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Wine, Women And Sing songs, Long Live The Peng Challenge Thread

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Originally posted by YK2:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />An' ye'll noo bae assessin' any bleedin' penalty on wun o' tha wee lassies, unlaiss ye kin stand oop an' beat mae ain a small gam o' CM:BB! Speakin' o' whuch, Ah've prrroceeded tae tackle Aussie Jeff ain "Lonely Country". *SPOILER* Hae taills mae hae used that same setoop as tha wun hae fish-slapped yoo aintae early surrender wi'.

Waill Ah killed both haes Stugs on turn 1, an' haes poxy gun bah turrn 3. Sae at maks mae conclude tha Joe Shaw as A BIG GIRL'S BLOUSE!!!

You worthless Scots git! Yes I think I might well have done better WITH COMPLETE FOREKNOWLEDGE OF WHAT WAS OUT THERE! As it was I played with honor and didn't try to take advantage of the game but of course THAT would be something you wouldn't understand.

As to a penalty to a Lady of the CessPool, I state with full conviction that an error is an error and NO TRUE Lady of the CessPool would ask to be treated differently JUST BECAUSE OF HER GENDER. No, I am confident that Dame YK2 will see the light and admit to her error.

As to the game, I'll be awfully busy in December but if you can wait on turns then by all means send something smallish along and I'll demonstrate how a REAL Knight of the CessPool will behave. You, obviously, could use the instruction.


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Originally posted by Stalin's Organ:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Noba:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Stalin's Organ:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Noba:

And that's another thing you moronic Melbouornite - EVERYHING Mouse says can be ignored without any great effort at all!</font>
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

As to a penalty to a Lady of the CessPool, I state with full conviction that an error is an error and NO TRUE Lady of the CessPool would ask to be treated differently JUST BECAUSE OF HER GENDER. No, I am confident that Dame YK2 will see the light and admit to her error.

As to the game, I'll be awfully busy in December but if you can wait on turns then by all means send something smallish along and I'll demonstrate how a REAL Knight of the CessPool will behave. You, obviously, could use the instruction.


Wha tha feck are yoo on aboot, ye guffawin' baffoon? Tha were nae "error", excaipt tha yoo referrrainced some bog-weasel's website an' tha snot-brained web-pillock ye look oop tae had his haid jammed oop haes pooty arse! Surprisin' really cos at were alraidy filled wi' your shtyupid haid as waill!

An' even af'n at were a bleedin' error, which at weren't, tha wee lassies are nae tae bae "penalized" bah any bastarrrd bouncin' along wi' a bicycle pump stuffed doon tha back o' haes troos. Di' ye noo fergait tha' tha Ladies are sacrosanct??

Ye'll gi' ye setoop, Mr Hiram's gerbil boy!

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Minus 20 points for the Justicar because he IS the Justicar.

Minus 5,000.683 points for MrSpkr because he failed to mention my game with him in his recent update. This is because he lost 4 StuGs to my zooker soldaten.

Plus 20 points for Emma because she riles up Joe.

Plus 20 points for Gargoyle Focker because he riles up MrSpkr

Minus 20 points for OSGF because he talks funny.

Minus 200 points for all Aussies because they talk 10 times funnier than OSGF

Minus 20 points for me for posting this drivel.

Plus 500 points for all those who Sod Off Now!!

Treeburst155, proud Squire to Senior Knight Moriarty, Defender of Lost Causes.

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Points, points, points. See what happens when the Justicar rests on his laurels and allows the silly Odztraylyuns to post on about that silly game, Crikey (or whatever). All the sudden, everyone starts spitting on about points.

Even you, Foul Joe, even you.

For shame, man, have you no PRIDE?


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Originally posted by Treeburst155:

Minus 5,000.683 points for MrSpkr because he failed to mention my game with him in his recent update. This is because he lost 4 StuGs to my zooker soldaten.

How about it's because we are playing a game of that old broken down jalopy otherwise known as CMBO.

On the eastern Front, your bazookas would never have survived the charge across open ground in the face of half a dozen machine guns.



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Originally posted by Noba:

After we engage the transaltion machine for the likes of yourself, and others of your geo-locational-backwater...we find a lot of hot air, interspersed with many a random syllable trying mightily to coherance..

I see I've successfully mastered all the subleties of 'strine then.

It's hard work dealing with the lowest stratum of life. Really.

