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I recently saw a picture of a Soviet KV-1 Heavy Tank in another thread here and i had a question.

I did not realize how big that tank actualy was until i saw that picture, for some reason i always assumed they were slightly bigger then a T-34 with heavier armor, sort of like a Russian Matilda if you will. Lots of armor but not a giant.

Will the KV-1, and the other AFV's be modeled to scale? Will it look as gigantic in the game as it did in that picture? Or will it look smaller then it actualy was?

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I was'nt exactly sure how the game engine handled it only because of how the squads were handled in 3's. I did'nt know if that had to compromise anythin in the game, or if it was all exactly modeled.

In any case the modeling looked fine to me in CMBO, but that picture of that KV-1 realy just stood out so much it made me wonder how vehicles were modeled mass to environment wise.

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Originally posted by Iron Chef Sakai:

I did not realize how big that tank actualy was until i saw that picture, for some reason i always assumed they were slightly bigger then a T-34 with heavier armor, sort of like a Russian Matilda if you will. Lots of armor but not a giant.

Comparing the size of the T-34 and the KV-1:






As you can (hopefully smile.gif ) see the difference between the KV and the T-34 in size is not that great.

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Originally posted by tero:

As you can (hopefully smile.gif ) see the difference between the KV and the T-34 in size is not that great.

Heh, that's a familiar place...

I agree with Tero, while KV is large it was not an order of magnitude larger than T34. But for some reason I got a very chilly feeling when looking at the ISU-152 in that museum. It looked much bigger and meaner than anything else there. Almost *sinister* :rolleyes: Brr.

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Seems like a good place to visit! Where in Finland is it situated?

Do they have an indoor display as well as the tanks shown outside? I always get a slight feeling of unease when I see the tanks exposed to the rigors of wind, sun, rain and snow like that smile.gif

Good luck in tonights game by the way, Hakkaa päälle!


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All vehicles are modeled based on blueprints and scale drawings and are exactly to scale, assuming you haven't turned up the visual scaling from within the game.

I *think* the average human in the game is about umm 5-11 or so with helmet, but even in CMBO all units are properly scaled. I have climbed all over many WWII AFV's and compared pictures I took with me next to them with pictures from within the game and its always been accurate scale wise. For example the rear deck on a Panther is VERY high and above my head and I am over 6-1. In the game it is at the same level.


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I've climbed over all sort'a tanks myself and agree that CM does an excellent job at getting the scale right. The Tiger is just that big and the M3 halftrack is just that small.

That's why history buffs love CM so much. When we read a historical combat report about a Sherman confronting a Tiger at inder 50 yards we can recreate it in the game ...viewing it in true-life scale gives you chills sometimes.

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Originally posted by Iron Chef Sakai:

Very cool....thanks guys.

Are there any big world war 2 museums in DC? I've never been but i heard the Air and Space museum is realy nice. Are there any museums for tanks and such? I've been to Patton Park, theres only one sherman just hanging out in a field near a howtizer there.

Not really. The Air and Space has lots of cool planes and such, and there is a nice weapons collection in the top floor of the American History museum. There is also the National Firearms museum in Virginia.

There was the Army Ordinance Museum at Aberdeen (1 hour north of DC) but since 9/11 it has been closed to the public because it is on a Military base.


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Originally posted by wwb_99:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Iron Chef Sakai:

Very cool....thanks guys.

Are there any big world war 2 museums in DC? I've never been but i heard the Air and Space museum is realy nice. Are there any museums for tanks and such? I've been to Patton Park, theres only one sherman just hanging out in a field near a howtizer there.

Not really. The Air and Space has lots of cool planes and such, and there is a nice weapons collection in the top floor of the American History museum. There is also the National Firearms museum in Virginia.

There was the Army Ordinance Museum at Aberdeen (1 hour north of DC) but since 9/11 it has been closed to the public because it is on a Military base.


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Originally posted by karch:

Anyone wanting to see what Aberdeen looks like and has Quicktime loaded, take a look at the 360 degree pans and objects I mad from my trip last year.


VR Objects

My DSL connection isn't that fast, so be patient.

Bump........I definelty need to see that place! I did'nt know anywhere like that existed!
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The latest issue of "Journal of Military Ordnance" which is associated with the Aberdeen museum said the museum is locked-down to civilians unless they can get a tourguide, which is pretty much impossible.

Since the museum isn't officially funded by the government (for some weird reason) this is a big blow to them, and they know as little about when restrictions will be lifted as anybody. Too bad.


You're not supposed to climb on the tanks there, but I recall back in '82 I found myself all alone next to the museum's JadgTiger...

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Originally posted by Madmatt:

I have heard (from several people) that due to enhanced security at all US military facilities that Aberdeen is now closed to the public. Can anyone comment on that further?



The museum is definetly closed to the general public. The spokesman there said he might have more info in April regarding when it will be open. However, he did say that if you have a military or civilian I.D. card they will let you in.

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Thanks a lot for the offer. He's unfortunately in ill health now, and we're currently playing 'Spring-time' by ear. No concrete plans being made if you catch my drift.

If however things go well I may take you up on the offer. He's a fascinating guy and has a million and one stories to tell.

Thanks again, and I'll let you know how things develop.

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