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Everything posted by TCush

  1. Oops. Corrected my orginal post Yeah, I only went through a few on THE MEDIA PAGE (as well as what they had in the review). Poor choices indeed. Where's the armor? Should have had some nice shots of a tank firing...or getting destroyed [ November 19, 2002, 11:34 AM: Message edited by: TCush ]
  2. http://pc.ign.com/articles/377/377755p1.html Say hello to the new king of PC wargames. Final Score 9/10 [ November 19, 2002, 01:49 AM: Message edited by: TCush ]
  3. I've used it once. Oh man, took a Soviet tank....major explosion, lol. It took a lot of hits and eventually the gun was damaged. I'm not sure if I'll use it all that much, slow, expensive, and not a lot of ammo On Edit: Just set up a quick game, 14 rounds on HE, don't why I thought it was less than that. Might have been the random "Ammo" setting. [ November 14, 2002, 11:03 AM: Message edited by: TCush ]
  4. I just noticed this: A was watching my 120mm mortar shells fall into a small town. One round landed about 3 meters or so from small building, the explosion left scorch marks on the side......about 2 rounds later, the building was hit and exploded It's the little things like this that really add to game [ November 13, 2002, 05:57 PM: Message edited by: TCush ]
  5. I've seen links to sites than have info on the Armored Units, but what about Infantry? My knowledge on German & Soviet Troops is, um, well, limited I couldn't tell you the differences between a Jager platoon and a Fusilier Any websties that can help me out? Thanks
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