the guarded embrace of not just dots and quilts, but wings as well.
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Well now - I guess I could go and correct the spelling in my sig, but then I couldn't use the lines "Well he can sue me if he doesn't like it" any more, and "who erally gives a fecking toss?", and "Bite me", and so on and so forth.

And somehow that seems like far too much to give up in this pool of banalities.

Oh yeah - and then I'd have to put up with realising that I'd been a good little boy like g/f and done Pincer Lister's bidding......a thought that makes cleaning the pool's lint filter seem an attractive alternative!

[ July 31, 2002, 12:00 AM: Message edited by: Mike ]

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by mon petite general, but almost missed by me due to a criminal lack of bolding:

I freed my squire from his quest. He is equally free to abide by his previous stricture should he wish. I trust that Pondscum will shepherd him well as I gad about the dewey morning grass of the MBT

What? WHAT??? Now he's foisting his reject squires onto me as well! Aren't there LAWS about this sort of thing? Where is the Justicar when you actually need him? (for purposes other than being the universal target of our scorn and derision, that is)

PS About that morning grass... you realise that's the donkey's paddock, right? Mr Incontinence himself? That might not be "dew" you're gadding about in.

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Oh, I would also like to take a moment and elevate Gaylord Fokker to the summit of his wildest fantasies, and promote him to...Serf, lickspittle of the MBT in recognition of the ignorant bliss with which he allows me to pummel his Canadananadians.<HR>

OI, OI, OI, OI, Panzer Poofter before you go handing out my job to some other SSN at least have the decency to make him fight for it. If he think's he's hard enough let him prove it in the time honoured tradition of the MBT.

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Well, well. Isn't that cute? Mouse found a new playmate.

Jealousy is so ugly.

Oh...sorry...yeah - that's just you...well it makes you look even more ugly.

If I could be bothered looking at you that is.

So there.

Nyah nyah nyah.

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Originally screamed by Mike:

<big><big>Any time anyone calls you a wanker is well timed you dork!</big></big>

<small>If something is always well timed, then it's never especially well timed, if you know what I mean. Something about contrasts providing emphasis and all that. Or something. The point just being that you suck GOLF BALLS through a scummy garden hose. Backwards. In slow motion.


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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

In other news, cmplayer (a.k.a. Gamey bastiche) has crumbled and now weeps at the feet of my brave Bosche, who put foot-patterned puncture wounds into the carcasses of his limey gits. He disallowed me to have king tigers (wha?) while loading up on the Airborne or six-pounders, or whatever the hell it is considered gamey if you're the Brits. Feh!

What a steaming load of doodads. Nothing is gamey if you're the Brits, except Wasps exceeding 80% of your total force. You're right about a few minor forward outposts crumbling, though. It's about time since they've held off your 4500 point cocktail of Sturmkompanies, Gebirgs Pioneers, FJs, VG SMG squads and flak trucks for like 15 turns. I'm hearing a lot of 'mein bein' echoing on the wind during the lulls. Anyhow we don't care if you take the village. We're perfectly happy in the swamp, thank you.
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Originally posted by CMplayer:

Originally screamed by Mike:

The point just being that you suck GOLF BALLS through a scummy garden hose. Backwards. In slow motion.

Choke - he likes me...sob........sh!t this place has really gone to hell and back!!

True - but then at least I'm not a liar, and I know it all works. Daily. Hourly sometimes.

[ July 31, 2002, 06:29 AM: Message edited by: Mike ]

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Originally posted by CMplayer:

Has anyone ever noticed that 'a dork' spells 'Kroda' backwards?


Only a dork would be impressed.

Did any one else realise that CM Player is actually an anagram pf CLAM PREY .

I mean what sort of low life is prey to a CLAM for heaven's sake?? Well we know what sort actually.....CM Player does.....and does it surprise anyone??

Well I guess a couple of SSN's who've had a *boot* or 2 too many might find it enlighening, but no-one who's been around a bit - say the block, heck even a lamp post - won't be surprised.

[ July 31, 2002, 06:36 AM: Message edited by: Mike ]

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Originally posted by Mike:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by CMplayer:

Has anyone ever noticed that 'a dork' spells 'Kroda' backwards?


Only a dork would be impressed.

Did any one else realise that CM Player is actually an anagram pf CLAM PREY .

I mean what sort of low life is prey to a CLAM for heaven's sake?? Well we know what sort actually.....CM Player does.....and does it surprise anyone??

Well I guess a couple of SSN's who've had a *boot* or 2 too many might find it enlighening, but no-one who's been around a bit - say the block, heck even a lamp post - won't be surprised.</font>

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike. I can't stop saying your name! I think I'm ..... in LURV!!! {swoon}

Be that as it may, and THAT may be as you say, pray instead tell me a tale of our "Battle For Laghouat Fish Markets", where you, the rabid horde of pathetic Pom perambulators, attempted to assault MOI, the impenetrable, brave and cunning Flosschenhimies.

