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Peng Challenge v1.01, It's STILL not Fixed!!!


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S) Go away.

O) Go even further away (unless you're female, welcome Delaney).

D) {***sigh***} If you’re still reading this, you’re still too close. But if you insist, PAY ATTENTION!, or go away.

O) This is the Peng Challenge. Challenge someone SPECIFIC, just make sure it’s not Peng. Try a newbie SSN such as yourself, not a Knigget or an Old One. If you don’t know what a SSN, Knigget, or Old One is, go away.

F) The key word being CHALLENGE, sound off like you have inherited a pair from someone other than your pet hamster. If you can’t manage this, go away.

F) Do not sound off about your pair. Try to act like you have a modicum of wit, style and panache OR Half of a Brain. If you won’t keep this thought in your Half of a Brain, we will boot it to the other Half, and you will go away.

!) If you have any questions at all, post absolutely NOTHING! We will get back to you at our earliest inconvenience. And go away (are you starting to see a trend here?).

[ November 22, 2002, 01:45 PM: Message edited by: Lars ]

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More urgently, Lars is not fixed. Fred only knows what will happen if it ever reproduces. Bad enough with all those Minihahan "cousins" running around. If their are any Surgeons out there, I will feel much safer once the "fixed" Lars 1.01 is available.

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Speaking of "fixed"...

Originally posted by Delaney:

PL drinks with ease knowing I'm far too lazy to plan and carry out his death.

Fair Delaney, we're all quite good at planning here. Err, except for Lt. Hortlund. Nevermind, as I was saying, let us work some thing up for you, run it by legal, and then send it off to the Old Firm.

Time to help a Lady out, lackwits.

Topic: "The Best Way To Off Panzer Leader"

Class? Anyone? Class?

SSN Hint Of The Day: Tear articles from magazines in the doctor’s waiting room.

Now sod off.

[ November 22, 2002, 01:50 PM: Message edited by: Lars ]

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Originally posted by Lars:

Fair Delaney, we're all quite good at planning here. Err, except for Lt. Hortlund. Nevermind, as I was saying, let us work some thing up for you, run it by legal, and then send it off to the Old Firm.

Time to help a Lady out, lackwits.

Topic: "The Best Way To Off Panzer Leader"

Class? Anyone? Class?

Would dropping the toaster into the bathtub with him be too obvious? Oh wait...it's Panzer Leader we're talking about, and he doesn't bathe all that much...

Oh well...carry on.

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Alright you mewling sack of wretches. New MBT, new version of the game, new acceptance of the game courtesy of Steve pounding Seekrit Nollij into my skull. So. Here's what I propose:

1) Of course I must hike up my skirt and adjust my rack in my big girl's blouse and offer a renewal of any and all conflicts I fled from last month. Not necessarily the same game (I certainly don't have the files) but a game in general.

2) I will accept PL's challenge and await a game file because I still like his cheerleader post.

Now, many of you are scratching your sloping foreheads and grunting to yourselves "why should we bother?". Fair enough.

In order to stir up the muck a litle bit around here I offer this:

I will accept up to six offers of battle at this time. The person who beats me (as I'm sure you all will) by the largest margin will get to designate my next opponent and game terms (anything except sigs - I hate sigs). That oughtta wake up the cruelty brigade.

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Originally posted by dalem:

I will accept up to six offers of battle at this time.

You will accept an offer? Accept an offer?

Oh, la de da!

You OWE me a setup, you pillock!

Send something that won't destroy your newfound faith in CMBB.

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Joebob ,

You and your minions from House Shawl do not scare me. Doesn't matter what you call yourelves...once a yewtahian, always a yewtahian. Only thing worse, .... ah heck, there is nothing worse.

I would challenge you, but after seeing you lack of moves to others, and the excuses like "My dawg ate my turn", I'd rather play against Mace , as at least he gets a turn out once per week, if he likes it or not.

Face it Joebob , if you play CMBB half as well as your flew in IL2, you would still suck totally. Even Harv shot you down.

Oh yeah, that was a quote from him. hehehehehe

Anyway, any promising gits that I can take to serfdom? I am sure I can find an SSN that could defeat House Shaw .


