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Sir, the Traditions of the Peng Challenge Thread are Rum, Sod-Off, and the Lash!

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Slapdragon, if you haven't figured it out yet, Brian is one of the biggest idiots on the board... remember, he brought us Bren Tripods


Berli, you have hit a nail on the head here, you may also harken back to the Enfield is better than the Garand and a dozen other ones. I was just surprised at the lameness of this particular argument.

[ 01-13-2002: Message edited by: Slapdragon ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

Dear Elvis

Please supply a second Wespe on yer other flank to balance me map...

Kind Regards


*sniff* Ah'm sae prood o' tha filthy wee bugger...

Are ye smackin' tha wobbly snot oot o' anywun ailse just noo, Squire Yeknod?


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

OGSF (swoon).... ahhhh, something tugs bossom again (sigh)... oooh, those gruff, grating, dolcid tones make me go (shudder).. ahem, right, new meat eh? Hmmmm, this Berli fellow (weight moved to release pressure point off left buttock)... any good?


Hae's a tricky wun alright. Ye baist bet as tae get arooond baheend hais wee pixeltruppen as quick as ye can. Hae has a tendency tae bae "exiting" haes units off tha map ainstaed o' tossin' 'em aintae tha frae. Seein' as hoo haes issued a general challainge, at's a rare opportunity fer a mud-swallowin' sod-stacker such as yersailf tae engage a Seniour Kanniget, an' an' Olde Wun tae boot, on tha paddocks o' glory. Gi' stuck ain laddie!


PS Didnae menshun ye buttock an' mae ain tha same post agin, an' didnae gi' mae them big puppy eyes either. Tha's enough bleend dogs aroond hae as at as.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Slapdragon:

Berli, you have hit a nail on the head here, you may also harken back to the Enfield is better than the Garand and a dozen other ones. I was just surprised at the lameness of this particular argument.

[ 01-13-2002: Message edited by: Slapdragon ]<hr></blockquote>

Yeah, that guy is a real wiener.

Speaking of wieners, what the hell is wrong with this version of the MBT??? SSNs everywhere, Mighty Joe Not-So-Young turning in his swagger stick for a flight helmet, YK2 reduced to hiking her skirts up in front of outerboarders, Gates-Slut taking over the Pengness that was Peng, JShandorf being civil (dog's blood work came back A-Okay, btw!)....

This is the kind of overdramatic tripe that used to send Data to his lab to check his positronic circuits for imprinted messages from another, proper dimension where things had gone horribly awry.

So stop it already.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Slapdragon:

I discovered that all right thinking Australians support the September 11th attack on the World Trade Center and feel the US had it coming<hr></blockquote>


[seriously]The majority of aussies were appalled by it, so much so that Prime Minister's popularity rating (and he needs all the help he can get) went up when he offerred to send our SAS to Afghanistan.

Of course our loony - hard - left immediately held anti-war rallies, set up information booths on why this war is a 'bad thing', established a tent-city and did all the other useless things they do, hoping for the Halcyon days of the Vietnam anti-war movement. The peace march ended up with a low attendance, and they were probably from 'rent-a-protester'!

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Mace seems to be the only Aussies who like us.<hr></blockquote>

I have a higher tolerance level then most of my countrymen - probably from prolonged exposure to a yank who attended my high school and become one of my best friends (Hi Brian).

I think this is called 'Brain washing'.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by OGSF:

Seein' as hoo haes issued a general challainge, at's a rare opportunity fer a mud-swallowin' sod-stacker such as yersailf tae engage a Seniour Kanniget, an' an' Olde Wun tae boot, on tha paddocks o' glory. Gi' stuck ain laddie!<hr></blockquote>

Was I challenged by Yakupafurball? I must have missed that one

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by OGSF:

*sniff* Ah'm sae prood o' tha filthy wee bugger...

