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How many games/turns do you get in a day/week?

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I love checking out the forum in the few free minutes I have during the day.. and evening. But I rarely find the time to play games anymore. Work is very busy and with a 15month old son and very tired pregnant wife, there is so little time to get any games in.

By the time I get Mason to bed, clean the kitchen, check office email and talk with my wife a little .. I'm just too tired to play.

I just played my first QB with a friend tonight in about 4 months! We keep track of game scores and the last score was entered around Christmas.

A few questions...

1) Married / Single

2) School / Career

3) Children / No Children

4) How many games / week.

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Reading you 5 x 5!

I too have a 15 month old, and finding time anymore for games has become increasingly difficult. Where I used to have 4 - 6 PBEM games going on at one time in addition to CMMC I am now down to one PBEM and CMMC. Understand though that I am not complaining, and would'nt trade my little girl for anything.

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I'm in much the same boat. I think at the most I've had seven or eight PBEMs going at the same time, of which 2-3 were actually generating multiple turns each day. Now it's more like 4, of which 3 only see one turn a day (if that). I was in CMMC, but ended up bowing out of that in February after about eight months in favor of scenario design and playtesting-- I found the effort required for CMMC was a constant thing, while scenario design can come in bursts, which much better fits into my schedule between career, wife, and 19 month old daughter.


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Married, career, two girls (ages 5 and 3).

Right now I have only one small PBEM underway, which averages 2 turns per day. During the ROW tourney I had a maximum of 4 games going at once (7 games total in the tourney) which generated an average of 1.5 turns each per day. My wife and I have agreed that it will be a while before I do another tourney. smile.gif

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1. Married

2. Dialysis Technition/Student (history major)

3. 2 Girls (4 years, and 2 years old)

4. Currently one PBEM game with 1 to 2 turns a day. Normaly have two to four games running at once, but am currently busy with school. Number of turns depends on opponent and myself. Sometimes several a day, but always at least one.

[ April 29, 2002, 12:42 PM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]

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full time Mac Tech Job 40 hrs /wk

7 month old son

Play CMBO:

1 or 2 games against the AI per week (I know the AI sucks) moslty I get my thrills out this game by posting to the forum on lunch breaks and during work smile.gif

ONE TCP/IP per month if I'm lucky

NO PBEM turns or games at present

-tom w

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Boy, you guys are making me feel a lot better.

It seems like just yesterday that I'd plan a whole weekend of beer, cigars and PanzerBlitz with a buddy. Stay up all night playing, sleep in, go to a greasy diner for a late breakfast.

Man how times have changed, along with what now seems important. I sure wish I had more hours in the day to play games, but I wouldn't trade my family for anything in the world. My son does play with my solido diecast tanks. Loves the Sherman and Tiger. Good Boy.

Hopefully as he gets bigger, I'll get a little more time for myself..... Yeah, and monkeys might fly out of my butt!! ;)

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Originally posted by karch:

Boy, you guys are making me feel a lot better.

It seems like just yesterday that I'd plan a whole weekend of beer, cigars and PanzerBlitz with a buddy. Stay up all night playing, sleep in, go to a greasy diner for a late breakfast.


Hopefully as he gets bigger, I'll get a little more time for myself..... Yeah, and monkeys might fly out of my butt!! ;)

"It seems like just yesterday that I'd plan a whole weekend of beer, cigars and PanzerBlitz with a buddy. Stay up all night playing, sleep in, go to a greasy diner for a late breakfast"

Oh MAN! those were the DAYS

We would gather 5 or 6 of us and Play Risk until the armies grew so large we were using chits of paper for number holders. We played Thrid Reich and World in Flames and that Other monster map with the spiral producution chart, that looked like a galaxy or something, and then the damn CAT moved stuff! We used to use the whole pool table in my friend's basement to set up those monster campaign games.

We could play all weekend and sometimes Monday and/or friday TOO in the winter if it was a SNOW day! I'm not sure how I passed high school? All I ever did ALL weekend was play wargames with the guys smile.gif

-tom w

[ April 29, 2002, 02:05 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]

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Hey all,

Married with a 2 1/2 year old daughter. My webmaster job is all "work from home" and it is awesome. Unfortunately this means a 60 hour work week at times....but at least my paychecks still show up in my account every 2 weeks. smile.gif And it is often that I need to go down to the basement to "update" my website....er I mean do my CM turn.

I remember the olden days when I would spend hours with Panzer General in my tiny apartment to the detriment of my college school work. Drinking beer, smoking...errr....uhhh....tobacco, but not inhaling. :rolleyes:

So now it has come down to 4 current PBEMs. 3 at least one turns a day (more on weekends sometimes) and 1 is just "whenever I can". I would love to have just 2 PBEMs so I can really take some time with my tactix. But all my PBEM buddies are nice guys and fun to play against so I've been doing the same opponents for months now.



[ April 29, 2002, 02:34 PM: Message edited by: Sarge Saunders ]

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Not to turn this into a game oponent finder thread, but any of you fathers that would like 1 PBEM game, I'd love one. I would have to let you know that I can't promise even 1 turn a day. Mondays and Wednesdays I leave early for the office, leave the office early to pick up my son from daycare and my wife isn't home until 9-10pm and I'm bushed. I can usually get in 3-4 turns a week, sometimes more, sometimes less.

Any takers? I'm really easy going, nothing gamey on purpose, but not too much a stickler for any rules as long as they are agreed up front.

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I suppose I'm in the minority here, but I've got the 18 month old daughter and a pregnant wife, and between the two my CM time is about as much as I could hope for. Having the baby keeps us from spending a lot of time out on nights weekends, and keeps us from going out a lot, and the wife hits the sack pretty early, so the evenings are chock-full-of CM. I usually have 4 games going and get about one turn per game in per day. (Playing them well is another matter ;) )

Am pretty busy at work (approx 50 hrs/wk self employed), and I know I sacrifice other things like sleep and exercise for playing games. I do find, however, that the 6-8 beer nights are few and far between and the 2-3 beer nights are the norm.

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Originally posted by Spanish Bombs:

I suppose I'm in the minority here, but I've got the 18 month old daughter and a pregnant wife, and between the two my CM time is about as much as I could hope for. ...

Hmm, I think we all may have something to learn from you SB. Perhaps you can start a new thread in the Tips & Tricks section. :D
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