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EXTREME CMBB FAQ, Open At Your Own Risk

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December 19th, 2001:






Let's Hope this works. I am just trying to get the framework down for the mega-FAQ that will take up the next few posts...

Whew, this was a lot of work!

Take a look at the original <big><font color=AA0000">FAQ</font></big>!

<font color="0000BB"><big>Combat Mission 2 Frequently Asked Questions (Barbarossa to Berlin is gonna ROCK!)</big></font>

(thanks to GriffinCheng+ for the nucleus of questions that started this FAQ)

Where can I find information & screenshots from CM2? There are [edit]three![/edit] online interviews so far released:

Homelan has an interview with Steve and Madmatt up! Take a gander...

SimHQ.com has an interview with Charles up! Have a look-see!

Conputer Games Online has a preview of the game up! Have a look-see!

Gamespot has also released a newer (and VERY informative) Preview of Combat Mission: Barbarossa to Berlin, concentrating on many of the new features

In addition, the magazine Computer Gaming World (June issue) has a preview featuring a few screenshots and some words by Steve.

Computer Games Magazine (July Issue} has a good article with screenshots that include a sneak peek at the new interface by Deanco!

This FAQ will be divided into four sections. The first will be general information, the second will be Game Features, the third will cover Game Mechanics, and finally we will have an errata at the end.

<big>General Information</big>

What will be the title?

The title will be "Combat Mission 2: Barbarossa to Berlin", but the forum members DID provide a few other suggestions...

What is it about?

"Combat Mission: Barbarossa to Berlin opens with Operation Barbarossa, the German invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941, and covers the entire period from there until the end of the war in Europe, including the fall of Berlin. " -Charles

When will it be available?

"We don't like to give firm release dates for our software so early in the process, but we're aiming for late 2001." -Charles

[edit]The game has been pushed back to first Quarter, 2002, as of last month (November)

[July 2002 Edit] Steve said the game will be ready before the turkeys come home to roost (November?)

Can I do a pre-order?

"Because we won't be taking preorders as such smile.gif The main reason is that our new online ordering system, which will be in place fairly soon, processes credit cards online in realtime. Therefore, when you place your order you are charged right there and then. Because of that we won't be able to take orders until about a week or so before we think the game will ship." -Steve

Will it be available in stores?

No, sorry.

Will CM:BO be upgraded to the new standard set by CM:BB?

"Patches, as such, are impossible for us to provide. It would involve many months of work to make CM2 backwards compatible with CM1. Much of that time would be spent making a scenario translation tool, if it could even be done. What we are going to do in terms of revamping the Western Front is still up in the air. Check out This Thread for much more information." -Steve

<big>Game Features</big>

What nations will be included?

"The main issue is the large number of combatant nations. We're hoping to include Germans, Soviets, Poles, Finns, Hungarians, Romanians, Italians, and Partisans." -Charles, from SimHQ interview

The Finnish Winter War will not be in the scope of the game but "I also suspect that a creative designer could make a reasonable approximation of a Winter War battle since much of the 1941 TO&E for both sides wasn't DRAMATICALLY different than it was in 1939/40. Obviously the terrain is exactly the same." -Steve

WIll there be new "Russian" terrain?

"You can count on seeing virtually all the terrain fought over on the eastern front made available in Combat Mission. We're adding new terrain types to the palette, including steppe, tundra, birch forests, soft boggy ground, corduroy roads, and more. Further, we'll have each battle be set in a "region" (southern, central, northern, and arctic), and this will determine or influence local terrain, weather, and balance and availability of various military forces and nations." -Charles

"There will be three fords; Infantry Only, Infantry and Tracked Vehicles Only, All Units. ... vehicles will be able to cross frozen rivers. We are hoping to have an ice thickness variable for the scenario that will determine which vehicles, if any, can cross. There will be no vehicles breaking through the ice." -Steve

Will there be enhancements to the weather system?"

"Some of this is definitely beyond the scope of a CM battle. However, winter 1941/42 was too brutal to ignore the things that did happen in the frontline. MGs were especially hard hit on both sides. Not exactly sure what we will do yet." -Steve

Different types of snow covered terrain will be included.

Trenches will be included and will be placed during set up like barbed wire currently is placed.

"we are thinking of having two different height "fields"." -Steve

"Yes, vehicles will be able to cross frozen rivers. We are hoping to have an ice thickness variable for the scenario that will determine which vehicles, if any, can cross. There will be no vehicles breaking through the ice." -Steve

Will CM2 feature captured vechicles?