So emigrate! It must be hard on you being constantly outshone by Mace and Stukes and AJ and all those other intellectual midgets.

[ December 01, 2002, 12:00 AM: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]

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Originally posted by Stalin's Organ:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Noba:

After we engage the transaltion machine for the likes of yourself, and others of your geo-locational-backwater...we find a lot of hot air, interspersed with many a random syllable trying mightily to coherance..

I see I've successfully mastered all the subleties of 'strine then.

It's hard work dealing with the lowest stratum of life. Really.

So emigrate! It must be hard on you being constantly outshone by Mace and Stukes and AJ and all those other intellectual midgets.</font>
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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Points, points, points. See what happens when the Justicar rests on his laurels and allows the silly Odztraylyuns to post on about that silly game, Crikey (or whatever). All the sudden, everyone starts spitting on about points.

Even you, Foul Joe, even you.

For shame, man, have you no PRIDE?


POINT OF ORDER MR SPKR!! Crikey, bloody pointedly pigheaded solicitors trying to make a point! So, what IS yer point man??

The point is, the term "By Crikey!" is not to be confused with the True World Game of Cricket {of which the Aussies are the <U>unquestionable WORLD Champions</U> OI, OI, OI!}. True, the point you are attempting to make - that there are many "points" as it were in this GAME of GAMES - has some point I'm sure, but I'm not so sure of the overall point of it all. Let me see - there's "SILLY POINT", "BACKWARD POINT", "BEHIND POINT", "IN FRONT OF POINT" - I think you get MY point?

However, YOUR pointed but flawed reference would fail to impress even the pointy-eared Spock, who's pointed ears never had any "real" point at all - other than to point to some alienesque attribute that was inherited at some point in time.

Fortunately I'd like to point out that I spotted this pointed failure of yours in time to point you in the right direction. So, thanks to you Mr Spkr for giving ME a pointed opportunity to point all this out. Point taken?


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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Treeburst155:

Minus 5,000.683 points for MrSpkr because he failed to mention my game with him in his recent update. This is because he lost 4 StuGs to my zooker soldaten.

How about it's because we are playing a game of that old broken down jalopy otherwise known as CMBO.

On the eastern Front, your bazookas would never have survived the charge across open ground in the face of half a dozen machine guns.



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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Mike - Stalin's Organ - Mike - Stalin's Organ - Mike - Stalin's Organ - Mike - Stalin's Organ - Mike - Stalin's Organ...

I just wanna know... which one is the woman?

There's no woman there!

There's no man either.


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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Mike - Stalin's Organ - Mike - Stalin's Organ - Mike - Stalin's Organ - Mike - Stalin's Organ - Mike - Stalin's Organ...

I just wanna know... which one is the woman?

There's no woman there!

There's no man either.


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In honor of the Mericun holiday Thanksgiving (which I know all of you celebrated on Thursday, but we had it today), I'd like to offer a bit of a singsong:

"You can get anything you want

At Alice's restaurant (excepting Alice).

You can get anything you want

At Alice's restaurant.

Well, walk right in

It's around the back.

Just half a mile from the railroad track.

You can get anything you want

At Alice's restaurant."

Thank you.

We accept gratuities.

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

In honor of the Mericun holiday Thanksgiving (which I know all of you celebrated on Thursday, but we had it today), I'd like to offer a bit of a singsong:

"You can get anything you want

At Alice's restaurant (excepting Alice).

You can get anything you want

At Alice's restaurant.

Well, walk right in

It's around the back.

Just half a mile from the railroad track.

You can get anything you want

At Alice's restaurant."

Thank you.

We accept gratuities.

Gratuitous git!!
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Originally posted by Moriarty:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

As usual, you're wrong again. Ladies of the CessPool are exempt from penalty.</font>
Morarty, as usual, your comments are irrelevant.

Idiot and worse Joe may be, but he never said that the lady must suffer a penalty - he said if she was a TRUE lady she would not ASK to be exempt from a penalty.

Being the pillock you are I'm sure the difference bwtween the two statements is beyond you, but one must make the effort.

Now do be a good little tot and bugger off.

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Originally posted by Stalin's Organ:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Noba:

After we engage the transaltion machine for the likes of yourself, and others of your geo-locational-backwater...we find a lot of hot air, interspersed with many a random syllable trying mightily to coherance..

I see I've successfully mastered all the subleties of 'strine then.

