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Quest Diary of Irritations and Assorted Things of Slight Interest

Day One

Is it worth the bother? I really daren't consider this one...

Met Moribundity trying to flog some cheap tat at the paddock. Claims to know the answers, don't they all? Ha, didn't fool me. Quest-chasing hustlers, pathetic.

Advice from Seany-babe... gawd, he's getting a bit clingy, but I don't want the attentions of a jilted gnome... best keep 'im hoping.

Me Leige: making no sense again. Something about a "granite bog" and "leek"... keep nodding I say, and smile a lot... he likes that.

All packed up: water-wings, plunger, divining rod, water-proofs, Manfred Weasel and Mr G. Suck Shen-Chen and... and me secret inflatable bag.


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Ah, the light finally goes on. Yes, indeed.

But I will offer you this Seanachai, since our tilt recently begun has not progressed toward the point of meeting, that if you, through all manner of gaminess and shenanigan, should achieve victory, I shall follow the "course" you so eloquently laid out in your last e-mail and take a vow of silence in the MBT concerning a range of subjects and time period you shall specify.

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Originally posted by Moriarty:

Ah, the light finally goes on. Yes, indeed.

But I will offer you this Seanachai, since our tilt recently begun has not progressed toward the point of meeting, that if you, through all manner of gaminess and shenanigan, should achieve victory, I shall follow the "course" you so eloquently laid out in your last e-mail and take a vow of silence in the MBT concerning a range of subjects and time period you shall specify.

Good God, no! While there are some I'd like to silence, you, lad, are not necessarily on of them.

We'll have to play for something else.

Perhaps if I win, you could torment Bauhaus for me. You know, leave dead things in his desk drawers, wire his chair to explode, that sort of thing.

Or enter Berli's office for half an hour every day and read to him from 'A Collection of Famous Anglican Sermons', or some such.

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An aged gent, goes by Moshe, presses further up the mountainside. You can hear his muttering and grumbling as he goes... ”bleary ungrateful lot... ‘no water!’, ‘no food!’... whiny turds, they are... should’ve left ‘em in Egypt... served that git named after a rubber right, lawyers and doctors up to his arse... oh, this must be the place!”

He stops in a small vale, high up the mountain. In the middle of the vale are some bushes. A glow emanates from them, a glow about a quarter cubit across, but square. Moshe pauses, unsure if to continue. In a voice full of fear and trembling, he asks, “Lord, is that You?”

“bugger all! out of hootch again!” is what Moshe thinks he hears. Moshe then says, “Lord? I have brought your people here as you commanded. What shall I tell them?”

Another mutter is heard: “try to drive home drunk from Scranton and this is where you end up? What have you done this time, Bry? Crap, better brazen it out... cough, cough, AHEM! Ah, yes, you there! Nice day, wot? Got’ny booze on ya’?”

Now thoroughly perplexed, Moshe responds, “Lord, what are your commandments that I may bring to your people?”

“Commandments? Crap… how about ‘don’t drive home drunk’... no that wont do... let’s see, how did they go… hmmm, better just go for it...

Hear My Commandments, oh faithful servant who’s name I forget just now:


You shall have no games other than Combat Mission

You shall not make illegal copies of it

You shall not act gamey in said Game

Remember the weekend, if not too drunk, and play CM all through it

Be nice to your parents, as they might buy you a copy of CM:BB

Don’t target your own troops

Stay away from bauhaus

Do not re-write the code to win battles

Don’t lie about what setup you send

Keep your grubby hands off everything except your opponents Victory Flags!

Er, got all that? Good! Must be off, good luck with that ‘Holy Land’ thing, but I think you’ll still be working on it 4300 years hence, but don’t let that get you down! Buh-bye!”

The glow from the bushes fades. Moshe gives very serious thought to throwing himself off the mountainside, then has a better idea: “Screw it, I’ll act as editor and just revise and extend His remarks a bit....”

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Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

Quest Diary of Irritations and Assorted Things of Slight Interest

Day One

Me Leige: making no sense again. Something about a "granite bog" and "leek"... keep nodding I say, and smile a lot... he likes that.


