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Strangest computer pick force ever?

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Just played the AI, and he picked the following:

1 Pn PzGndr

1 Co Volks SMG (gamey bastard!)

1 Quad Flak 20mm

6 Flak 20mm <- not a typo, SIX Flak20's!

2 Arty 120mm

1 MG Pillbox

2 Pumas

1 Stug3

1 Stuh

2 /9 assualt HT's

Good thing I didnt buy a fighter-bomber!

Easily the weirdest pick Ive played against, so I'm wondering what other bizzare force mixes has the CPU given you fight with or against?


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I played a 1250 pt QB the other day and the computer only gave me one platoon of veteran volksgrenadier for infantry. The computer ended up with a company of regular US 45 Rifle. Fortunately, it also gave me 3 75mm inf guns, 1 150mm inf gun, & 1 88mm pillbox in which I was able to place in good locations. The most amazing thing was one of my infantry squads ended up with 24 casualties caused with no losses to itself. I think that is easily the best I've ever had an infantry squad accomplish. Anyway, you can get some really bizarre setups with unrestricted type selection and automatically purchased units.

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Well, this was more unusual than a nightmare to play. One of my 1st QB attacks vs. the AI was me as US attacking 2000pts of Axis in the rain, Oct 44, village/med hills & trees.

He bought:

1 Panzer Div Escort Coy-

1 Coy HQ

1 Pn (3 Escort Squads (4 Rif, 1 SMG, 1 LMG)

(3 Panzerschrecks)

1 Pn (2 HMG & 2 81mm mortar)

1 Pn (3 Pak40 & 3 LMG)

1 Pn (4 20mm FlaK)

also, one 210mm howitzer FO

2 Panzer IV

2 Puma

2 234/3

1 Rifle Coy

1 Pioneer Pn

other junk

The AT & Flak would have been bad, if not for the med.hills and the AI putting it all in the rear of the map where I could bleed his infantry before tackling the guns. Even so, it was HARD to spot those 20mm's in the rain, ouch.

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PDF, they aren't available in all months, so you might not have spotted them. Actually, I'm disppointed this hasn't turned into the "have you noticed the computer seems to have some wierd prescience about your picks" thread. So, without further ado, have you noticed the computer seems to have some wierd prescience about your picks? I played against the AI the other day and fancied picking allies that roughly approximated a US cavalry attack (several greyhounds and halftracks, a couple of jeeps, two M8's and some infantry with light support). The computer, bless it's cotton socks, as infantry defenders gave itself FIVE 37mm flak guns and two 75mm IGs. If a human opponent did that, wouldn't you be looking to get a new password?

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While I can't give you the exact composition, I do remember one game in which waves of Panzerfaust-armed Volkssturm made frontal attacks against my dug-in infantry. The image of these tired old men plodding forward, and being mown down was really eerie. i even posted an after-battle overhead picture of the scene, showing mounds of dead.

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On a serious note, the most annoying feature of the computer picks is that it gives out engineers with apparently almost equal probablity as rifle infantry, at least in/for small scenarios. They eat up way too many infantry points, you end up with half the squads you need.

Useless halftrack APCs for the Germans are common too, gotten via the computer pick going down the list of available infantry and picking an armored formation.

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That damn Gamey Bastard, German AI, once picked 3 THREE JadgTigers (128 mm Main weapon the BIG ONE) in a 3000 pt Armour only ME, to fight against me!

I Said CRAP! and got to work trying to flank them.

I KO'd one with a flank shot from a M8 with a 37 mm round. Scored a gun hit on another one and immbollized the last one out of the field of action and barely won the scenario.

I had Hellcats and Greyhounds and plenty of 'em :D

-tom w

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