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Will Peng Challenge the Doodads?

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Look here pal, we don't much give a flaming rat's ass what you do there at House Mucilage, just don't be putting on airs with US! We knew you when you were still a wet behind the ears, starry eyed kid dreaming of being a Knight of the CessPool and stupid enough to play pull the finger with Bauhaus ... oh wait ... you STILL do that don't you ... my mistake.


That's a finger? Eeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!
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Originally posted by Mace:

It's nice that Dalek has risen to the occassion and is attempting to fill the void left by the mysterious dissapearence of our elders.

Let's give him the same level of support we gave our elders... ie. Ignore him!



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Damn, I'm good looking.

Unlike Harv, who wears the mask because it is Canadian law not to reveal physical ugliness in public.

And Dalek, yes we'll do the fish slapping dance for you. You however will be our fish!


[ May 19, 2002, 01:13 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]

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Oh, a letter from the Sunny Wastelands Secure Retirement Home:

Dear Auntie Yeknod,

Just a little note to say that our new accommodation is very nice. We’ve been made to feel very welcome and I’m enjoying all the attention offered by these fine nurses, doctors and armed guards. They give me a little shove up the stepladders when I retire to bed, follow me around when I wander up to the electrified perimeter fence and devise all sorts of fun daytime exercises to keep me trim.

I do look forward to the rough bed-bath frolics. My, those female nurses are so physical and it takes three of ‘em to hold me down as I thrash around. I’m particularly fond of Frau Schuckelfister, the one with the developed muscle tone and bushy moustache. After the frisky ablutions, it’s the excitement of watching her fulsome body as she bends over and forcibly stuffs porridge into me expectant mouth.

Peng is in a locked room. We’re not allowed to see him but I can hear fretful groans during his bed bath. Berli has been tranquillised following a rather disagreeable incident with the chaplain over a small point of theology and a bucket of holy water. I don’t think he’s going to get his hot chocolate drink tonight.

Anyway, just a reminder to look after me possessions. Almost forgot, don’t open the locked desk draw, the one labelled: All Powerful Peng Objects of Extreme Desire – Keep Out. As artist to fellow artist, I know I can trust you, Yeky-chops, above the uneducated, low-life, scavenging rabble I’ve left behind.


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Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

Berli has been tranquillised following a rather disagreeable incident with the chaplain over a small point of theology and a bucket of holy water. I don't think he's going to get his hot chocolate drink tonight.

I warned them to keep the chaplain and holy water away from Berli...I guess they didn't heed my warning. I hope they won't try incense next...it could get very messy.


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Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

Oh, a letter from the Sunny Wastelands Secure Retirement Home:

Dear Auntie Yeknod,

Just a little note to say that our new accommodation is very nice.


Hm. I don't whether to ask them to cancel visiting hours to reduce the strain on their flabby hearts, or to coordinate a rescue mission.

Decisions.... decisions......

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Now children, listen up please. As the ranking remaining Seniour Knight of the CessPool it falls to me to maintain some degree of discipline here. Unfortunately I'm off to LA in a couple of hours and simply won't be able to monitor the MBT properly.

Therefore, I hereby appoint my loyal and trustworthy Squire Harv as CessPool Monitor. He will, bascially, spy and snitch on you lot as he sees fit all the while whining that he's going to "tell the Justicar" about any and all infractions. I think this is as good a time as any to toss him into the deep end ... he's Canadian after all and no likes them anyway.

I shall attempt to stick my nose in from time to time to be sure that you are behaving.

Now play nicely and Mace ... stop peeking under YK2's skirts ... I don't care if she likes it, it simply isn't on.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Therefore, I hereby appoint my loyal and trustworthy Squire Harv as CessPool Monitor.