"We're... including the ability for sides to use certain captured enemy vehicle types, like Germans using captured [soviet] T-34 tanks. Plus we'll have lend-lease western tanks used by the Soviets and outfit the armored forces of the Finnish, Romanian, and Hungarian troops too, including their lesser-known and somewhat exotic armored vehicles." -Charles

What Vehicles will be included?

"We don't have a final count yet, but it's huge--somewhere approaching 300 vehicle types and variants" -Charles

"We plan to include the gigantic assault-rocket-firing Sturmtiger [a German armored vehicle] even though only something like 18 of them were ever built. It will have an insanely high "rarity factor" of course." -Charles

"We have no plans for mine roller tanks." -Steve

"IS-3 is probably in (2 textures sets have been done for this vehicle for two years, but the 3D model still has to be done, though). The IS-3 is like the Super Pershing: a production vehicle that existed and was deployed, but never fought. Prototype vehicles (Panther II, Panther F, night vision Panther, E-series) and one-of-a-kind oddities (Maus) will not make it in, however." -Steve

Other Vehicles spotted:

Elefant (with MG)


StuG III (A or B)


SU-76 (or SU-76M)

T-34 (type unknown)

76mm M1927 gun on a ZiS-5 truck (I think)


Will urban fighting be enhanced?

"We haven't implemented the sewer system yet, but I can outline our goals. It will be abstracted. You'll be allowed to tell your troops to enter the sewer and set a desired spot from which to emerge. But you are not guaranteed that they'll make it! And the time it takes can vary widely. Better-trained troops have a better chance, but conscripts may well get lost and never be heard from again." -Charles

"We won't likely have a single tiled building of that size, but instead "building blocks" for people to make their own massive building complexes. There are other plans, but I think this is the only way to deal with large industrial type buildings." -Steve

"We don't have specs for the new buildings yet, but they will still be limited to 2 stories. Shape and size will be the primary differences, as well as the textures associated with them. This will make the maps look more varied and offer more interesting LOS possibilities." -Steve

"Engineers will still not be able to destroy roadblocks or bridges, but will be able to toss explosives into building, and maybe take out barbed wire in the same fashion." -Steve

"I don't think we will be able to model partially colapsed buildings. It is on the list to try, but it might not be possible until the engine rewrite. This also answers the question about "mouseholing" (i.e. going through walls using TNT instead of going outside and back in). We can't do this unless we can have individual states for individual walls." -Steve

Will there be a campaign system added to the game?

"We currently have THREE folks asking to make a huge campaign system of one form or another. All three have made multiple detailed pitches to us. All three have started by saying all they need is the file format. All three have then described a system that requires much more involvement from us than just that to make their system work. We haven't rulled any of the three out (yet), but to be honest... I just don't see how it will be possible to do any of them. We know there is interest (though we don't think it is more than a decent minority of customers), but on balance it isn't as important as the other things we have to do. Remember, any campaign system is only as good as the tactical battles they contain. If we skip something major in order to do the campaign stuff, everybody suffers the loss.{correction. I made this sound worse than it really is. Let's just say that we are skeptical that "just an export file" will be enough. So we porceed with caution, but are still looking at the proposals I mentioned seriously." -Steve

"We might be able to put in Objective Flags into Ops. But again, Ops work hasn't been hammered down yet so this is only one possibility." -Steve

<big>Game Mechanics</big>

<font color="0000BB"><big>Gameplay</big></font>

Who's working on the interface?

deanco! The maker of the wonderful interface mods for CM has been tapped by BTS to design the interface for CM2, so we are in good hands. (A preview of this interface is available in the July Issue of Computer Games Magazine)

About new interface features:

"An Order of Battle screen that shows what you have is on the drawing board. It is a medium priority item, so it may not actually get put in. However... this will not be nearly as detailed as Steel Panthers and Close Combat OOB screens. See previous threads on this topic. There are many and our basic position on this matter has not changed. Too much easy information detracts from the "seat of the pants" feeling that CM simulates." -Steve

"We hope to add this (the ability to use a pre-made map in a quick battle) to the game." -Steve

Will there be new Command and Control Features?

"Command and control is being entirely reworked for the new game. Tanks may now be organized in platoons, and it's important for leaders to keep their platoon tanks in contact. This is a lot easier to do if they're equipped with radios, but the Soviets often lacked radios up through 1943. That means that the Soviets often must open their hatches and communicate with hand signals, which is very dangerous when people are shooting at you! Without platoon communication, command delay penalties become pretty severe. Worse yet for the Soviets is that early T-34 tanks, with two-man turrets and no radio, required the tank commander to drop down into the turret in order to fire the main gun, automatically taking him out of visual contact with the other tanks in his platoon. This creates a serious command problem for the Soviet player in Combat Mission: Barbarossa to Berlin. " -Charles

Will there be new orders options for units?