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Originally posted by dalem:

I will accept up to six offers of battle at this time. The person who beats me (as I'm sure you all will) by the largest margin will get to designate my next opponent and game terms (anything except sigs - I hate sigs). That oughtta wake up the cruelty brigade.

I thought the idea of a battle involved some possibility of you winning?

Oh - I see - the challenge is to invent a suitably humiliating game set-up..........like a Blood Hampster Challenge with ......well let's leavethat one a mystery for a while eh?

OK Da Lemming - I'll let you jump off my cliff - some sort of setup will be winging it's way to you within the day.

And for heaven's sake get a decent fitting will you - all that hitching is so unladylike!

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Originally posted by dalem:

Alright you mewling sack of wretches. New MBT, new version of the game, new acceptance of the game courtesy of Steve pounding Seekrit Nollij into my skull. So. Here's what I propose:

1) Of course I must hike up my skirt and adjust my rack in my big girl's blouse and offer a renewal of any and all conflicts I fled from last month. Not necessarily the same game (I certainly don't have the files) but a game in general.

2) I will accept PL's challenge and await a game file because I still like his cheerleader post.

Now, many of you are scratching your sloping foreheads and grunting to yourselves "why should we bother?". Fair enough.

In order to stir up the muck a litle bit around here I offer this:

I will accept up to six offers of battle at this time. The person who beats me (as I'm sure you all will) by the largest margin will get to designate my next opponent and game terms (anything except sigs - I hate sigs). That oughtta wake up the cruelty brigade.

Ok you cretinous sack of dog offal, send me a setup if you have the intelligence, failing that, get the local village idiot to do it for you. I wait to see if you have the guts to accept my challenge, or whether you will sit there wetting your pants and snivelling into your meths!!
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Originally posted by Marlow:

More urgently, Lars is not fixed. Fred only knows what will happen if it ever reproduces. Bad enough with all those Minihahan "cousins" running around. If their are any Surgeons out there, I will feel much safer once the "fixed" Lars 1.01 is available.

With you, I'd stay you're still in Alpha stage, Marlow. redface.gif
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Marlow, Marlow, Marlow ,

I don't have time to waste starting a battle, to only have Joebob come up with an excuse why he could not send turns.

You, on the other hand, are getting quite uppity. Therefore, young one, send me a qb. Set everything to random, will even allow you to pick sides. I expect you to actually finish the game, unlike others here.

You have my email. Failure to respond will result in my sending Bauhaus to visit you. Literally....


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Panzer Leader

Since you had the incredible nerve of stalking me on a completely different bulletin board, I demand retribution in the form of a setup.

And no, I dont want to be Italians having to attack fortified russians across open plains (thank you very much for that one fox pee boy), nor do I want to be Rumanians stumbling around on a deserted map with equipment from the 17th century (your idea of fun Maklavlasklys?)

NO, I would very much appreciate a NORMAL battle, maybe even something with tanks and guns and other stuff that can explode or fall into bits.

But...I know I know...asking for something like that is just as bloody pointless as asking a supermodel to sleep with you. It doesnt matter how much you beg and plea...its just not gonna happen.

So send me whatever you want, just do it quick.

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Originally posted by Leutnant Hortlund:

And no, I dont want to be Italians having to attack fortified russians across open plains (thank you very much for that one fox pee boy), nor do I want to be Rumanians stumbling around on a deserted map with equipment from the 17th century (your idea of fun Maklavlasklys?)

Beat that Panzer Leader.
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Originally posted by Lars:

let us work some thing up for you, run it by legal, and then send it off to the Old Firm.

We certainly hope you mean run it past legal. We're certain we can't perform anything legal. Even if we, in this instance, for the first time since Ever, would jump at the chance of pro bono work.

No DSL for The Old Firm means no turns out this weekend since we're not going to download 10 megs of Anything hear thatHiram, anything, through this Modem from The Dark Ages.

I wish Mark IV was here, to congratulate me on my inspired use of sentences, syntax and above all, commas. But he isn't is he?

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