It's hard work dealing with the lowest stratum of life. Really.

So emigrate! It must be hard on you being constantly outshone by Mace and Stukes and AJ and all those other intellectual midgets.</font>
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Jeez Nobby - who said you should move to the East Coast?? Africa beckons - go make a fortune in Caneroon or somewhere!

A setup is wining its way there as you read this - for amusement value you can command the Stalinists, while the glorious Aryan defenders of the Reich shall crush you under my command.

Toodle pip

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Originally posted by Stalin's Organ:

Idiot and worse Joe may be, but he never said that the lady must suffer a penalty - he said if she was a TRUE lady she would not ASK to be exempt from a penalty.

That is true Mr Music Maker...

And like the TRUE lady I am, I didn't ASK to be exempt..

I accepted that penalty square on the chin

but to keep you happy I have no qualms in accepting your penalty...

Hmmmm now according to my calculations I now have 70 points to play with, Minus 20 for the original penalty suggested by Joe leaves me with +50 points..

Just to show I really am as nice as dalem thinks, I shall use my points to buy Joe a meal of his choice complete with drinks, after all he was only doing his job, and as he IS the Justicar of the MBT I really do need to keep him sweet...

***Merry Christmas Joe***

May all your pressies include bonus points...

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The amount of aimless, useless, pointless poncing about that goes on in this Thread lately, often for days at a time, simply defies human description.

It would make me feel old, if I weren't already as old as dirt. Most of you lot, of course, are not that old. We'd have to describe you in terms of 'as f'ing dim as dirt'.

Now, it is simply impossible to take 'points' away from a Lady of the Pool. It has nothing to do with gender, and everything to do with the fact that, unlike the rest of you puddles of piss, they give the place at least a patina of class.

Now, I know what you're thinking: "Seanachai, it's 4 AM your time, what are you doing up?"

Well, if the truth be told (as it is here when I speak, and almost never otherwise), I'm suffering from an unseasonable bout of insomnia. At this time of year, when it's a pleasant 20º here (that's 6.6º Celsius for the primitives amongst you), I normally sleep quite well.

But lately, and probably because of the complete idiocy I read here on the Thread, I do not sleep well. And, rather than fight it, and lie there counting Mace doing Sheep, which always gives me incredibly disturbing dreams, I got out of my warm and comfortable (if sleepless) bed, and got online to say a few words to all of you.

First off, that very nice lunatic Winecape was in here, and offered a prize for a Cesspool Tournament Winner. And what's been done about The Details, as it were? Bloody nothing, of course. This lot couldn't organize a bottle party.

Or at least most of this lot could not. Fortunately, we have amongst us one Treeburst155, who, I know from my own experience, is almost pathologically organized and detail oriented. The words of Berli still echo in my head "What the hell? Is he high, or what?!"

So, Treeburst. Please to coordinate with the Justicar, Winecape, myself, and, for reasons never sufficiently explored, Noba, regarding this concept of a Cess Tournament.

Lad, I well remember your emails to me regarding the dedication you wished to bring to making the Peng Challenge Thread work, and I have never been more impressed, nor more frightened, in my entire puff.

Now, I'm almost certain there are other points I wished to raise...

Ah, yes! MrPeng and I are beginning our first game of CMBB. I will attempt to keep the pile of butcher's offal that currently inhabit the Thread up to date on our 'learning experience'.

It may, perhaps, be a bit slow, as apparently Peng is once again cursed with respiratory infections that make him chant children's rhymes in hopes of staving off the plague...although all right thinking folk know that that whole plague/children's rhyme thing was an Urban Myth.

Points to the Justicar for recognizing and isolating the source of infection! Points to the Fair Emma for posing something that brought a discussion more interesting than 'what breed of dog ended up eating Panzer Leader's yarbles mixed with horsemeat and rice by-products?'. And points to OGSF for consistently, and steadfastly, making the effort to maunder on about something while attempting to balance his 'wee spaniel' atop of his nose.

To conclude my remarks for tonight, and, hopefully, fall asleep sometime before dawn, let me finish by saying: Cherish each other.

You will never again be so likely to be in a community of souls so needful of your abuse, nor so worthy of receiving it.

Set aside personal animosities, pettiness, and grievances, and stay focused on the big, broad issues of posturing and tormenting each other that make this all worthwhile!

Remember: You never pass through the same stream of urine twice.

[ December 01, 2002, 05:57 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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