"We've added a new rating for troops: fitness. Low fitness leads to greater fatigue unless you stay put, which of course limits your tactical options. This is separate from experience, which now allows us to simulate poorly trained Russian conscripts who are young and healthy men straight off the farm, but who have received little to no military training. We can also simulate depleted elite soldiers, who are low on food and have been in battle far too long.

"Assault: The squad moves ahead in "leapfrog" style, with some men prone, offering covering fire, and the others running a short distance ahead. Then the two groups switch--the firers get up and move and the movers stop to fire. This is internal to the squad, so the average overall movement speed is around walking speed (the average of half-sprinting and half-stopped prone). So the speed is only moderate, but the advantage is decent use of available cover and the ability to return fire with most weapons (not the heavy ones like LMGs [light machine guns, as opposed to standard infantry rifles]). This is important because the "run" command in Combat Mission: Barbarossa to Berlin allows for much less outgoing fire than it did in Combat Mission, pretty much just limiting it to SMGs [submachine guns] at very close range.

"Human wave: Inexperienced troops are not allowed to use the "assault" command, but Soviets can use the "human wave" as an alternate. It involves the troops moving ahead at a brisk walk, firing available SMGs and throwing grenades once in range. Vulnerability is high so casualties are usually brutal, but morale stiffens (to a point) and it may allow you to overwhelm a tough enemy defense at close range through greater numbers.

"Hull down (vehicles only): Pick a spot on the map and your vehicle will move toward it until it has a hull-down firing angle on that spot. Movement is rather slow, but higher-experience units can do it faster.

"Cover arc: Click on two points and your unit will direct its attention to the triangular area created by those two limiting points and your unit's location. Except in extreme circumstances, your unit will only open fire on enemies inside this zone. So you can set the direction and range of engagement, which is very useful for ambush (which this command replaces), conserving ammo, or focusing a directed defense." -Charles

Will there be a full movie replay feature added?

"Yes, that is on our plate as an "Important" feature. Only thing that will squash this is if we get going on it and find that there is no reasonable way to implement without rewriting major sections of code. That is, BTW, the best way to do it, so we are already planning on some sort of ugly code hack " -Steve

Will PBEM be enhanced?

"we are going to add a notification that tells Player 2 exactly what was selected by Player 1. " -Steve

Will there be a better "Optics" system?"

"The only room for improvement from 1.12, that we feel is necessary, is optics. On the Western Front the quality of optics and aiming systems were about equal all things considered. This is not necessarily the case on the Eastern Front. We plan on coming up with a scientific method for augmenting the current aiming equations with an optics factor. We are NOT just going to make the Germans hit better than the Soviets in all conditions for all vehicles." -Steve

[ 12-19-2001: Message edited by: Panzer Leader ]

[ 12-19-2001: Message edited by: Panzer Leader ]

[ July 06, 2002, 12:14 AM: Message edited by: Panzer Leader ]

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Sometime in September, 2001 (I think):









Here let me help you with those links...Madmatt

[ 12-19-2001: Message edited by: Madmatt ]

The last boe was a sit-down, head to head, tete-a-tete Q-and-A with Mad Baldy hisself. Here is what we gleaned:

Okay folks, after a fifth of Jack I got Madmatt to splill some secrets on the upcoming game. I am posting this DIRECT and unedited as post numero uno as an interim solution to the new FAQ. Basically read it and weep folks, cause this is as close as we're going to get to heaven until I can afford another fifth.

Oh, incidentally, this Q&A has been in the works for some time and is NOT related for some crazy calling for a bone. Well, maybe that last bit is, but generally... Matt wanted me to make sure I said that the bone-throwing threads were pointless and he made a point of ignoring them. They have an INTERNAL schedule for information decimination.

Also, this information is offered AS IS with no gaurantee, no returns or refunds, and no further responses will be forthcoming.

From the Horses Mouth:

Questions for the UP-dated CMBB FAQ:


Will we have on-board artillery?

If you mean artillery batteries then no, the scale of CMBB, which still focuses on tactical engagements, would mean on-map artillery batteries is out of scale. As with CMBO, there will be individual artillery pieces in the Support Unit list that cover a broad spectrum of gun, cannon and howitzer types that can be deployed on map.