Go on. Tell THE WORLD how the action in this unbelievably fair and just scenario designed by a renowned CM junkie unfolded. Trumpet your TOTAL ALLIED DEFEAT to the assembled masses. If you dare.

Speaking of dares, I wouldn't wonder if you DARED NEVER to challenge the might of Flossdom again. Once bitten, twice......

Sir Flamin' AJ

A daily Flossing is GOOD for you!

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Posted by the most garro-louse loser in the 'pool :

Be that as it may, and THAT may be as you say, pray instead tell me a tale of our "Battle For Laghouat Fish Markets", where you, the rabid horde of pathetic Pom perambulators, attempted to assault MOI, the impenetrable, brave and cunning Flosschenhimies.

Go on. Tell THE WORLD how the action in this unbelievably fair and just scenario designed by a renowned CM junkie unfolded. Trumpet your TOTAL ALLIED DEFEAT to the assembled masses. If you dare.

Ahem ! Err Sir Fluffy Mess , you should not spout forth with such gibberish when you are getting the sh!t kicked out of you by my Heroic, Steadfast German defenders...They shall not Pass !

(Wind or our defense lines, I can tell you)

In fact, I'm enjoying your wonderfully balanced scenario so much...(The 120mm mortar spotter with the laser range-finder is a gem !) I think the Wanabe POM, Simon , should play Germans against me.

Now you can lay the blame for the car park line up of wrecks, at the feet of the Tac AI, but you have 3 lines of approach...why use just one ?

There's a free hint for Simon.


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Great. After 7 years of trouble-free netting, my ISP has gone tits-up. Bastiges. Not even a "by your leave," or "we're sorry for the inconvenience." No, just a recorded message when calling support:

"You are no longer worthy enough to be served by us. You are a pox upon the face of the internet, and we no longer want to enable your ethanol induced ravings. Please take this opportunity to die-lots-now, and bother us not again."


Theoretically, they may get their dial-up service running again in 2-3 weeks. Or not. I am now looking into alternative ISPs.

So. To those pooligans I'm currently playing (Moriarty, OGSF, dalem, MrSpkr, anyone, anyone, anyone? Bueller?), I am still incommunicado at home. I'd apologize for the interupption of our games, but if it causes you the slightest frustration or discontent, perhaps the whole ordeal is worth it.

I'll let you all now when I'm back online at home. Feel free to send recommendations and/or cautions for ISPs to leeo@oslc.org.

Just remember that my hate for you swells (down bauhaus!) with each passing moment. I do not need the internet to hate you. I need only breath, the last of which will be a curse upon you and those unlucky enough to have associated with you. Not generally. Each of you specifically (except for the last crop of chest-thumping SSN poo-doodlers, whom I've already forgotten).

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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike. I can't stop saying your name! I think I'm ..... in LURV!!! {swoon}

Be that as it may, and THAT may be as you say, pray instead tell me a tale of our "Battle For Laghouat Fish Markets", where you, the rabid horde of pathetic Pom perambulators, attempted to assault MOI, the impenetrable, brave and cunning Flosschenhimies.

Go on. Tell THE WORLD how the action in this unbelievably fair and just scenario designed by a renowned CM junkie unfolded. Trumpet your TOTAL ALLIED DEFEAT to the assembled masses. If you dare.

Speaking of dares, I wouldn't wonder if you DARED NEVER to challenge the might of Flossdom again. Once bitten, twice......

Sir Flamin' AJ

A daily Flossing is GOOD for you!</font>

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Originally posted by CMplayer:

Oh and for the record, I'd just like

to dispell any doubts or misconceptions

that might still be remaining about this

issue... I DO NOT like wolves. Okay?

Got it? Good. Now nobody ever mention

it again.

thanks and gud bles,

ure freind,


There's something rather unspeakably disgusting about a man who fondles wildlife that he does not, in fact, like.

Although it's also somewhat appropriate. After all, would you subject another species to humiliation and horror if you actually liked it?

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Games Updates

Lars has returned from his air show, and we have resumed our combat. Other than the infantry gun I knocked out a few turns back with a single shot from a 60mm mortar, nothing much interesting has happened. I have pinpointed a few rabbit holes, and have called an exterminator to come check them out.

Athkatla and I have an interesting Meeting Engagement underway. He may just get his first victory. A couple of my open-topped AFVs have decided to take it upon themselves to drive into the middle of a VT artillery barage, with predictable results. One of Athkatla's has decided to drive into the same barrage, so it isn't all bad for me.

I was happy to see that Elvis posted a message that didn't include has favorite word. I guess it takes the kinder, gentler approach of Seanachai to bring him out of his shell, but I still think that boy should be medicated.

They rest of you are first order pillocks. I only hope that more our your ISPs go defunct. Leeo, maybe if you hadn't used so much bandwidth downloading MPEGs of "Circus Freaks with Barnyard Animals" and Britney Spears videos, your ISP would still be in business. Maybe you can find something on cable that will satisfy you until you find another Internet Smut Provider.

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