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The Peng Challenge - you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy...

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Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Hey backwards ass -- next time post a .jpg image (or even a .gif image) rather than those bloated microshaft bitmap files - .bmp files are too big and slow.


.bmp? .jpg? .gif? .grog

Yeknod Mono-drone de Lurk</font>

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Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

Yes, I can sit on my front-porch, comfortably ensconced in the pulled-out front seat of a '74 Ford F150, dip my Skoal, sip my sweet, sweet tea, down a dripping handful of pork rinds (that's chiccarones to you Texans), and think of Seanachai.

As I thought. He thinks of me constantly.

I'd feel ennobled, if he wasn't a bloody Southerner.

Isn't it nice to know, Hakko, that we are always here? You are never alone, my son.

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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Croda:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Slapdragon:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Croda:

Does Oddstralia have a national hero?

Gosh, think of the options:

Mel Gibson

Paul Hogan

Russel Crowe

Carrot Top

Mel Gibson

Not much of a list, and Gibson was born in the States.

I suppose Hogan wins by a nose over Carrot Top. What a sad, sad isle.

Perhaps you're confusing Carrot Top with Yahoo Serious? Easily done, I understand.

But before we begin trashing and thrashing all things from Upside Down Land, we need to give special amnesty to AC DC.</font>

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Good lord, Stuka, you're flying planes and having some sort of illicit affair with Keith Richards?

Yes, thats quite correct, I am 'getting a bit on the side' with an aging rocker.

Funny thing is, Keith thinks I'm Paul Hogan.

BTW, Seanachai don't you have an announcement to make?

Or are you still thumbing through your thesaurus for alternative words to 'gamey set-up totally rigged towards the defense'?

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Originally posted by Croda:

Does Oddstralia have a national hero?

Gosh, think of the options:

Mel Gibson

Paul Hogan

Russel Crowe

Carrot Top

Mel Gibson

Not much of a list, and Gibson was born in the States.

I suppose Hogan wins by a nose over Carrot Top. What a sad, sad isle.

Ignorance. These are all posing, contemporary idjits who are not 'heroes', although they fall all over themselves like street-walkers diving after a loose tenner to play them in the movies.

An Australian 'hero' that immediately comes to mind is Ned Kelly.

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Originally posted by Stuka:

BTW, Seanachai don't you have an announcement to make?

Or are you still thumbing through your thesaurus for alternative words to 'gamey set-up totally rigged towards the defense'?

Don't sulk, Stuka, it's not right for your...idiom.

Yes, indeed, I have to announce that I have crushed another Australian, Stuka, in fact, who'd quite handily won both our previous games.

What made this game more significant than our previous games is the fact that I won, I won quite well, and that it resulted in the Crushing of another Australian!

It was also distinguished, I have to admit, by the fact that I simply can't imagine how Stuka's American attackers could have won this one without direct, heavenly intervention (apologies, Berli).

He did try, and showed quite credible fortitude (although no more sense than one of Mace's sheep).

But in the end, the unnaturally one-sided scenario, and the forces of Righteousness triumphed, and Stuka was properly humiliated.

He, of course, poor lamb, points out that Alexander the Great couldn't have won this one from his side of the map. And all I can say is, "well, yes, Stuka, but he never got the chance to ride silly motorcylces, either, and the gods weren't cruel enough to make him Australian, which is how he got the whole 'the Great' thing tagged on. So it's still a bloody big fat loss for you, my Aussie nemesis."

Now, we will play another, most likely a good scenario by Andreas, who's a good designer. The tide having swung, I imagine this will also result in another, hopefully humiliating defeat for Australia's dirt-bike Warriour.

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Now, we will play another, most likely a good scenario by Andreas, who's a good designer.
{snort} ... OH ... I mean RIGHT Seanachai, absolutely {snigger}, why that's the ticket for certain {ah me}. An Andreas scenario {chortle}, the very thing to give the lad who needs a balanced scenario {chuckle}.

Ah you've done it again Seanachai ... mind it's nothing more than the non-double blind playing swine deserves.


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Tha damp an' spongey Croda ha' sain fit tae flap haes gums aboot "Australian Heros". Whuch ainly gi's tae shoo tha tha mould encrusted lump o' Croda Croda haes tha kultural accumen o' a multi-sexed frog. Seanachai haes tossed oop Ned Kelly as a fitting candidate, an' despite tha most ****eful renderin' o' tha character bah Mick(stick mae tae a window wheel ye gi shoppin') Jagger, as prolly a fair cop fer tha title. Boot Ah'm thinkin' o' a true "Australian Hero" ain a land tha didnae hae heros' unlaiss tha incumbent didnae mean tae bae wun.....sumwun wha any Australian wi'd nod haes head an' mumble "'Onya mate" tae.....af'n hae widnae sae dead....an' tha wid bae Weary Dunlop.

