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Sir, the Traditions of the Peng Challenge Thread are Rum, Sod-Off, and the Lash!

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Slapdragon:

Sorry, Berli elevated me to a knight long long ago. Do a search or somefink.<hr></blockquote>

(As if) I'd believe anything YOU told me.

(As if) I'd believe anything Berli said!

YOU do a search and post the URL or SOD OFF! And even if you DO find this mystical missing reference I'll still argue against it because you haven't been here for ages and so there. Besides ... do we REALLY want a squire to be taught by Slapdragon?


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Agua Perdido:

Slapdragon, you idiot. Only Lorak has say over who becomes knight and who does not. Your name ain't on his list.

Agua Perdido<hr></blockquote>

Bafoon, that page is updated like once every 17 years when the locusts come out.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

(As if) I'd believe anything YOU told me.

(As if) I'd believe anything Berli said!

YOU do a search and post the URL or SOD OFF! And even if you DO find this mystical missing reference I'll still argue against it because you haven't been here for ages and so there. Besides ... do we REALLY want a squire to be taught by Slapdragon?


So here muffin man, jealous one who sits at home carping at his betters (well, at least you are not from Australia). I have not been around because I have been protecting the great nation of ours. Well, to be honest, I have been making training videos to teach people who are protecting the great nation of ours how to do it, but puffery has always been my specialty.

Anyway, here is a direct quote from Berli,

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr> The traditions were created in a drunken haze and can be changed at the lifting of a quart. How can I trod on your sacred traditions? I know! I fully acknowldge Slapdragon, Ronin Yojimbo Knight


found at Berli Demoting Slappy to Knight

Now, my governmental friend, go argue this one out with the Evil One. I merely follow my former lieges orders.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lars:


...I’m ready for another assault upon my liver.

So if you have the time to pull the umbrella out of your latest dink drink, send a setup, your choice of whatever and the usual rules.

I have to get in fighting drinking trim for winter vacation. It’s an all-inclusive and I intend to put a hurt upon these third world people.

You’ll lose again, of course.<hr></blockquote>

sigh... It almost makes me regret getting back into things here at Schloss Peng: just walking around with a drink, amiably chatting with my fellow sophiticates seems to make the less desireable elements of our society come up, poke me in the chest with a finger that smells suspiciously of bauhaus and bloviate something to the effect of "you lookin' at me?!?"

Well, it did single someone out, and it did contain just the barest hint of a taunt -- "dink drink" (although I'm a-quiver to hear what the proper definition of that is) -- so, I guess I'm on.... As with SB yestreday, allow me the time to get home, get lit, and get online... I'm sure I can find something suitable Runeish for both our livers.

And be nice to 3rd worlders... they might be mowing your lawn someday....

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All right, Noba, send a setup. Whatever, whenever.

If you can only kick garden gnomes about, you should be easy meat.

Never send a midget to do a man’s job, I guess.

Prepare to meet your doom, kangaroo hugger.

To bad about the squire thing, you’ll end up just like Enos on the Dukes of Hazzard.

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Bah! I see my error now, I was so caught up in my righteous disgust over the behavior of Berli in his snit over my religious thread that I neglected the less critical but still important issue of Slapdragon. I am, after all, only one man, I can't be everywhere at once.

Very well then, Slapdragon, since you were recognized by Berli as a Knight I suppose it must be so unless ... yes, unless the other Olde Ones should overrule Berli! By GAWD there may be hope yet.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

yes, unless the other Olde Ones should overrule Berli! By GAWD there may be hope yet.<hr></blockquote>

And since the excellent Chrisl did away with Peng, there aren't enough Olde Ones to overrule me. Back to your "You Make Me Il/2" forum

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Very well then, Slapdragon, since you were recognized by Berli as a Knight I suppose it must be so unless ... yes, unless the other Olde Ones should overrule Berli! By GAWD there may be hope yet.


Joe, you are a worthless sod, but probably a good guy underneath. You are forgiven. Noba. you may be my Squire. Fight Lars and fetch me a can of Boag's Beer.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lars:

Dink drink – Any drink with an umbrella, fruit mix, or found in a fern bar.

