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The Peng Challenge - you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy...

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I have decreed that winter is over in the northern hemisphere.

To that end, I have dispensed with wearing flannel shirts and for the first time since early last October, I am wearing a short-sleeved knit shirt.

You may all thank me at your convenience and if you choose not to thank me, you may all kindly sod off. Again, at your convenience.

And as for you Sighing Ill-Wind (not bolded because you're a damn S.S.N. and because I'm in a hurry) remember the words of Benjamin Disrali, "All things come to he who has patience."

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Another bleating Antipod goes down as an embarrassment to the rest of the free world {again}.

Axis – 63

Allies – 24

Axis Major Victory

You were so close to the sheep pen, AussieJeff.

{snigger} Maybe next time you can do something about that virginity thing. {snigger}

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Friday is here. I can breathe a sigh of relief that somehow I got through the week without internal bleeding and little teeth gnashing. Nobody called out sick today and we had no accidents. We almost at full strength in my workplace. I can actually sit down and type something. It’s nice. I like nice Friday’s. Tonight I will put on some Mozart to drown out my neighbor’s rap music and play some CM.

Any suggestions on a QB or scenario with Croda? I’m going to stay away from the Random everything approach again. It’s biting me in the butt with Speedbump. I’m looking for something creative and spunky so I can beat him again. Even if the god of the trolls look with favor upon their scion, and he wins, I’ll still have fun.

Just an update with my same game vs both Elvis and JDMorse: The enlightened lawyer is winning on points. Thus far he has murderized a Green Panzer IVH and two regular SS Motorized squads. I was scouting with them and he caught them going through his cookie jar. I guess that Elvis is still trying to sell his Armor or somefink. He can get you a good deal, don’tcha know!!

[ April 12, 2002, 10:44 AM: Message edited by: Hiram Sedai ]

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

And as for you Sighing Ill-Wind (not bolded because you're a damn S.S.N. and because I'm in a hurry) remember the words of Benjamin Disrali, "All things come to he who has patience."

I am patient however ,

I will remind you of the words of your own Thomas Jefferson "Never put off 'till tommorow what you can do today"

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Originally posted by Simon Elwen:

I am patient however ,

I will remind you of the words of your own Thomas Jefferson "Never put off 'till tommorow what you can do today"

Words to live by indeed. But as I am at the office and am unable to send you a set up at the moment and how later this evening I plan on visiting the local pub and whoopee emporium, you will have to wait until tomorrow. But I can still mock and taunt you today, so it's not a total waste of time.

It's a total waste of MY time, of course, but think of this as a seasoning period for yourself, you bootless, beef-witted bum-bailey. Gird those so-called loins of yours and prepare to be beaten like a red-headed step-child, for I can only be paid off in blood. Blood, do you hear me? BLOOD! Or fresh produce, BUT I PREFER BLOOD! Unless the acorn squash still looks good, I've been serving them filled with sauteed veggies and I think if I add some sharp cheddar cheese it'll knock your socks off.

So, until tommorow!

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Boo, has Mensch been introducing you to the joys of model cement? Or is it all that photo touching that is getting to you?

Now hurry home and send some more stuff for my immobile KT to lay waste. He's getting lonesome.

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Originally posted by R_Leete:

Boo, has Mensch been introducing you to the joys of model cement? Or is it all that photo touching that is getting to you?

Now hurry home and send some more stuff for my immobile KT to lay waste. He's getting lonesome.

Fie on your incontinent KT, you post-prandial pillock!
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Originally posted by R_Leete:

[QB]Or is it all that photo touching that is getting to you?

U_R_A_Leech, since you mentioned photo touching...I believe you owe me a photo of yourself...for me to 'touch...send it now you pillock!


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Originally posted by Persephone :

...I believe you owe me a photo of yourself...for me to 'touch...

As my conspicuously absent liege was supposed to inform you, I have a new digital camera on order. Pics will be sent as soon as I have it in my sweaty hands.

BTW, whatever did you do to poor old Seanachai ? He hasn't been posting in his usual copious quantities. Did you leave him gagged and hog tied? One can only hope...

