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One Flew Over the PENG CHALLENGE Thread

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by OGSF:

Och! Mah poor wee span'l hae cam aintae mah hoose wi' a Croda hangin' fraim at's arrrse. Ah'll ge' mah stick an' knock at off!

*swish* *squelch* *swish* *spludge* *swish* *splatter*

Hae's a fighter an' noo mistake!


Liege, not aware that spaniels are so large up there... the poop-a-scoop, me liege?


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by YK2:


Sheesh I almost spat coffee all over my monitor.....

OGSF that was a Gem.....

Strange thing is that no-one else seemed to notice just how funny it was.....

Dae ye ken thit yon heedthebaws dinnae understone yer lingo laddie?

whit a waste ah time an effort, maybe ye shood speel it oot fer them.......<hr></blockquote>

I got it. I just didn't find it all that funny. Harumph!

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Croda:

Argh! I'm cursed! Cursed I tell you. CURSED!

The Dalem is in the process of using the gamiest unit in the game to whoop-up on me. What unit you ask? The goddamnedsardinecanwithapopgunontop M4 Sherman!!!<hr></blockquote>

That makes me laugh in glee! "Ha ha ha ha ha ha," I am laughing, gleefully.

Back in the deep mists of the Beforetime, when all was kinda poopy because no CM yet spun in our CD-ROM drives, did I not state that "I am looking forward to lighting up all that German junkyard crap with my M4 Shermans"? Was I not mocked? Well, I can't remember, but I bet that someone mocked me. Yeah, so take that. And stuff.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Now that was just horrible. A horrible set of rules from a horrible little man. A horrible set of rules in a horribly titled thread posted by a horrible little man. Horrible, just horrible. You better HOPE this was an authorized thread Panzer Leader or I won't answer for the consequences, they could be ... Horrible.


Who keeps letting the horrible little yoick start the new Thread? I'm 2 pages out on getting caught up on the old Thread, and haven't even begun to read this one (a hard couple of days for the ÜberGnome; yes, I know you were all deeply concerned), but I sign on today to see that Panzer Leader (who still owes me my revenge, but Ishall set the conditions this time) has started yet another Thread.

Do we, or do we not, have large, vicious, amoral thugs who can be dispatched to the homes of Peng Challenge Thread Members who become excessively annoying, to beat them within an inch of their otherwise useless existence?

Actually, I don't know that we do. What happened to Von Schrad and the van? I haven't seen him in donkey's years. Bugger, once again, just when you need them, there are no evil minions around. Bad organization, that.

Shaw!, if you've returned from Canterbury (and don't any of you pillocks task me with having meant 'Coventry'; I know what I'm talking about, which is more than most of you can claim, even when sober), could we see to recruiting some large, vicious, amoral thugs to deal out summary punishment on Members who's sense of self-importance runs rampant. Well, actually, on Members other than the Olde Ones, who's 'run rampant' sense of self-importance is pretty much part of the job description.

I will be getting turns out later today (I need to run out and get some food into this house), as well as posting more (yes, what a treat you all have in store! Keep checking in so that you can be the first to read my many, many insights).

Until then, may all the protective and benevolent powers of the universe shove a fiery sword up your bums.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by PondScum:

I'm not sure which I hate you for more, mon petite general. I guess the Crodas will eventually wash off, but the French? The land of retrograde maneuvers, smelly cheese and hairy armpits? You... you... Pawbroon-lover.


Dear PondScum (may I call you Snowdrop?). Dear Snowdrop, you should know that the Crodas never wash off. They stick. And get in ya. Like the pox.

And the Evil One has another point. In addition to playing as The French, which is humiliating for you, the taunting, which is pleasing for everyone else, must flow fast and furious, like Vin Diesel B-movie releases.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by dalem:

Dear PondScum (may I call you Snowdrop?). Dear Snowdrop, you should know that the Crodas never wash off. They stick. And get in ya. Like the pox.


Just wait til he gets a load of his Inner Croda

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Do we, or do we not, have large, vicious, amoral thugs who can be dispatched to the homes of Peng Challenge Thread Members who become excessively annoying, to beat them within an inch of their otherwise useless existence?<hr></blockquote>

Ooh, Ooh! *(Raised hand fluttering for attention)* I wanna do it! I wanna do it (at least in the case of that pillock Mouse).

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What's this? Not only has your termite-hill of doom spewed forth SlutTruppen, but its now disgorged a couple of SlutTraks.... if your mound produces SlutTigers...