Are ye smackin' tha wobbly snot oot o' anywun ailse just noo, Squire Yeknod? <hr></blockquote>

*sniff*... Squire Yeknod?... *sniff*, *sniff*... me liege *sniff*... would you *sniff* suffer the contempt and repugnance of yer *sniff* knights for *sniff* this wee hooved bairn?

oooooh OGSF *sniff* I couldn't allow it *sniff* blub, blub, awahawahawahawahawah


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr> Was I challenged by Yakupafurball? I must have missed that one<hr></blockquote>

I think not, your nefariousness. While he does seem to have a grasp of his native language, I think he is clearly in the "use the force for good" camp and may also be a pillow biter of Hiram proportions. If he doesn't pop off with a "can't we all just get along" post within two incarnations, I'll eat my molt.

Speaking of which, I haven't had a bit of sliced, diced and Pawbroon fried evil since we tested that last recon deal of HewhoIdonotbelievein. What say we show this pack of Il2ness bleaters how it's done, Hells-Half Sister. I'm thinking an attack defend byte battle or an enhanced QB. That is if you can get off your sorry arse to walk around the corner and get Moriarty to take a break from looking at our bushfire maps longingly and set it up.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Was I challenged by Yakupafurball? I must have missed that one<hr></blockquote>

Nope, missed this one too, er, ahem, what exactly did we miss? Er, okay, right.... aha! ah, no, gone again... oh, dear, I'm confused, no matter... er, what?


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Goanna:

Speaking of which, I haven't had a bit of sliced, diced and Pawbroon fried evil since we tested that last recon deal of HewhoIdonotbelievein. What say we show this pack of Il2ness bleaters how it's done, Hells-Half Sister. I'm thinking an attack defend byte battle or an enhanced QB. That is if you can get off your sorry arse to walk around the corner and get Moriarty to take a break from looking at our bushfire maps longingly and set it up.<hr></blockquote>

I am not at work... but I will be. I'll hit Morearty up later

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

oooooh OGSF *sniff* I couldn't allow it *sniff* blub, blub, awahawahawahawahawah


An' thas as why SSNs' arrre ainly guid fer nought. At's nae oop tae yoo laddie. Yer a stankin' Serf, takin' tae Squire, an' tha ainly blessin' ain yer miserable Cesspool life as tae bae thrashed bah ye Liege an' slapped aboot tha field o' battle lak tha watery-eyed raid-haided staipcheeld o' proverbial lore. Ye ainly hope fer a salvation o' sorts as tae worrk ye passage tae Kannigethood, or SOD OFF.

Noo, gi' on wi ye an' challainge somwun as af ye had a pair. An' ye kin muck oot tha stables waill ye at at.

Nice jobby on tha Wespe o' Elvis's, scamper off an' kill tha oother wun too.


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Cool, so have the T-man cut us out a square km of "Maastricht" (the e-QB with Stuka is quite enjoyable and I would think that overseeing your destruction on a map you created would be poetic justice if I didn't hate all poetry and Bards in general so much)

So, hows about 1000 pts of attack/defend in the above setting? He can either purchase for both of us or I will send him an e-mail with mine after surveying hell's half acre.

(edited due to the fact that in my seething disgust for Bards, I used the possesive in place of the plural to demonstrate my severe lack of Andreasishness)

[ 01-13-2002: Message edited by: Goanna ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Notice to Squires, Serfs and SSNs

I will accept the next 10 challenges leveled by anyone against me here in the Mutha Beautiful Thread<hr></blockquote>

Although most certainly not an Sq, Sf nor SSN, I've never had the pleasure of drinking during a game with Eeeeeviel. So if you're still not repelling boarders... as you say, something petite yet glorious, like my stalkette/stanographer at Wooster College. You lose and you must state publicly on the MBT "I accept Bill Gates as my personal Lord and Saviour." I lose, and... hmmm... oh, I don't know, have to drink a case of Budweiser or sumfink equally awful....