Edited for spelling. Or lack of same.

[ April 12, 2002, 02:50 PM: Message edited by: R_Leete ]

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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

An unpaid testimonial:

I had my photo 'touched a bunch of times and I feel that I am a better person because of it. Chicks dig me now and I can get a better seat at McDonalds. I was a "nothing" until I had my photo 'touched over and over again. Now that the honey's can't enough Hiram lovin and I'm oh so much fun to be around, I can hardly handle being me. Thanks, Persephone!!

Hiram, I'm glad it helped you out.

Happy Friday! (Oops, I forgot it was still Monday for you.)


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Originally posted by R_Leete:

As my conspicuously absent liege was supposed to inform you, I have a new digital camera on order. Pics will be sent as soon as I have it in my sweaty hands.

BTW, whatever did you do to poor old Seanachai ? He hasn't been posting in his usual copious quantities. Did you leave him gagged and hog tied? One can only hope...

Edited for spelling. Or lack of same.

The last time I saw the Übergnome he mentioned taking the Justiciar to the local bondage club to visit with Joe's grandsquire Hanns (if you can believe that was their real reason for going there)...so it is quite possible that they're still tied up right now.


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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Any suggestions on a QB or scenario with Croda? I’m going to stay away from the Random everything approach again. It’s biting me in the butt with Speedbump. I’m looking for something creative and spunky so I can beat him again. Even if the god of the trolls look with favor upon their scion, and he wins, I’ll still have fun.

I've got an unreleased battle you can use (serious, not Crodaburgesque) if you like.

An unpaid testimonial:

I had my photo 'touched a bunch of times and I feel that I am a better person because of it. Chicks dig me now and I can get a better seat at McDonalds. I was a "nothing" until I had my photo 'touched over and over again. Now that the honey's can't enough Hiram lovin and I'm oh so much fun to be around, I can hardly handle being me. Thanks, Persephone!!

Yes, but do the guys still kick sand in your face at the beach?
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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Unless the acorn squash still looks good, I've been serving them filled with sauteed veggies and I think if I add some sharp cheddar cheese it'll knock your socks off.

So, until tommorow!

A man who would eat squash would eat animal feces with a decorative toothpick thrust into it.

I'm back from physical, emotional, and moral collapse. Alright, truth be told, I'm merely over the first two, the latter is after being more of a way of life than a condition begging recovery.

Turns for everyone, Setup for Grog Dorosh, and perhaps even some particulars on the latest Meeting of Olde Ones.

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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Can you find it in your three sizes too small heart to cut down a bit on the Mondays? Oh, pretty please? I could just suffer from 3 or four Monday's per month and that would be sufficient. Mmmkay?

Careful what you wish for, Hiram.

A few weeks ago I told Berli that I hated Mondays, and demanded, as a fellow Olde One, that he do something about it.

On Tuesday morning they laid me off. That evening the Evil One sent me an email saying: "there you go, better now?"

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Originally posted by R_Leete:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Persephone :

...I believe you owe me a photo of yourself...for me to 'touch...

As my conspicuously absent liege was supposed to inform you, I have a new digital camera on order. Pics will be sent as soon as I have it in my sweaty hands.

BTW, whatever did you do to poor old Seanachai ? He hasn't been posting in his usual copious quantities. Did you leave him gagged and hog tied? One can only hope...

Edited for spelling. Or lack of same.</font>

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Originally posted by My lord Seanachai :

I consulted with Berli on an appropriate Quest, but his suggestions were either illegal, or likely to result in having to select a new Squire and send flowers to the widow.

Yes, sire, but, you know, that that has rarely slowed me down (much). Maybe once they caught up with me, but one takes one's chances in the world at large.

As to death, well, we all die sooner or later. Come on, do you want to live forever? Alas, you may, but not us of the unwashed masses.

P.S. Crodaburg is a never ending travesty. Boo Radley sends waves of troops to die, and yet still more wash up against the noble German defenders.

Edited because life is constant change.