“Orange Flip anyone? Three Orange Flips over here.” {see Blues Brothers}


Not surprised a light-loafered chap like you would be such an expert on girly-things like that....

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Slapdragon:

Orange Flip:

* 10 cl Orange juice

* 1 Egg yolk

* 1 tblsp Honey

Although the original Orange Flip from Savannah is:

* 5 cl Orange Curacao

* 5 cl Island Rum (100 proof)

* 1 Egg yolk

* 1 tblsp Honey<hr></blockquote>

I think you're pointing the smelly finger the wrong way, Iskander.

This kanigget actually has the recipe memorized!

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I have a nice scenario set in 1941, with things that explode and conscript human wave attacks. There are aircraft, a factory, East Poland, and strange looking things [NOT those things Bauhaus ] that look like a Bob Semples tank. There are also things that explode, and more things that explode.

Try Cut Off! If you haven't played it yet. Canadians vs the Gerries. [Gerry Springer, Gerry Lewis [the French spelling], Gerry atric].

Now go away before I have to taunt you a second time....


Making Scenario for the Peng thread since before the dark days of cess...

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Iskander:

sigh... It almost makes me regret getting back into things here at Schloss Peng: just walking around with a drink, amiably chatting with my fellow sophiticates seems to make the less desireable elements of our society come up, poke me in the chest with a finger that smells suspiciously of bauhaus and bloviate something to the effect of "you lookin' at me?!?"

Well, it did single someone out, and it did contain just the barest hint of a taunt -- "dink drink" (although I'm a-quiver to hear what the proper definition of that is) -- so, I guess I'm on.... As with SB yestreday, allow me the time to get home, get lit, and get online... I'm sure I can find something suitable Runeish for both our livers.

And be nice to 3rd worlders... they might be mowing your lawn someday....<hr></blockquote>

[ 01-11-2002: Message edited by: rune ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Goanna:

Then last and certainly least, we have St. bauhaus. He obviously hasn’t been doing his reading or following the instructions of mentor Berli since he interpreted "defence in depth" on a large map to mean stack all the Germans that you can get a hold of vertically within 150m of the one large VL. We’ll be picking chunks of his troops out of our hair for months after my arty is through with him. He’ll be lucky to have a not-so-immaculate thingy left in a couple of turns.


Oh, you simp, if you think that's what I've done then my master plan has worked. Bwwwwwwaaaahahahahaaa. See the fact of the matter being, you won't have a bloody thing left to attack my VL at the rate you're going, except for the reenforcements that are chugging down the road of death.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lars:

I think you're pointing the smelly finger the wrong way, Iskander.

This kanigget actually has the recipe memorized!<hr></blockquote>

Heck, I don't drink it, I just make it for other people. Sort of like Australians and Fosters.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by rune:

I have a nice scenario set in 1941, with things that explode and conscript human wave attacks. There are aircraft, a factory, East Poland, and strange looking things [NOT those things Bauhaus ] that look like a Bob Semples tank. There are also things that explode, and more things that explode.

Try Cut Off! If you haven't played it yet. Canadians vs the Gerries. [Gerry Springer, Gerry Lewis [the French spelling], Gerry atric].

Now go away before I have to taunt you a second time....


Making Scenario for the Peng thread since before the dark days of cess...

[ 01-11-2002: Message edited by: rune ]<hr></blockquote>Could you please send it to hiramsedai@earthlink.net


[ 01-11-2002: Message edited by: Hiram Sedai ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Very well then, Slapdragon, since you were recognized by Berli as a Knight I suppose it must be so unless ... <hr></blockquote>

Joe, you idiot, did you lose the CrackerJack box that has the Articles of Unwavering and Arbitrary Cesspool Orthodoxy on it? A shmoe like Slappy only gets to be a kanigget if he meets four condition:

Next). Plays and completes 5 games in the cesspool while a squire to a recognized kaaaanigit.

37). Lorak scribes it so.

pi^e). There is no third thing.