Any bastaarrd wha didnae agree wi' tha kin saind mae a stankin' setoop!


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Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

.bmp? .jpg? .gif? .grog

Yeknod Mono-drone de Lurk

Them's fightin' words, lad. Accusin' a 'Pooler of being a grog is tantamount to questioning his lineage during his wedding -- not a wise idea.

Like any other disease or blight, you must be eradicated. I challenge you, backwards ass, to a double blind scenario. I would ask the Justicar to serve as my second. Name yours and let's get down to the business of killing you.


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Originally posted by Stuka:

Don't like girls huh?

Wait a mo', you were the guy standing next to MrSpkr in that trench back in '16 weren't you?

(not that theres anything wrong with that)

You know, Stuka, if you would stop eating so much Vegemite before bedtime, you would probably stop having these rather disgusting fantasies.
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

<font size="-1">As to the comments of the fair and gracious Patch ... I forgive you, I know that you don't really mean to denigrate the films of John Wayne. Likely enough you're saying that under duress as Berli just wants to stir the pot a bit.</font>

That sir, is a flagrent falsehood. If Persephone has any flaw, it is her dislike of The Duke. I, on the otherhand, am a great fan of The Duke. I do question your piss poor opinion of which of his films is the best. Of the Cavalry Trilogy, Horse Soldiers is the best... though I can see why a pig ignorant southerner (redundent, yes?) such as yourself might not agree. Movies which are better than your questionable choice include:

True Grit


Big Jake

The Shootist

The Cowboys

The Quiet Man

The Alamo

and one of my personal favorites...

Donovan's Reef

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Persephone:


Looks like little Hiram stuffed a sock in. *giggle* *giggle*

Did he get his head stuck in a vice? It looks unnaturally...squished...

I think he annoyed those mean boys in the woodworking class again.

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Do you know, after watching the rather sordidly prancing activities on the 'Bren Tripod Redux' thread, it's rather reassuring to come in here and read an ongoing argument on the movies of John Wayne.

Makes more bloody sense. And the invective is clean, and a straight forward sort of 'you gibbering idiot, how can you begin to think that' opinionation, without that lip-wrinkling after-taste of Grog-smarm and dislike you see elsewhere in the world.

I mean, wouldn't anyone prefer 'gods, you're a sodding idiot, but I suppose that's no fault of yours, given how many times fate has bashed you between the eyes for being a fool' sort of argument, as opposed to the snide, 'I am Ozymandias, King of Grogs' sort of posting you see in the Outer Boards all too often.

Oh, tra-la.

I come to the Peng Challenge Thread to soothe my soul. What a horrible concept.

But when you consider all the posturing idjits in the world, all the horrible arrogance, viciousness, stupidity, and utter vileness...

Well, it seems rather cheery in here, doesn't it? I mean, people ready to call each other fu...er, extremely bad things over their stance on 'Bren Tripods' seems utterly foolish when it comes to calling each other the same, perfectly true and applicable things over which John Wayne movie was the best. I mean, we're still watching John Wayne movies. No one's given a rat's arse about Bren Tripods for years. Probably better to get your knickers in a bind over something you might have shared last night, rather than something that hasn't mattered a damn in 50 years.

Oh, and John Wayne was not, as Goanna has stated, a Nazi. He was, on the other hand, an extremely annoying and conservative fascist arse. It's not quite the same thing. ;)

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

One liners are MY domain.

And rightly so. I only stray occasionally. Usually it's where the original post does not give scope to a prolonged and thorough treatment. Although, now that I think of it, there's very few posts like that in the Universe. I mean, a man should be able to spread himself widely on most any point.

With most of this lot, it's a waste, of course. But the exercise keeps the mind supple, and the folk dismissive.

"Wots all that mean, then? Lotta big words to say a simple thing. Bloody toffs. Think the whole worlds fer them, don't they?" sound of spitting

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Seanachai:

I mean, we're still watching John Wayne movies. No one's given a rat's arse about Bren Tripods for years.

You might still be watching John Wayne movies, but that's because you're a raddled auld sot who's always in search of another line to steal.

You could more usefully spend your sunset years composing another set of Rules for the MBT, for I hear the heavy tramp of the bald one's feet. Here, I'll get you started:

Peng Tripods: Challenging The Myth

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Blasphemy originally posted by PondScum:

Peng Tripods: Challenging The Myth

<BIG>GACK!!!<SMALL> Quick! Take Mr PoolFroth out the back and <U>disinfect him</U> before the deadly Tripod Grog Virus spreads further!! Or better still, lock down this thread WHILE THERE'S STILL TIME.....


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