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New install-need mod help

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I need help from you veterans out there.

I just installed CM again and it's been 4 or 5 months since I played.

Now please dont beat me for starting another "What mods should I install?" thread.

I think that usually most mods are up to the player so it's hard to reccommend them but surely there are some mods that you would reccommend installing immediately because the original just cannot compete whatsoever.

Any suggestions for mods that I should install before I even start up the game?

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I have a question about Andrew Fox's mods.

a lot of them have the same number but an "s" or an "a" at the end of it

will it recognize that these uniforms are for different weather conditions or will it only accept the number and I have to extract them to a temp file and choose which one I want and then change the names first?

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a or b extension means you can switch the files for different configurations

most times these are vehicles bmp with turret numbers or divisional markings or different colour schemes such as the tri,bi and mono coloured german vehicles

just rename the files.

The game plays the bmp's without the a and b extension

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Originally posted by Canuck:

so I'm going to have to chose one set and change the names for each set that I want?

Argh what a pain in the butT!

You've have just gained true insight into the inner zen of CMMOS. Manually changing the variations, even when using batch files, rapidly becomes impractical when you have to remember what you did with hundreds of different textures.

My current guestimate is that 75% of what needs to be modded is now available on CMMOS, and the plan is to push it to 100%. If you aren't a Mac user go out and download as much CMMOS as you can stand. It will take you a week or so unless you have a DSL-surrogate, but it's worth it. Many of the CMMOS mods have gone through several versions, so start with the oldest first just to make sure.

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What shows up most while playing the game? Shermans!

Tom's Combat mission has a neat new Archer mod but you may never see one in action (I have a buddy who'still never used a RAM Kangaroo!). It'd be worth the effort to go for the most used first.

IMHO, the order of priority would be Shermans, faces, grass, houses, Greyhounds. After that pick whatever you want whenever you want.

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Originally posted by Canuck:

CMMOS? Translation please smile.gif

I followed Matt's Mod guide to the letter but I see that it doesnt seem to have been updated in about a year and a half so maybe i shouldnt trust it too much

MadMatt's Guide is very good to start with, but much of what you install will get overlaid by more recent mods. There was an awful lot of mod activity last year, all of it done after the guide was written. There was an evolutionary process as well, with many of the current mods being much more sophisticated in appearance.

The most significant mod event of last year was CMMOS. Almost all of the CMMOS information that you will need can be found on CMHQ. There's a separate section for it in third party mods, there are a lot of important CMMOS mods in Manx's transported Combatmissions site on CMHQ, but some of the most important parts of CMMOS can be found be looking carefully at that initial menu of recent mods on the right hand side of the page that is one of the first things you'll see when you get to the site.

At this point there are probably a lot of forms of mods that only exist in CMMOS versions. To give you a flavor, you can switch between different paint, detail, and camo styles on all of the Shermans at the push of a button. You can make almost all of your German vehicles show up as Mono-dunkelgelb, bicolor, tricolor, tricolor ambush, hasty camo, all at the push of a button. And then you can push another button and apply unit markings, Wehrmacht or SS license plates, and a plethora of other choices. Just looking in folders to and blowing up the individual bmp's would take hours. You can make all of these decisions and change your mind several times in a matter of minutes.

The list of what's available can be a little intimidating, but basically, when you're dealing with CMMOS, you want all of it. Broadband helps, but is not necessary.

There are a few categories that you won't see when you go looking in CMHQ, but many of the major ones that appear to be missing are in the pipeline and nearing completion. As we speak a spectacular second edition of the German uniform set is being tested, winter terrain types are all being tested, the different paved and dirt roads are being tested, assault boats are being tested, and there is even a music mod because the latest version of CMMOS (3.02) which will be released shortly even includes sound switching capability.

The ability to jump back and forth between these choices with ease makes it possible to tailor the look of the battlefield and what's on it on a unit-by-unit basis (you can switch the shoulder patches on Canadian and British troops, and, soon, on the Americans as well), season by season, and vary it by time of day and weather condition. Without CMMOS this level of tailoring every time you start Combat Mission is unthinkable.

The only real problem with CMMOS at this point is that it doesn't work on the Mac. Several people are working on this, but Mac capability may be a long time coming. In the meantime, for those of us lucky enough to have gone with the less elegant computing solution, with CMMOS you have the capability to easily switch back and forth between a mind-boggling array of choices, and, as long as you make the intitial investment of time by downloading all the CMMOS mods, do it effortlessly and quickly.

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Originally posted by Canuck:

Ok so I've installed the program and I'm downloading the files...but where do I install them to? My BMP folder or somewhere in the CMMOS folder? The readme wasnt very clear on this point.

