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Stupidist Thing You've Ever Done??

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I once listened to my opponent. Bad idea. One Su 152 left. My infantry advanced up and cleared the scattered trees ahead of it. My Su is sitting in a nice cozy position, bombarding a Nashorn and barely alerting the crew. My friend advises me to move it up. Sure enough, now I can fully see the Nashorn. However, 5 seconds into the turn my friend pops my Su in the side with an 88. Bad mistake on my part. :D

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I remember playing a QB meeting engagement at night, not very big forces either side. There were two VL's in the centre of a reasonably wooded board with a road running right through the centre of it. I set off down the road as fast as possible to capture the VL's and take up positions to defend them against an attack I assumed would be coming from the other side of the board.. ;)

I wasn't alarmed when an unarmed half track tootered up on my right flank; I just sat tight but the next turn I lost an entire platoon to a company sized attack coming from the north board edge. Scrambling to reposition my remaining force I put up a brave but futile fight and finally lost to the AI.

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I've done some pretty dumb things in this game. But I have got to say the dumbest thing I've ever done was assault a Soviet KV Tank through open terrain with two platoons of pioneers. I thought that at lest 3 out of the six squads I sent out would knock the tank out. I thought wrong. About 5 seconds after the charge all 60 of my men were either killed or routed. I only scored a tactical victory in the end

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I seem to vaguely remember a battle against the AI for CMBO in which I ordered a column of halftracks loaded with elite panzergrenadiers and lead by a panther tank, down a winding dirt road flanked by dense trees. I was "sure" the enemy couldnt have gotten forces to the opening on the other side, and I plotted the whole column to an area beyond the exit. As I watched the video,it became clear a group of Shermans had set up shop around the exit. To my horror, I watched my speeding column be knocked out vehicle by vehicle as they emerged from the woods one at a time. Not one panzergrenadier even survived, except for a full squad that surrendered redface.gif

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Dumbest thing I ever did in CMBO was charging at a US HMG post at night with one platoon of German troops without Smoke or MG support, figuring that hey, it's dark, they can't see me and besides, I have 3 squads.

well, the .50 cal post was reinforced with a squad in foxholes. My platoon died horribly.

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Dumbest thing I did(that I can remember)... putting an entire platoon in a key building (mostly on the second floor). I thought I had done a fantastic job getting to the choke point till it got artie'd into the ground. Bye bye platoon.

Another dumb thing (in CM:BO)I did was face a lone Sherman that was immobilized with three Stugs. I sent one over the hill and it got nocked out. I sent the second over the hill further down the ridge line... it got nocked out. I should have learned my lesson by this point but I went ahead and sent the third over the ridge to its demise.

By this point I was getting pretty anoyed by this Sherman and decided to sneak a panzerfaust and a headquarters to the flank to get the tank. By sneak I realy mean they ran most of the way. By the time they reached the tree line next to the Sherman they were ragged and promptly put out of their misery by the combined fire of the the Sherman's machine gun and the infantry defending it.

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My most recent dumb thing with CMBB was to conduct an attack with a lend lease Valentine IX tank, not a great tank but I thought it would do fine in a support role. Got into the fray and.....the damn POS doesn't have a MG?

A tank without an MG, no wonder the Brits shipped it off to the Russian

Lesson learned, don't assume anything!

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Originally posted by MG-42:


I'm interested to know what is the stupidist thing you've done during a Combat Mission session?

Oh I'm sure the majority of you are incredibly competent strategists and don't make mistakes but I bet you weren't always this good...come on tell the truth!! Alternately there must have been times when you've had a sudden rush of blood to the head and made a move (or series of moves)that was/were incredibly stupid.

To get the ball rolling......I confidently ordered a group of tanks to engage a lowly group of T24's (?). What I didn't do first of all was check to see what tanks I had selected for the honor!! (I know! I know! a simple tap on the Enter key, a quick look at the staus box or even taking a second to visually inspect the damn tanks would have told me but I blindly ignored all this). Anyway within 20 secs **all** of my fearless tanks were toasting away without inflicting any damage on the Ruskies :eek: ..you know why?? I'd sent a group of Flame Tanks..sigh!!! Oh Well a very valauble lesson learned there and an embarrassingly public display of my noobieness <coughs!>


When I am playing the Germans I do not make any mistakes. I blame all failures on the Fuhrer. When I play the Russians, my dumbest move is choosing to play the Russian side in the first place :D
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Originally posted by Michael emrys:

Dumbest thing I ever did (that I'll admit to) was saying something once to a woman that she interpreted as a mariage proposal. :eek:

Fortunately, a week later she decided that she didn't want to be married either. Whew!



Did you tell her that she misunderstood in the first place or did you keep your mouth shut and count yourself lucky?
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*Possible Spoilers*

Right now I'm playing the Royal Opponent scenario. I'm winning so far but I've committed a really big boo-boo: It's damp & foggy and I ordered my King Tigers to cross open fields & wheat fields. Consequently three of them are immobile & therefore of no use for the rest of the battle. Should have stuck to the roads. Probably have to start over again.

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Stupidest things I did in my early CMBB pbem days was agreeing to my opponents choice of set-up parameters to avoid hurting their feelings by telling them their creations stank! With everything weighted in their favour,no wonder I kept losing big-time! NO MORE MR.NICE GUY !

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Originally posted by Commissar:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Michael emrys:

Dumbest thing I ever did (that I'll admit to) was saying something once to a woman that she interpreted as a mariage proposal. :eek:

Fortunately, a week later she decided that she didn't want to be married either. Whew!



Did you tell her that she misunderstood in the first place or did you keep your mouth shut and count yourself lucky?</font>
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Had to add my stupidity from last night. Playing a QB in mixed terrain. Turned out to be hilly as hell, with fairly dense pines and woods on my side.

Since it was so forrested I turned off the trees to see my infantry. Purchased 2 T34/85's and 2 SU122's. Set them up behind a treeline for cover, noticing a nice route to flank the central objective.

Planned my 1st moves and . . . Doh! I had unwittingly placed all my vehicles in a pocket where they couldn't drive out. Trapped by nature!!

I tried feebly to play for 10 turns and promply quit after a panther tore up my infantry.

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