Since Slappy has met neither of these conditions (except the fifth one), he is obviously not a kanigit. The acclamation of a single Olde One doesn't amount to a hill of a beans in this crazy Cesspool (unless you're thinking of what issues forth after consuming said hill), especially that one from that crack-addled, pointy-haired dunderhead Berli. Plus, Slappy is a self-confessed girly-drink drunk, and we've already got both Lars and Bauhaus around to fight over that role.

Agua Perdido

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by rune:

Try Cut Off! If you haven't played it yet. Canadians vs the Gerries....<hr></blockquote>

Actually, I've played that as the Northerly Americans 'gainst an OutreBoarder... crushed him like an ewe under Mace. If you'd care for an AAR, let me know and I'll email it to you.

Slappy, next time someone orders a femmedrink like that, Just Say No.

Hey... all this drink talk has me, well, not thinking -- I am at work after all -- but pondering... I need to design a drink called a 'Cesspool'.

Hmmm... and maybe specialized drinks named for 'Poolers... nyaah: who'd ever want to admit they had a 'Joe Shaw' in their mouth... or ask a barkeep for 'a stiff bauhaus'... nevermind.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Abn_Ranger87:

"Why jump out of a perfectly good airplane?" I offer this response... They are Air Force airplanes, so the above adjectives do not apply to said aeronautical conveyances.<hr></blockquote>

I wonder about things. I wonder about the start of the Universe. I wonder why the sky is blue and the Cesspool a icky, yucky brown. I wonder if there's other sentient life out there.

But most of all, I wonder how different 'now' would be if something alternative transpired in the past.

Dear SSN, you can help me find out by next time jumping out of a plane without a chute.


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I assume you mean Cut Off! ? The 1941 scenarios does NOT come with the required game to play. smile.gif

Iskander, if you truely hate someone, play Kapelsche Veer and be the Germans. Get it now before MDorosh and I re-do the scenario. smile.gif


Making scenarios for the Pool since before Andreas was edit free

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lars:

Dink drink – Any drink with an umbrella, fruit mix, or found in a fern bar.

“Orange Flip anyone? Three Orange Flips over here.” {see Blues Brothers}


And next time you see it, actually listen to it. That's "Orange whip? Orange whip? Three orange whips!"

And when does it get cold here in Minnesota? It hasn't gotten cold yet.

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Such an inquisitive mind! Purveyors of the illuminating Encyclopedia Britanica will soon be contacting you to confirm your purchase of their many volumed Suppository of Information so as to enlighten your ignorance towards the afor mentioned subjects of meterology and waste management. As far as the possibility of conducting airflow experiments on a non-chute equiped test subject, I will have to most respectfully decline...

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Agua Perdido:

Joe, you idiot, did you lose the CrackerJack box that has the Articles of Unwavering and Arbitrary Cesspool Orthodoxy on it? A shmoe like Slappy only gets to be a kanigget if he meets four condition:

Next). Plays and completes 5 games in the cesspool while a squire to a recognized kaaaanigit.

37). Lorak scribes it so.

pi^e). There is no third thing.

Since Slappy has met neither of these conditions (except the fifth one), he is obviously not a kanigit. The acclamation of a single Olde One doesn't amount to a hill of a beans in this crazy Cesspool (unless you're thinking of what issues forth after consuming said hill), especially that one from that crack-addled, pointy-haired dunderhead Berli. Plus, Slappy is a self-confessed girly-drink drunk, and we've already got both Lars and Bauhaus around to fight over that role.

Agua Perdido<hr></blockquote>Look I don't like it any better than you do but the fact is that since Lorak left on his leg breaking expedition we enacted a NEW rule that allowed the Olde Ones to elevate a squire to Knighthood! Furthermore I'm quite sure that (aarrrgghhh) Slapdragon has already played five games and (hhheeeagghgh) Berli is going to extract his pound of flesh for my religious thread all those ages ago. Look at the bright side, he can't claim to be Ronin anymore!

I see that Abnormal Stranger has posted ... how nice ... he should note, however, that while he has provided a general location in his profile he has no email and therefore we're not going to acknowledge him until he does because if he doesn't he can't challenge some other SSN or squire to a game which is pretty much the whole reason for being here in the first place since this IS the Peng Challenge Thread and the operative word is Challenge so he'd best post an email so that necessity can be met ... okay.


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