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Originally posted by Buzzsaw:

Lars has already confessed to leering at members of the fairer sex as he swills beer on his beloved lake. On rare occasions he has been known to brush the potato chips from chest, stand up, and make obscene gestures with his fishing pole.

It's not that rare actually.

And it's only a hour until they let me out of here.

Look out lake, here I come.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Now if the two girls had been ripping clothing ...

I also found it lacked a certain, oh,... what's the word I'm looking for... pileofsweatynakedstenographers?

It's reassuring to see that however low the 'Pool gets, there is always a newer, suckier SSN... a droolier, more idjity drooling idjit... a gamier, more bastardesque gamey bastardy. Plus the same old sucky idjit gamey bastards that've always been here.

Speaking of which:


Joe Shaw, how is it that I seem to have your Canuckleheads surrounded? I thought you were attacking in this one? You keep shelling those empty woods, now, if it makes you happy.

As for the game with jdmorse: feh and poot, as Peng would say. Our over-the-hill ambulance-chaser has rickets, a platoon of StuGs, a battalion+ of FallingGerbils, and what Rune give me? Bob and Doug MacKenzie's slow cousin and Hoser the Wonder Dog. The [censored] I got for reinforcements on [censored] would almost [censored] if [censored] [censored] [censored]!

And the pathetic, Hiramesque flailing in the game with stevethehorriblelittlerat-facedgit is dreary to behold. I can't kill his tanks, and he's almost out of infantry. Another dreary round of "is the clock up yet"?

As for Seanachai, I will be revenged on you, sirrah! I'm planning to get around to that Real Soon Now, too.


Agua Perdido

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Originally posted by Goanna:

Each and every one of you pathetic surrender monkeys owes me a turn.

OK, maybe not all of you, but I still hate each and every one of you anyway.

Now can one of you sweaty circle-jerking marines (uncapitalised to show proper disdainfor their ilk) please put a bullet in this crappy cricket playing SSN, Khan. He's a bloody serial posting twit.

Now if you want to talk about bonza cricket teams, you need look no further than Australia. I could go on for days . . .

Feels like you have already.

No, really there, Aussie guy, just keep churning out more of that captivating and enthralling tripe you're peddling... snore.

And when you're finished, by all means drop some more nickels into AussieJeff and Mace.

What, you Australians all get drunk together last night? Someone slip you all a few uppers in your drinks?

I haven't heard such a chorus of cricket clicking and chirping since the last time I walked into a meadow filled with the filthy little buggers. "Cricket this", "cricket that", "oh look, by golly, it's time for cricket!".

Face it, the sport is named after an insect. How important can it be?


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Originally posted by Agua Perdido:

It's reassuring to see that however low the 'Pool gets, there is always a newer, suckier SSN... a droolier, more idjity drooling idjit... a gamier, more bastardesque gamey bastardy. Plus the same old sucky idjit gamey bastards that've always been here.

Agua Perdido

Hava a care, Toilet Water! Lurker is no SSN. He is a Squire of House Croda! Which actually probably puts him a rung or two below an SSN in the grand scheme of things, which reminds me. How are things in the grand scheme? Moving along nicely? Good! Can't have any lollygagging about in the grand scheme department. Not good for morale and such.

Well...carry on.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

So, Squire Leete, I charge you thusly.

{horrible idea for a quest, more like a piss-boy errand}

Boo, I blame you for this. The delay, and the whole task/errand/quest thing. See if I confide in you any more.

Now I realize your existance in Akron is roughly akin to living in the third world. Like Oztrailia. But to go and gossip is just so Dear Abby. Next, you'll be making up love-slave fantasies about GB, and trying tp pass them off as someone elses. Say, old foul Joe, for instance. For shame.

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Okay, Lord Seanachai, it has been done. It will probably get me banned. Or, at the very least flammed from all sides. You may peruse my post on this thread. Chances are that the dullard will not see it for what it is, and I shall have to spell it out. Why do you make me suffer fools?

I found the pseudo-grog discussing (ranting), at great length (even you would be hard pressed to keep up), a subject that has been beaten to death so many times, and in so many ways, that it single -handedly is the poster boy for reincarnation. He's even posting statistics, for cripes sake! Oh, the humanity.

Happy now, you spiteful old man?

[ July 03, 2002, 09:51 PM: Message edited by: R_Leete ]

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Checkin' mah list here...hang aboot...lessee...Morairty, Leeo....och aye, here we are thain..

Boo Radley hae had tha jellified big jobbies biffed oot o' haim ain a MAJOR victory tae tha Clan OGSF, 87 tae 13 Ah think at were. A brilliant defaince conducted wi' scads o' manhooverin', tae throw back tha wretched Merkin's an' squish tha wun's wha didnae gi' thrown back...an' soo on, an' soo on.

Ain' other developmaints... after mah wee span'l clobbered wun o' Joe Shaw's powerful HT 251/9s', Ah clobbered another wun, an' thain mah wee span'l knocked oot anoother wun! Joe Shaw retaliated viciously an' knocked oot an MG Jeep belongin' tae tha Clan OGSF. Lak mae an' tha wee span'l cud gi' a wee toot on tha pipes fer at...we got thoosands o' thaim.