[ April 12, 2002, 10:42 PM: Message edited by: R_Leete ]

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Ah feckin' HATES tha' stankin' gamey uber-bastaaard weapon VT! At's noo hoo ye fit a battle!!! Speedy needs a swift kick oop tha arrrse fer slaughterin' mah poor wee huddled pixel-truppen wi' a feckin' girly weapon lak V feckin' T!!! A real mon wid advance aintae tha poxy woods wi' FIXED BAYONETS!!!

Wha A Big Girls Blouse hae moost bae!!!



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Och, an' StukaNukaPukaPants tha gamey bastaaarrrd ainly kills mah ainly three Tigers ainside two snot-gobblin' turrrns! Cos some weepy burst buttock blister o' a runny nosed scenario designer fraim Der (BANG! You're daid matey) Kessel packed all three o' tha clanky buggers on a dirrrt raod ain the feckin' rain wi' a thoosand guns hidden aboot tha plaice ain tha Tarzan buggered trees!!!

Yoo bastaaarrrrd!@!!!


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Hail and well met all! I'm as nervous as an altar boy in the rectory posting here, but what the hell, I can take the abuse, I may even learn to enjoy it.

Let me begin by introducing myself. I'm a long time wargamer, back to the days of cardboard maps and chits, when I was master of the venerable A-choo move (those who don't know what the A-choo move entails are just the sort it works best against, ignorant saps). Have had to develope a different attack since the proliferation of the personal computer, as a-choo is a strictly an 'in person' stategy. None the less, without this awesome advantage I still manage to win the occasional game or two on the computer.

I shall be issueing the Peng Challenge to several withing the next few days and will consider mercilessly taunting any with the temerity to refuse my offer.

Till then, gird well your loins, as I soon sally forth to do battle on that Field of Honor known as Peng!

Your respectfully,

Sgt. K


Any use of the term 'fresh meat'(or similar epithets) in regards my person will be grounds for severe reprisal on my part. Be forewarned I will not be responsible for the harshness such a characterization may elicit.

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Originally posted by Sgt_K:

Hail and well met all!

Go to hell yourself.

I'm as nervous as an altar boy in the rectory posting here, but what the hell, I can take the abuse, I may even learn to enjoy it.
I understand that's what many Boston boys told Cardinal Law. Not my cup of tea, but hey, you Yankees are a different sort of breed (mongrel, I understand . . .)

Let me begin by introducing myself. I'm a long time wargamer, back to the days of cardboard maps and chits, when I was master of the venerable A-choo move (those who don't know what the A-choo move entails are just the sort it works best against, ignorant saps). Have had to develope a different attack since the proliferation of the personal computer, as a-choo is a strictly an 'in person' stategy. None the less, without this awesome advantage I still manage to win the occasional game or two on the computer.
We truly don't care WHAT your background is. You fail to understand the true nature of the Muthah Beautiful Thread - the game is merely a vehicle for the taunting. Skill, ability, and experience are only important as they relate to the taunting, snot boy.

I shall be issueing the Peng Challenge to several withing the next few days and will consider mercilessly taunting any with the temerity to refuse my offer.
Sigh. Another choir boy trying to impress his priest. If you would bother reading the first post (or paying someone to read it for you), you would note, and I quote,

After reading the rules, if somehow you're still interested, you should

pick out a particular person to challenge to a game.

If that person is a low level scumbag, or something akin to it like a Scum Sucking Newbie such as yourself, they might accept.

Which part of that do you fail to understand? The taunting comes BEFORE you are even considered for a match. Even then, the best offer someone of your, err, stature will get is from some toothless old man whose online subscription to Boys-in-Berries just ran out -- or, if the Justicar is unavailable, some other scum sucking newbie like yourself.

Till then, gird well your loins, as I soon sally forth to do battle on that Field of Honor known as Peng!
You really are clueless, aren't you?

Your respectfully,

Sgt. K


Any use of the term 'fresh meat'(or similar epithets) in regards my person will be grounds for severe reprisal on my part. Be forewarned I will not be responsible for the harshness such a characterization may elicit.

Go away, Special K, you don't belong here. The girl's playground is three forums down the hall on the left.

[ April 13, 2002, 12:31 AM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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