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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

I can just see it...

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CMBB will be released on a sunny day after so much itchy anticipation.

A flurry of short, brief messages will be seen here sortly after the release. Some may proclaim the game as the Second Coming (and indeed it just may be). IT ROCKS will be seen in 24-point type with the accompanying emoticons.

Some of us will post messages that sound like groans of satisfaction, of achieving higher victories and gaining ground. Some will give hasty reports of human wave after human wave crashing against the sides of some great grey colossus. Panzerfausts ready, erect against the swollen tide of Bt-7s and T-34s.

Then silence.

For such an unusually long time the board will be silent.

A few more messages. IT ROCKS may appear once more before we dive into the fray, aching for more. Largely unread, the post will grow old and lie forgotten.

Ignoring the boards, we'll dive back in. Into the sweaty fray. Orders will be issued, outcomes observed with unblinking eyes. Hands will again grasp mice like drowning men's last straws. Screens will be gazed at like first, lost loves coming back and asking us for one more time.

Will there be tears? There may be.

There may be cries of passion, of "NO NO NONONO" or "YESYESYES...oh guh-GOD yuh-YES!!!" as formations thrust across sun-baked steppes, plunge into soft earth, hold their ground as fires blaze and spread. Fingers will absently trace the silent "o" of open beer bottles as the beer grows forgotten and warm.

And oh...



...oh, I can't wait for CMBB.


..dammit. Got my tongue stuck in the beer bottle again.

Gotta go.

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Have you ever thought of writing Grog-Porn for a living?

"Ivan burst out of his T-34's hard metal turret, heady from the adreniline rush of just laying waste to an entire platoon of young Volkstrum. His heart pounding, face flush with excitement, he looked deeply into his loader Antonov's eyes. They knew the intense moments they had shared, cramped in that hot tank turret, would last an eternity."

Sorry, couldnt help it.

I cant wait for CMBB. tongue.giftongue.gif

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I can imagine the headlines the day after CMBB is released.

"Sales of mac G4 cubes (or the equivalent super-powered pc) took an unexpected spike up this morning as dealers were flooded with panicky phonecall orders. Most callers were incoherantly mumbling something about giant steppe maps, downtown Berlin, or human wave assaults. The FBI has been called in to investigate."

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I am going to want to test the C&C system ASAP.

Question about that:

If the TC of 2 man turrets buttons up, is the loss of Command instantaneous? (I am of the opinion these guys should have a memory to a certain point, like "X" minutes worth of pre-plotted way-points that become increasingly more rigid to shift or change).

Will the AI be able to decide to un-button (which it never does in CMBO)?

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Originally posted by Wilhammer:

Will the AI be able to decide to un-button (which it never does in CMBO)?

The bald one indicated in another thread that tanks now button and unbutton as they see fit. I don't recall if this applied only to Russian tanks or to all vehicles.
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That's a pretty bold prediction. I'll bet hardly anyone orders it. Those who do will be greeted by long load times, and soon find that all those "doo-dads" were Microsoft-eque doctored pictures of ingame shots.

Hell I'll even go so far as to say that ALL the troops will look like MadMatt and everyone will be asking..."Hey! Does that guy have a helmet on? Or is that a bald soldier?"

Next thing you know people will be running to the barber shop to get this same look going for them, and the boards will be filled with posts of..."I'm balder than you!"

The locked thread icon will be more prevalent than Britney Spears in the Yahoo most mailed content, and for once...BTS will simply say..."You people are ungrateful bastards..."



CMBB nightmare...sorry....


now what was this about




damn...I forgot the next line...

oh yeah.....

stupid tongue...stupid bottle....



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