Will mortar vehicles still require LOS to fire?

They can now gain spotting through an HQ unit like normal mortar teams


What new terrain tiles are there? And what different affects on units?

Cemeteries [EDIT]See the newest screenshot!

Fences [EDIT]Same shot as above!

Soft Ground


Open Steppe

‘Build Your Own’ Factory complexes

Peasant Shacks

How will rubble be modified - specifically damaged and ruined buildings?

We are keeping this a secret for now, but we think you will be very pleased on how we have modified rubble. ;) [EDIT]Huge dangerous mounds of girders anyone? Take a look above!

Will fires be modeled differently? Will fires spread?

Yes, fires can now start small and grow bigger so there's a

lapse of time between when the fire starts and when it's a major blaze

which units cannot pass through.

Will water be treated differently? (Streams?)

Due to the new variety of weather, water and ice will be getting an enhanced treatment. Streams are not modeled as they are too small of a terrain feature however we do have a new “soft ground” texture which models irregular and somewhat water logged terrain regardless of the overall ground condition.

Will there be new weather affects?

There are many environmental enhancements including, separate Dawn and Dusk settings, wind strength and direction, various temperatures, and blizzards. We have also added a new EXTREME setting for display of rain, snow and other graphic effects to enhance the look of the game.

Are there any other tweaks being made to quickbattles, such as victory location placement and map size and shape? (Long maps instead of wide)

There are many tweaks including allowing a RANDOM setting for almost every parameter. All new parameters and now maps are better shaped and allow a new HUGE setting.


How will artillery be modeled differently? Will we be able to specify a) number of rounds fired?, B) pattern of strike area?, c) rolling barrages?

Artillery now has more realistic fire delays based on the formation the artillery is attached to. A Battalion asset will have a much smaller delay than an Army or Corps asset. For Soviets, that means they get access to some very heavy artillery support but it comes at the penalty of very long delays. This is offset by the addition of Prep Barrages for both sides.

Prep Barrages allow a Zero Time Delay barrage if the FO plots the barrage on the first turn of the battle. This represents coordination between the battery and FO prior the battle. This zero delay barrage MUST be plotted on turn one. If a player waits to turn 2 he loses that bonus and will get the normal delay associated with the battery type (in some cases those delays could be longer than the battle itself!)

A Prep Barrage Target is plotted as normal, it does not need to be within LOS of the FO but it will be a more accurate pattern if it is.

The barrage itself will begin to fall almost immediately at the beginning of turn one and will continue until the FO re-targets the barrage, stops the barrage or the battery runs out of ammo.

And YES the enemy TacAI can and will call in Prep Barrages and they can really really hurt!

Will units be able to specify whether they only fire at hard or soft targets?

There is a new function called Cover Arc that will do this. Basically there are two cover arcs commands available. Cover Arc for all units and Cover Armor Arc for anti-tank capable units. The CA command replaces the older AMBUSH command. Cover Arc ordered units will engage pretty much any enemy that enters the arc and Armor Cover Arc is limited to engaging armored vehicles

Now a user definable wedge of the map can be designated that will focus a unit’s attention and targeting bias. The arc can be unlimited in range and up to 180 degrees wide. Units in CinC will be more rigid and focused and will not be as likely to engage units out of their cover arc or of a different unit type. Cover Arc’s also have the added effect of giving turreted units an effective “rotate turret” command. For turreted vehicles they will also now retain turret facing even while on the move so you can move them out with the turret off center, continuing covering a specified direction.

More on this will be forthcoming.

Will winter be handled differently, specifically drastic cold, ice, storms and difficulty in carrying out actions in these conditions?

Yes, we have new weather conditions, types and temperatures that will all affect combat operations.


How many more polygons will the vehicles have? Is there a big difference in looks?

Everything graphically in the game is being enhanced. Simple as that.


Oh yeah, how about some more info on the "Command" factor in tanks? Will there be a command tank, and will it be a non-gunned befelswagen or just another tank?

When tanks are purchased (or setup by designer) to be in platoons there will be a HQ tank. The tank will be fully armed. When individual tanks of a platoon either lose their HQ tank or wander to far from the HQ they will be penalized with higher delays and less rigid Cover Arcs.

And last, and hopefully least, will it run on WinXP?


We are also well aware of the current XP/nVidia graphics issue and are working with nVidia to resolve this problem as well as taking steps on our end to try and reduce/eliminate the issues all together. Current testing on XP/nVidia platforms has been very encouraging and corruption has been all but eliminated in-game.