Squires.....watery-eyed twits an' noo mustake. Di Ah haftae trrranslatae every bleedin' worrrd o' tha Mother Beautiful Tongue fer ye? At's nae sae harrrd mon....ye've bin gifted tha road tae tha grail. Nooo, ye kin keep us regailed aboot ye prograiss an' ultimately returrn triumphant wi' a evoka-bloody-tive ballad type o' thang aboot ye quest adventures....an' tha glory o' encoonterin' tha grail atsailf.

As far as Ah kin taill laddie, ye've selaicted ye travellin' companions wi' a keen eye fer tha task ahaid o' ye. Ah am mildly, almost off-handedly, curious aboot ye "secret infalatable bag" noo.

An' haes a wee clue fer ye...."leek" as MBT fer "like".

Festin' pillock....sent tae tree us, these Squires....


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Originally posted by Sledge59:

Only a chosen few may generate Pool rules on the fly, and you aren't one of them. Neither Berli nor Seanachai has agreed to your terms.

I slew the original MBT, and now I've slain Peng (actually for the second time, but this time his name was at stake). Shaw, the MBT autocar set up the match for The Gates Slut with his own hands (though, given the map an parameters, it seems more like his cat walked across the keyboard and Joe just pressed "save" and sent the file).

Both Berli and Seanachai are presently engaged in battles to win back The Gates-Slut's honora...(well, maybe not. More like horrible) name. Berli is, to his dismay, suffering badly in his attempts. He lost a full platoon in exchange for, well, actually not in exchange for anything. All it cost me was a few ammo points.

Seanachai, bless his cookie-baking soul, is sneaking up on my positions, but it's far too early to see if he has a chance.

Anyway, it beats reading a bunch of drivel from the likes of you and Slappy.

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Calmly waiting for Seanachai to speak,

knowing in my heart his reply will be weak.

His continued silence forces me to think,

about how much his playing really does stink,

Still an hour of Seanachai's blather,

is bound to be better than a minute of Chrisl's lather.

That idjit should be locked into a chatroom with

Iron Chief, Brian Ross, and Susan Smith (look her up).

Calmly waiting for Seanachai to speak,

knowing his high brow rhymes wont break his loosing streak.


Where is the next taunt? Either beat down that sod Chrisl's and get Peng back his name, or come up with some interesting commentary to entertain me!

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Originally posted by Slapdragon:

Calmly waiting for Seanachai to speak,

knowing in my heart his reply will be weak.

His continued silence forces me to think,

about how much his playing really does stink,

Still an hour of Seanachai's blather,

is bound to be better than a minute of Chrisl's lather.

That idjit should be locked into a chatroom with

Iron Chief, Brian Ross, and Susan Smith (look her up).

Calmly waiting for Seanachai to speak,

knowing his high brow rhymes wont break his loosing streak.


Where is the next taunt? Either beat down that sod Chrisl's and get Peng back his name, or come up with some interesting commentary to entertain me!

Slappy: 2

Sodachai: 0

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Originally posted by Iskander:

Hear My Commandments, oh faithful servant who’s name I forget just now:


You shall have no games other than Combat Mission

You shall not make illegal copies of it

You shall not act gamey in said Game

Remember the weekend, if not too drunk, and play CM all through it

Be nice to your parents, as they might buy you a copy of CM:BB

Don’t target your own troops

Stay away from bauhaus

Do not re-write the code to win battles

Don’t lie about what setup you send

Keep your grubby hands off everything except your opponents Victory Flags!

Crikey!!!! Looks like I'll be joining Berli then.


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Originally posted by Marlow:

Above we see more mush from another of the more-or-less-interchangable bits of human flotsam, marinating in cheap bourbon and limpid cess.

Squeak, whinge, pule. Its all so utterly asinine and moronically predictable.

Let me correct you on just one of the issues you fail to grasp:

I am not an SSN. That would imply that I'm on that miserable and depressing spiral into drooling degeneracy and general incompetence that would eventually turn me into one of you.

If you must call me anything, try "outerborder."

Thats the one word in your pathetic lexicon that most closely corresponds to someone who doesn't read the vast, vast majority of your maunderings and most profoundly, doesn't care.

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Originally posted by Terence:

I am not an SSN. That would imply that I'm on that miserable and depressing spiral into drooling degeneracy and general incompetence that would eventually turn me into one of you.

If you must call me anything, try "outerborder."