A CMMOS mod usually has one or more of the following:

A) bmp files with funny extensions on the file numbers (e.g. 12345_GEM)

B) RuleSets. These are collectioms of text files with a few icon bmp's. The tip-off is that they usually come in a folder with a name like RuleSet001. Leave the contents of the folder IN THE FOLDER.

C) File List Additioms. This is somewhat rarer. These need to be placed (without any container) in the File List folder.

What to do with this stuff:

1) Bmp files go in the CMBO BMP folder. Do not put any folders in the CMBO BMP folder, but do put the contents of folders if the contents happen to consist of bmp's with extensions as described in A) above.

2) RuleSet folders go into theGEM Software/ CMMOS folder, folder and all. Do not take the contents of a RuleSet folder out of its folder. You'll end up with a dozen or so numbered RuleSet folders in your CMMOS folder.

3) From time to time you will have to copy a file list addition to the CMMOS File List folder. Never copy a folder to this folder, just the contents of folders. If you look inside the CMMOS file list folder you'll find a bunch of text files that tell the program (and you, if you read them) what each bmp is, bmp by bmp.

It's not a bad idea before you start something like this to spend a little time familiarizing yourself with the structure of the two directories/folders you'll be looking at, namely, the CMBO folder and the CMMOS folder. They do different things, but the way they are organized is quite straightforward. Eventually you'll want to install a sound mod, at which point you'll need to know where to find the WAV folder (in CMBO). Once you see how things are organized you'll realize how simple it all really is.

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Originally posted by Philippe:

My current guestimate is that 75% of what needs to be modded is now available on CMMOS, and the plan is to push it to 100%.

A plan that will never be realized.
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Originally posted by Captain Wacky:


I should have better said : 100% - my mods.

I was once cheated by a member of the CMMOS community. So I don't support it.

[ March 26, 2002, 03:56 PM: Message edited by: Scipio ]

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Originally posted by Scipio:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Captain Wacky:


I should have better said : 100% - my mods.

I was once cheated by a member of the CMMOS community. So I don't support it.</font>

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Originally posted by Scipio:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Philippe:

My current guestimate is that 75% of what needs to be modded is now available on CMMOS, and the plan is to push it to 100%.

A plan that will never be realized.</font>
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Originally posted by Gordon:


Ok, now that that's out in the open I at least know how to deal with you in the future. As far as you are concerned, I personally wronged you, cheated, plagarized, whatever you want to call it. It couldn't have been a single person acting on his own who did that. It couldn't be that when Madmatt, Manx and I first found out about the situation that we did everything asked of us to right the situation. No, you'd rather tar the whole CMMOS community as a band of thieves.

Fine, I will no longer bother you with trying to make things right.

As the ring-leader of the band of thieves and liars, maybe I should take my ball and bat and go home too.


Gordon, we know that I didn't meant you. Anyway, I have made my experience, and I wasn't amused. If you feel pissed because a modmaker is so impudent and won't support your CMMOS empire, it's your problem, but it tells me everything I need to know about it. I guess I have the good right to see CMMOS not as the sacrosanct right and only way.

I can't remember that Madmatt ever did something else to clear a situation than telling us to clear our problems on our own and leave him in peace.

And a final word: all my mods are of lowest quality, so I'm pretty sure that no one uses them any way, so who ****ing cares that they are not CMMOS compatible?

For everything else you want to know, read my signature.

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Originally posted by Scipio:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Gordon:


Ok, now that that's out in the open I at least know how to deal with you in the future. As far as you are concerned, I personally wronged you, cheated, plagarized, whatever you want to call it. It couldn't have been a single person acting on his own who did that. It couldn't be that when Madmatt, Manx and I first found out about the situation that we did everything asked of us to right the situation. No, you'd rather tar the whole CMMOS community as a band of thieves.

Fine, I will no longer bother you with trying to make things right.

As the ring-leader of the band of thieves and liars, maybe I should take my ball and bat and go home too.


Gordon, we know that I didn't meant you. Anyway, I have made my experience, and I wasn't amused. If you feel pissed because a modmaker is so impudent and won't support your CMMOS empire, it's your problem, but it tells me everything I need to know about it. I guess I have the good right to see CMMOS not as the sacrosanct right and only way.

I can't remember that Madmatt ever did something else to clear a situation than telling us to clear our problems on our own and leave him in peace.

And a final word: all my mods are of lowest quality, so I'm pretty sure that no one uses them any way, so who ****ing cares that they are not CMMOS compatible?

For everything else you want to know, read my signature.</font>

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Gordon, just read my signature again.

We let the people decide who is the bigger idiot. Me, cause I am, or you, cause you take me serious? :cool:

Thanks, and have a good night, too.

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