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IGN Reviews CMBB

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its about time. geez. expect a huge flood of orders...


Ack!! No mention of the mod community!! what a sin. i'll have to fire off a letter. maybe we can bump up that graphics and replay score a little... smile.gif

edit again:

it actually only got a 9/10 not 9.5. no biggie.

edit yet again:

they sure did pick some crappy screen shots didn't they.

[ November 19, 2002, 01:38 AM: Message edited by: Baetis ]

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Oops. Corrected my orginal post

Yeah, I only went through a few on THE MEDIA PAGE (as well as what they had in the review). Poor choices indeed. Where's the armor? Should have had some nice shots of a tank firing...or getting destroyed ;)

[ November 19, 2002, 11:34 AM: Message edited by: TCush ]

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Originally posted by The Commissar:

Wow, Im suprised that CMBB got such a good review ,,, from Steve Butts!

From Mr Butts closing comments
Closing Comments

Wargames have long been a niche market. While early PC gamers were often of a mind to appreciate these types of games, interest in these titles has dwindled as gaming has become more mainstream. And as publishers have become more profit-minded, this poor-selling segment of the market has been seriously neglected. But as the Talonsofts and Strategy Firsts have diversified their catalogs, there's a real opportunity for other developers and publishers to cash in on this oversight.

Enter the sequel to Combat Mission. Not only is it one of the greatest wargames we've ever played, it also takes everything that normally makes wargames so inaccessible and throws it right out the window. A slick interface keeps you focused on tactics while the level of detail and modeling forces you to adopt realistic strategies. Add to that the comprehensive range of units and scenarios and you have a game that you won't put down for years to come.

For those interested in a game that's more involved than the current RTS crop or one that's less tedious than the usual wargame, Barbarossa to Berlin is a perfect fit. With all the new holiday releases coming out each week, we don't always have as much time as we'd like to spend with the games that we really, really love. The upside is that I'll now be spending my Christmas break trying to find new ways to breakthrough to Berlin.

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finally, some good recognition for CMBB.

but i found the review a little too generic, ie. it was more of a highlevel overview than a detailed review.

maybe it is just me, but since i got CMBO/CMBB, i have become alot of meticulous with details.

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From the review:

There's a Wagner-fied intro screen but that's it on the music front

Wagner-fied? What?

Anyone who knows anything about classical music should know that it is "Night on the Bare Mountain". Definately not Wagner.

Further searching (google's great) reveals it was composed by Modest Mussorgsky.

So there.

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I don't care if the guy can't differentiate between classical composers. He gave the game great marks. And unless I'm wrong, his closing comment is pretty close to BFC's mission statement.

"Wargames have long been a niche market. While early PC gamers were often of a mind to appreciate these types of games, interest in these titles has dwindled as gaming has become more mainstream. And as publishers have become more profit-minded, this poor-selling segment of the market has been seriously neglected. But as the Talonsofts and Strategy Firsts have diversified their catalogs, there's a real opportunity for other developers and publishers to cash in on this oversight."

And to rate ANY wargame's graphics a 8.5/10 is pretty darn good. You couldn't ask for better publicity.

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Poor journalism? Hardly. It's a mistake. And mistakes can occur no matter how much effort goes into editing an article. There are far worse errors that can appear in print than a writer not knowing which composer should be credited with a piece of music, especially when the article's main focus is a video game. Poor journalism is a reporter blatantly injecting his opinion in what is supposed to be an objective article, misquoting his sources, failing to give both sides in a contested issue a chance to air their views (again, in an objective article), or maliciously misrepresenting the facts. I was a reporter for years before family demands made me bow out (most writers don't make squat) and this wasn't bad journalism. This was a guy giving "thumbs up" to a game this forum is trying to support, and the majority of posts concerning his review are pointing out what people didn't like.

The same thing pretty much happened with that interview that was posted a few weeks back. And those critics didn't accomplish anything except make the guy feel like a dweeb.

You can't get mad about it, if you want. But the way I see it, nothing is served by coming down on writers who are trying to send a positive message.

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He said "Wagner-fied," which I think means he just thinks it sounds like Wagner. Hardly a problem for a game review.

I thought the review was very well done, especially for an audience that might not be familiar with the CM series. It'll probably draw in a good bunch of new players.

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There ya go. Good review, and reasonably well done at that. If we're gonna knock any review, it should be an article that gives the game poor marks simply because the writer didn't have the attention span to sit down and really try CMBB.

As long as the intro music isn't credited to Kenny Loggins, I'm not going to sweat it.

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The lack of music options is distressing.
Music options? Have I missed something? Other than Oddball's Shermans in Kelly's Heroes, I don't recall music figuring in ANY battles in WW2. The last thing I need when I'm listening for firing on the far side of the map, or armor approaching, is some techno soundtrack blaring. Thank you, BFC, for not sticking in a feature just because the conventional wisdom says every game needs music.

I was sorry to see the reviewer marked the game's sound component down substantially for lacking background music. Other than that single feature, I thought the review was very accurate, and well deserved.

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Originally posted by Dave H:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> The lack of music options is distressing.

Music options? Have I missed something? Other than Oddball's Shermans in Kelly's Heroes, I don't recall music figuring in ANY battles in WW2. The last thing I need when I'm listening for firing on the far side of the map, or armor approaching, is some techno soundtrack blaring. Thank you, BFC, for not sticking in a feature just because the conventional wisdom says every game needs music.

I was sorry to see the reviewer marked the game's sound component down substantially for lacking background music. Other than that single feature, I thought the review was very accurate, and well deserved.</font>

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Originally posted by Stacheldraht:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Anyone who knows anything about classical music should know that it is "Night on the Bare Mountain".

The problem is that most people are horribly ignorant of that wonderful part of our Western cultural heritage. They're missing out on so much.</font>
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