Thats the one word in your pathetic lexicon that most closely corresponds to someone who doesn't read the vast, vast majority of your maunderings and most profoundly, doesn't care.

That's all perfectly consistent with you not only lurking about in here (like probably 80% of the rest of the board, wishing The Gates Slut Formerly Known as Peng would give them a sound Penging), but posting and replying here.

Sorry, but you're surfing that death spiral of a toilet vortex that leads only one place. The cesspool.

Where's your pal Phillip?

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Originally posted by Terence***:

…Squeak, whinge, pule…

I am not an SSN. That would imply that I'm on that miserable and depressing spiral into drooling degeneracy and general incompetence that would eventually turn me into one of you.

If you must call me anything, try "outerborder."

Outboardie or SSN, Machts Nicht. Either way you are not worthy of being spat upon. I must point out, however, that by attempting (however pathetically) to taunt your betters that you are well on your way down the slippery (and crust and slimy for that matter) slope into Cesspool oblivion. By your posts, you show more knowledge of proper Challenge thread behavior than the typical “What’s all this Peng stuff about anyway” morons that occasionally wander in here. Its not that we hate you any less, mind you.


[ February 08, 2002, 11:48 AM: Message edited by: Marlow ]

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...anyway, what's all this Peng stuff about? Only dropped to do some posting on the Scunthorpe CM:BO Idjit Players' website. Well, I thought, this looks the place for me. Well friendly, by Scunthorpe standards, and knowledgeable enough to give me tips and strategies and advise on the armour penetration of 0.50 calibre half-track mounted MGs against SEA-WEED FESTOONED AMPHIBIOUS BASTICHE HETZERS THAT ROAM BEFORE ME EYES AS IF THEY OWNED THE PLACE...

So, why is Seany-babe so awful and dark and Berli is so nice and cuddly? What's a knigget? Why don't people speak proper, like?

...oh, talking of the Gopher, must post a warning:

Dear Everyone

On account of the following incidents involving a volley of rocket-exploding twinkie bars thrown at me from over a ridge and an in-depth study of shells lobbed from me Hellcat and their trajectory towards exposed and retreating armour, I must point out that me true and perfect aim was "deflected" by an "unseen" and most definitely "unnatural" force. Now, even with the effects of gravity, I expect me shells to arc gracefully down towards me target. I don't expect them to deviate skywards at the last moment and gain enough energy to enter orbit. Unnatual, I say, bleedin unnatural.

This Berli is tricky little beast, and its employing all the tricky little, unnatural, scurvy and downright sneaky tweaking of Newtonian physics for his own ends.

... not that I care having just entered a new spiritual plane... no, no, me chakras are balanaced, me karma good, me breathing controlled..


Idjit Yeknod

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Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

So, why is...Berli is so nice and cuddly?

Well...furry gophers certainly are nice and cuddly aren't they? Wait a minute! Idjit Yeknod, don't you even think of it...Berli's already taken!


[ February 08, 2002, 05:12 PM: Message edited by: Persephone ]

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Originally posted by Persephone:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

So, why is...Berli is so nice and cuddly?

Well...furry gophers certainly are nice and cuddly aren't they? Wait a minute! Idjit Yeknod, don't you even think of it...Berli's already taken!


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Originally posted by OGSF:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

Quest Diary of Irritations and Assorted Things of Slight Interest

Day One

Me Leige: making no sense again. Something about a "granite bog" and "leek"... keep nodding I say, and smile a lot... he likes that.


Squires.....watery-eyed twits an' noo mustake. Di Ah haftae trrranslatae every bleedin' worrrd o' tha Mother Beautiful Tongue fer ye? At's nae sae harrrd mon....ye've bin gifted tha road tae tha grail. Nooo, ye kin keep us regailed aboot ye prograiss an' ultimately returrn triumphant wi' a evoka-bloody-tive ballad type o' thang aboot ye quest adventures....an' tha glory o' encoonterin' tha grail atsailf.

As far as Ah kin taill laddie, ye've selaicted ye travellin' companions wi' a keen eye fer tha task ahaid o' ye. Ah am mildly, almost off-handedly, curious aboot ye "secret infalatable bag" noo.

An' haes a wee clue fer ye...."leek" as MBT fer "like".

Festin' pillock....sent tae tree us, these Squires....</font>

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