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HahahHAahahaha! I'm drunk on Australian/Canadian and New Zealand beer to celebrate the 4th of July! So happy 4th to you all!!! And to those of you not from the US . . . join us in celebrating our great victory over the poms! >=D


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What if you had a birthday and nobody came?

I did. June 6. NO ONE here except Mace and Lorak even mumbled a "glad to see you're still alive." Not even my evil mentor, Berli. I am most disheartened and contemplating suicide.


PFS - Berli, I need to readd you to my ICQ list. You were lost in the great HD crash of '02. =(

[ July 03, 2002, 10:09 PM: Message edited by: Kitty ]

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Originally posted by R_Leete:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

So, Squire Leete, I charge you thusly.

{horrible idea for a quest, more like a piss-boy errand}

Boo, I blame you for this. The delay, and the whole task/errand/quest thing. See if I confide in you any more.

Now I realize your existance in Akron is roughly akin to living in the third world. Like Oztrailia. But to go and gossip is just so Dear Abby. Next, you'll be making up love-slave fantasies about GB, and trying tp pass them off as someone elses. Say, old foul Joe, for instance. For shame.</font>

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Originally posted by Kitty:

What if you had a birthday and nobody came?

I did. June 6. NO ONE here except Mace and Lorak even mumbled a "glad to see you're still alive." Not even my evil mentor, Berli. I am most disheartened and contemplating suicide.


PFS - Berli, I need to readd you to my ICQ list. You were lost in the great HD crash of '02. =(

Ain't seen hide nor hair of you in a coon's age. How's I supposed to wish you a happy birthday (not that I would... ain't in my nature) if you're never online?

ICQ# 97998866

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Originally posted by Kitty:

Who the hell is boo radley? =/


Forgive me for repeating this again, but she did ASK (bless you, Kitty).

Well, judging from his tracks, he's about six and a half feet tall. He eats raw squirrels, and all the cats he can catch. There's a long, jagged scar that runs all the way across his face. His teeth are yellow and rotten. His eyes are popped. And he drools most of the time.

And thats on one of his good days.


[ July 03, 2002, 10:53 PM: Message edited by: Papa Khann ]

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Originally posted by Kitty:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Who the hell is boo radley? =/


Good evening, Miss Kitty,

You ask, "Who the hell is Boo Radley?"

Who indeed. I'm a renaissance kind of guy. Urbane, witty, artistic. I smell nice. Kind to animals, even Australians.

I am my own role model. Sadly, an orphan, but I bless my parents for having the foresight to place me in the little rocket just before our planet Krypton exploded.

Former squire to Croda, he of the adamantine exterior and the soft nougatty insides.

I am also the bane of Joe Shaw. Anything else you need to know?

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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />

Originally posted by Kitty:

Who the hell is boo radley? =/


Forgive me for repeating this again, but she did ASK (bless you, Kitty).

Well, judging from his tracks, he's about six and a half feet tall. He eats raw squirrels, and all the cats he can catch. There's a long, jagged scar that runs all the way across his face. His teeth are yellow and rotten. His eyes are popped. And he drools most of the time.

And thats on one of his good days.


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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

{snipped unwanted and unneeded verbage as a gardner will snip and prune a recalcitrant bush to an appropriate size ... damned near had to cut it to the ground in the end} ... I am also the bane of Joe Shaw ...

Hmmm, when I think of the word Bane I think of Isildur's Bane, the One Ring of Power that eventually overcame even that great lord and cast him down.

I think of Durin's Bane, the most fell creature in all of Middle Earth that was awakened by that Dwarf's greed and eventually caused even that lord to fall from his place of power and die.

But when I think of Boo_Radley ... well, I think of a cute little puppy, piddling on the carpet and getting swatted with a rolled up newspaper for his trouble.

Sometimes I think of Barbara Bain ... she was pretty cute ... years ago, not so much now.



[ July 04, 2002, 01:31 AM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

You caught that one quickly, young Hiram. I was slightly misinformed about yourself and Croda. Originally I'd been told you were living together, but have since discovered that you merely take a vacation place together twice a year. This doesn't alter the nature of your state of denial. I can only offer you my assurance that there is nothing wrong with what you two feel for each other, nor the way you express it.

Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

If by some small chance, you do accept this challenge, then you will still be a bit fruity, but okay (if you like that sort of thing).

Originally posted by Seanachai:

Hiram, fruit is an important dietary element. Your post, for example, convinces me that you suffer greatly from a lack of regularity. Eating more fruit would help you with that.

Seanachai, Hiram, Croda, you're three Wild and Fruity Guys!



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Originally posted by Persephone:

New Aussie movie starring Stuka, Mace and a Sheep (of course).


Ah Patch one does SO hate to give you encouragement ... especially when one has been the target of your ... Art in the past. But I have to give kudos to this latest ... it was wonderful.


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