Berli in a bizarre twist of fate, you have offered a pit and have yet to produce anything of note... Gates-slut at least has the presence to entertain


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Leeo:

Ooh, Ooh! *(Raised hand fluttering for attention)* I wanna do it! I wanna do it (at least in the case of that pillock Mouse).<hr></blockquote>Dear Mr. Leeo, thank you for submitting your application for the position of Large, Vicious, Amoral Thug. Unfortunately we have filled that position but we appreciate your interest and we will retain your resume for future needs.


CessPool Human Resources

(In the CessPool, Most of Our Resources are Human}

p.s. I'll deny it if anyone asks, but you might consider removing the part about "hand fluttering" if you're going to apply for this sort of position in the future.


[ 01-20-2002: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Goanna:

Perhaps when the Bard is done stocking up on a bunch of Keebler snacks and maybe a new trowel he would be good enough to send me his selections in the second of the battles for the name of Peng, "The Gnomes Wrath".<hr></blockquote>


With Berlio and the UberGnome flailing around on my behalf in little festering worlds that YOU have created I might as well resign myself to an eternity of Gates-slutdom. I sure hope the Justicar is investiGatesing this whole chicksl & Lizardo Koenig conspiracy thing.

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Oh sure, and you thought this whole kaniggets quest thing was going to be a day at the races, hmmmm?

I suppose had someone with the brain of a pod not lost their name in the first place, we wouldn't even be discussing what a righteous evil bastard I am now would we?

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Goanna:

I suppose had someone with the brain of a pod not lost their name in the first place, we wouldn't even be discussing what a righteous evil bastard I am now would we?<hr></blockquote>

Actually we probably would. Now, if you weren't a righteous evil bastard we might not, but I wouldn't bet on it

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Gates-slut:

With Berlio and the UberGnome flailing around on my behalf in little festering worlds that YOU have created I might as well resign myself to an eternity of Gates-slutdom.<hr></blockquote>

Muahahahaha! My nefarious plan is proceeding apace. Soon I will have collected a complete set of Olde Ones™ and can have them stuffed and mounted on my mantel next to the velvet Elvis (the King, in his fat Vegas period, not the cohort of the Gates-slut).

I didn't go to Evil Doctor School for nothing!

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Masthead reports an object in the sea

Damme, what's this? A spaniard in a biscuit barrel!

Botswain, the speaking trumpet if you please.

Ahoy there! What ship?

El Cuco!

Who commands?

Capitán Sancho!

Ugh! I have heard of this lubber Sancho. As mad as a hatter, he occasionally escapes incarceration and launches a vermin infested navigation hazard such as this.

Captain Sancho! Your vessel is a hazard, we will take you aboard

Mr Jones, have a line passed to this Sancho and haul him aboard. Ensure that he recieves a good dunking, his 'vessel' looks to be crawling with vermin of all sorts which we don't want to accompany him. Detail two of the marines to take him under guard.

Mr Braithwaite, when Sancho is aboard we will exercise the guns on this flotsam.

Any vessel launched by this fellow is unfit to grace the sea.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

... Couldn't have said it better myself.

Was there a POINT to this post or did he wander in here thinking this was the Patrick O'Brien Wannabe Thread?<hr></blockquote>Sergeant! One of the convicts appears to have escaped from the Sturmovik prison hulk. Take the odious little fellow into custody.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by chrisl:

Muahahahaha! My nefarious plan is proceeding apace. Soon I will have collected a complete set of Olde Ones™ and can have them stuffed and mounted on my mantel next to the velvet Elvis (the King, in his fat Vegas period, not the cohort of the Gates-slut).

I didn't go to Evil Doctor School for nothing!<hr></blockquote>

Well, I have seen idiots on the outer board [cough]Brian[/cough], and I've seen idiots here, but this takes the cake. You didn't go to Evil Doctor School, you got a Masters degree at Lame Brain Idiot School. Who but a professional idiot would actually want the Olde Ones in their house? Do you really think you make enough money to keep the liquer cabinet stocked?

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Who but a professional idiot would actually want the Olde Ones in their house?<hr></blockquote>

Taxidermied you all wouldn't be nearly so difficult to deal with as pickled. And Seanachai goes out in the front garden.

You're just in a nasty mood because Goanna gave you a bad setup and you'll have to change your name like the Gates-slut.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by chrisl:

Taxidermied you all wouldn't be nearly so difficult to deal with as pickled. And Seanachai goes out in the front garden.<hr></blockquote>

A stuffed Olde One can still drink more than a pillock like you can afford

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>you'll have to change your name like the Gates-slut.<hr></blockquote>

Live well with your delusions

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