[not edited 'cause Andreas' Securing the Dropzone blows from the Allied side]

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Iskander:

You lose and you must state publicly on the MBT "I accept Bill Gates as my personal Lord and Saviour." I lose, and... hmmm... oh, I don't know, have to drink a case of Budweiser or sumfink equally awful....<hr></blockquote>

No can do buddy boy. My soul belongs to Steve Jobs, and there ain't no loss big enough in CM to get me to utter this foul words you propose. Also, I wouldn't make my worst enemy drink [shudder]Budweiser[/shudder]. As to a battle, send a setup

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Originally posted by the KiltFettisher

Noba, ye widnae knoo a good opponaint af'n hae taped haimsailf tae ye forehaid an' kicked ye ain each eye repeatedly! Ye stankin', festerin, soiled G-string bastarrrd. Ye kin saind mae a setoop af'n ye like. Ah'll show ye wah misey an' humiliation feels leek (although Ah'm sure ye familiar wi' thaim both already). Noo tae big a scenario laddie, an' waill reviewed. Pillock.

Reading the bilge you type is misery all right. Nothing but utter rubbish. Your kilt is covered in disgusting soils from your nasy,grotty,pus-coverd orifices. Your accent is almost as bad as ... as ... Seanachai's poems. Yuck !

I won't be knowing a good opponent playing your slimy self. Everyone knows the northern-bog-suckers can't fight for quids. Not one instance of bravery and courage amongst any of you ! Come out of hiding from behind that wall your Prictish ancestors built to keep out the Noble Romans.( Not that they actually wanted to go that far north and risk catching horrible diseases !)

Ye-gods, I'm going to need a translation program.

Anyone know of a "well reviewed" scenario ? I prefer to be master of the kick-ass by use of the QB... That way, your repulsive self can blame no-one.

Did I hear an Australian cricketer cast nasturtiums...Nah. Sod-off.

( "In joke" ) Aussies may laugh.

And Sire Slapdragon.....What Mace said.

[Edited 'cos everyone else does]


[ 01-14-2002: Message edited by: Noba ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by dalem:



And now the latest from Ozzie and Harriet. I will leave you all with this quote from the General forum describing the evil USA and its mistreatment of the whole world in 1980s:

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr> the USSR didn't have a missile which could even reach the USA<hr></blockquote>

Wouldn't the Russians be surprised to hear that?

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OK, I have to admit it, but I miss the ramblings of the Justicar. He was my mortal enemy, and he tasked me to no end, failing to recognize my knightly status even when all decency and intellect would show him I was truly a knight and deserved a squire, but he seeming endless drivel was a welcome diversion from the events of they day. In the same way I guess that a good car wreck spices up the drive home from work.

I think we should reconsider the removal of the Justicar. Afterall, Nixon came back for a second fun filled pair of presidential terms, didn't he?

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

I will accept the next 10 challenges leveled by anyone against me here in the Mutha Beautiful Thread


Berli, I know that secretly, while Persephone sleeps, you flip through your collected print-outs of Gates-Slut's postings (which have been carefully laminated to preserve them against... heavy use (as in "heavy petting," for those of you for whom things must be made especially obvious [COUGH]Croda[/COUGH])), whispering softly, "Oh, if only Bill would would grant me His benediction, showering me with His Holy XP and inspired faith, like he blesses the clearly-blessed Gates-Slut," and remembering how it tears at the core of your being every day to have to enthuse about the new flat-panel iMac to your Windoze-worshipping friends, boasting of its innovative design while suppressing that almost-irrestible desire join them in surrender to the lovely Beige Box from Dell or HP or Gateway that you truly desire--sure, you have a collection of 100 black mock-turtleneck shirts, just like Steve, but when you say his name you no longer hear the beautiful music of the choir of the damned, rather it dissolves into a vision of the shapeless frumpy wool pullovers and thick coke-bottle lenses of your true deity, Bill.

I will have a game with you, Villain. I will have my revenge. I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE.

Agua Perdido

[Edited to add an uncomplimentary throw-away reference to Croda, who is a brainless prat.]

[ 01-14-2002: Message edited by: Agua Perdido ]</p>

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