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How to place a lone squad?

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I just trying to set up a little test via the scenario editor. Is there anyway to place a squad on the map without a HQ as part of a platoon. (I assume there must be.) However, when I delete the HQ unit, all the squad dissappear too.


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No way to place a squad without an HQ. Best you can do is a half squad. Buy the unit, delete all but HQ, go into map, split squad. Then delete half squad. You get a squad plus a HQ which will just about equal a squad.


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Hmm, works all the time for me. I just make map, buy platoon. Place platoon and split squads. Then go back to force editor and delete one of the sections. Do not delete the HQ, as that will delete entire platoon.


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I hate to beat the same drum, but absent someone sending me a CM battle with just 1 platoon leader and 1 single half squad team, I've got to maintain it is not possible. I know you can delete all the squads but one and the leader. The split squad thing though is just not happening.

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I once wanted to make a scenario where one side had only Company HQs. In the map editor, I made a deep pit (as in elevation 0) on the board edge and put the platoon HQs down in it and padlocked their set-up. They can't climb out. Once they game gets started you hardly notice that single tile notch at the edge of the board.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So to pretty much sum up what everyone has said:

You can't make a lone squad. The best you can do is the HQ and one squad. About that "half-squad" thing, I'm gonna research that a bit more... Here's an idea:

Make a squad and HQ (not an entire platoon, just the one squad and HQ). Put the HQ in like 10,000 minefields all placed on top of each other. As soon as the game starts, the HQ will be blown to smitherenes. The HQ doesn't die all the time, or atleast not completely, but it's a start.

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