Extra Bones!

There many new commands for both movement and combat including:

Move to Contact

Seek Hull Down



Sneak (uses all new behavior over older command)

Human Wave

Shoot and Scoot

And more!

The entire Command and Control system has been overhauled for all units. Too much so to go into detail in this FAQ. Literally, every facet of command and unit behavior has been tweaked and overhauled. Much more than most people would have thought possible! ;)

Battles are much less compressed than before and have a more natural flow to them. This has been accomplished due to a combination of the new tactical tools available to the player as well as more realistic associated unit behaviors, TacAi, unit fitness and a newly implemented fatigue model.

The new Casualty option available in the QB parameters also adds a thrilling new game element. Some of the testers have taken to calling it the “Game Before The Game”.

The setting is chosen as a Percentage of Casualties to be dealt out to either side (they have separate settings) prior to the battle commencing.

Basically the computer will add the % you select to your total force allotment and then selectively delete men, machines and entire units to get back to the original point amount. For example, if you want a 20% deleted force and choose to make the game a 1000 point battle, you would actually have about 1250 points to buy units.

Once you (or the autopurchaser) bought your units it would then go

through and delete enough stuff to get you back down to 1000 points. Be

advised there is no limit to what you *could* loose including that costly

FO or Fighter-Bomber, or a particularly expensive tank platoon.

The computer also uses logic in deleting units. It wont delete a King Tiger, for example, if it only needed to reduce your force total by another 10 points.

That’s why its called the "Game before the Game", care must be taken to use the “extra” points granted to you with the understanding that there are no guarantees of what you will end up with. This has the effect of awarding the player who chooses a coordinated force while potentially penalizing a player that depends on victory being delivered by one or two specific units.

[ 12-19-2001: Message edited by: Panzer Leader ]</p>

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Is that all of them? It's all I could find, but it seems to me I remember some "lost" CMHQ shots, I could be wrong though...

I would love it if they were linked thumbnails, and it surely wouldn't be such a hit to phone-line users that way, but alas, I am an idiot who knows not the finer working of html, etc. Can you work some magic on them, Madmatt?

(Or keep posting pics and we'll sweep up later!)

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Excellent work here! Yep, I am surprised to see the various other site referenced for the screen shots and that makes this page way slow on the office LAN. Hehe. I am also surprised I nearly missed this FAQ.

Keep up the good work!

BTW, isn't that rubble in the pic after the graveyard pic? The mood of the graveyard pic is excellent!

Psst! Please remove the ref to my name to this faq. :D

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Is that all of them? It's all I could find, but it seems to me I remember some "lost" CMHQ shots, I could be wrong though...<hr></blockquote>

PL, The T-34 pic from the CG Online interview is the main missing one.

Thanks for listing all the pics. Maybe instead of inline pics, just a list of URLs to the pics would look neater? Not all of them have thumbnails, unfortunately.

And many thanks to BTS for the very nice Bones. Very pleasantly surprised at the numerous graphical and gameplay enhancements that are coming in CMBB. Almost makes the wait bearable. Almost. ;)

- Chris

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And just to put the links all in one place: the most recent Boneage (no, not THAT kind of boneage):

A Bone is Thrown!

So umm hey Madmatt! What exactly will a 9km square map look like at dawn in CMBB?

So hey, what's all this I hear about Doodads? Details inside!

What will Wind do in CMBB?

Links to previous Teasage:

That time of year again: Updating the CMBB FAQ

- Chris

[Edit: Fixed links due to forum number change]

[ February 23, 2002, 08:57 PM: Message edited by: Wolfe ]

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Ricochet:

4 pics up there's a shot of infantry moving towards the camera yet the info box says it's pinned. Is this something new or just beta testing?<hr></blockquote>

It's currently in CMBO. If a squad is on the move while taking a good deal of fire, it can become "Pinned", but keep moving. It will go to ground as soon as it reaches its destination (or panics and runs in another direction, whichever comes first).

- Chris

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Madmatt et al -----

This is a great post.

I am sorry if I have missed the answer to this question:

In CMBO huge maps often caused a rather irritating viewing situation. At very long ranges, the player could not actually see the target. It would appear to be over a "graphics scrolling horizon". The unit in the game however COULD see the target because the terrain was in fact flat. So as a player you could not have both the firing unit and the target unit on the screen at the same time. (at least I couldn't).

Has this been fixed ?

Maybe I need to be fixed !! Toad

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