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much more realistic, but is it more fun?

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Originally posted by Suvorov:

The Eastern Front was the most intense action of WWII and one of the most interesting if not the most imo. Anyone who is unfamilar with it is doing themselves a favour by learning more about it! Beyond that, imo I think in terms of CM, the forces are at the same time more balanced and more disseperate (needing different tactics). Some might disagree, but I always felt the germans with equal point layout always had a slight but significant advantage in CMBO quick battles due to their superior armour. Russian tanks on the other hand are quite potent...

Have you experienced the Panther tank yet? You should remember in CMBO how powerful (or over-powered) it was. Well no longer in CMBB! The smaller 75mm gun still has great armor penetration, but you no longer knock-out everything you shoot at just because of huge armor penetration. (this applies to all tanks ofcourse)

(*Spoiler alert*)

I played a scenerio yesterday that featured the Axis on the attack at night against a "sleeping" Partisan force with a platoon of Panthers and a good number of infantry. Soon enough after having made it through the scattered trees, I went into a shoot-out against Soviet armor.

In one interesting case, I had two Panthers shooting directly at a T-34/85 200-250 meters away. Hit after hit on the T-34's side armor resulted in penetrations, yet no knock-out! Only after the 4th shot did the tank crew finally bail out. Very cool.

I should add that the Panthers optics led to a BIG disadvantage in accuracy at night; the tanks missed the majority of their shots.

Anyway, yes, the game is bloody fun compared to CMBB, and the best part is... I haven't experienced gun damage yet! Wooohooo!

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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

Hmmm... well as for the "what kills what"... there will be a CMBB strategy guide! :cool:


"Ugh! Heap Big Chief Numero Uno speaketh not with fork-ed tongue!!" :D:D

A Stradgedy Guide huh? Now THAT will be cool - especially for the beginners. Umm...... that's probably most of us coz' CMBB ain't been around THAT long! And I don't even have it yet!!hehe.

IMO the best is still yet to come. About 6 months down the track after the odd possible patch and 5 million man hours of frantic mods have been created by desperate members of the CMBB MOD SQUAD, I'm sure this "game" will be FAN-FRICKIN'-TASTIC!

Throw in Charles' you beaut Strategy Guide, and Whey Hey!!. Some of the best game reviews for CM came after the game had been around for a little while and bugs were sorted etc, so give it a chance to settle down proper and hit its straps.

That is all,

Out! ;)


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The CM franchise success formula is simple. One word can describe their success and popularity, as it is very much like:


Very easy to learn, very simplistic to implement, but oh so difficult to master on a consistent basis.

This is only "CHECK!" gentlemen, we are still searching for "CHECKMATE!"

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I am having a ton of fun checking out the new units and scenarios.

I played the Battle of Minors scenario last night and marvelled at the 5 or 6 vehicles that I had barely even heard about.

Best moment of the night: Hungarian 105 mm assault gun taking out a kooky looking tank destroyer with a HUGE explosion as it crested a rise.

The Turan model is absolutely beautiful. Top 3 favorite looking tank in the game so far.


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  • 2 months later...

CMBB less fun?

Last night I did a small quickbattle on a challenging imported map. The AI outflanked me, the AI outfought me. CMBB is definitely more fun.

(As a side note, in that QB I got a gun hit on an enemy Tiger and was sure he had gun damage, judging by the way he was moving. I rushed forward to get a flank shot when to my surprise and horror the Tiger stopped "playin' possum", swung his gun around and dismantled my Sherman with a single shot! Hah!)

[ December 03, 2002, 11:00 AM: Message edited by: MikeyD ]

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Originally posted by barrold713:

Best moment of the night: Hungarian 105 mm assault gun taking out a kooky looking tank destroyer with a HUGE explosion as it crested a rise.

In Battle of Minors? You mean the road that goes into the town?? same exact thing happened to me, except it was a Renault the 105 took out at that crest. LOL. Very large explosion.
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