Oh, now isn't that just ducky. We've got a bloody Frankophile acting as Joe (excuse me while I flit hither and yon) Shaw's personal Gestapo agent. These guys are so clueless that they call ham "Canadian bacon". It's ham, dammit! Well, with any kind of luck, he'll be too busy trying to scrape the dried moose dung off his boots and he really won't be able to keep tabs on us much.
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Sobriety does not become me. It has taken away my muse - An angry man with nothing to say isn't funny in the least, but an angry drunken man has at least some potential for humor. All the humor drained out of my life when I went to SLC. No, it wasn't the proximity to the Justicar per se that ruined my life, it was the city itself. I walked by the Temple and the life was sucked from me. All my cares and woes and worries vanished, as did all of my joy, happiness and wonderment. I lost interest in everything that day. I stopped hating god, and moses and jesus and mohammed and satan and stopped liking beer and whiskey and CM and brazen women. In a nut, my life went in the toilet. With nothing and no-one to hate, with my thirst for booze abated, I spiraled into an ever narrowing circle of not giving a rat's ass - that is until I reached the point. THE POINT. My life became a point of nothingness. It is still there that point still nothing. I can't drink anymore I can't write anymore I don't care anymore there is nothing but a single point of existance. I almost started to care today, Sunday May 19, when I tried to read the thread again. I almost started to care that Slappy is the same insufferable prick he has always been, that berli will never run out of one-liners, that meeks came back for a "must see MBT 20th reunion kiss and run" special,that seanachai has wandered off into the void, perhaps to his own point of nothingness... I almost began to care again. But it is sunday, and I am at work and will be here until sometime early in the morning, when I can fall asleep on my office floor, and I remembered the purpose of my life - nothing. a brief and silly reorganization of a few cents worth of organic compounds and water and then rot. I should never have been allowed to breed. christ what a mess! who the hell LET ME BREED! DON'T YOU GET IT?! my seed has been spilled on the earth and now there are THREE extra beings 50% of whom have been craeted by the mess of genetic material from ME! PENG! I'll pay five canadian dollars to anyone that can tell me why the hell that was allowed to happen. Except slappy of course - our poor misunderstood ubergrog. He knows EVERYTHING, so it wouldn't be fair to the rest of you.

Well, I have made a cataclysmic decision - Today I am off the wagon. Work be damned. Wife be damned, LIFE be damned - I am off to the bar for a snack and a drink. When I return I had better have something damned funny to say. Or at least be angry about something. All of this lobotomized lack of humor has me well, dull.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

stupid enough to play pull the finger with Bauhaus ... oh wait ... you STILL do that don't you ... my mistake.


Hey, give me a little credit Joe. I don't play the pull my finger trick with any simp. I'm selective in that game.
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Originally posted by MrPeng:


Sobriety does not become me. It has taken away my muse - An angry man with nothing to say isn't funny in the least, but an angry drunken man has at least some potential for humor. All the humor drained out of my life when I went to SLC. No, it wasn't the proximity to the Justicar per se that ruined my life, it was the city itself. I walked by the Temple and the life was sucked from me. All my cares and woes and worries vanished, as did all of my joy, happiness and wonderment. I lost interest in everything that day. I stopped hating god, and moses and jesus and mohammed and satan and stopped liking beer and whiskey and CM and brazen women. In a nut, my life went in the toilet. With nothing and no-one to hate, with my thirst for booze abated, I spiraled into an ever narrowing circle of not giving a rat's ass - that is until I reached the point. THE POINT. My life became a point of nothingness. It is still there that point still nothing. I can't drink anymore I can't write anymore I don't care anymore there is nothing but a single point of existance. I almost started to care today, Sunday May 19, when I tried to read the thread again. I almost started to care that Slappy is the same insufferable prick he has always been, that berli will never run out of one-liners, that meeks came back for a "must see MBT 20th reunion kiss and run" special,that seanachai has wandered off into the void, perhaps to his own point of nothingness... I almost began to care again. But it is sunday, and I am at work and will be here until sometime early in the morning, when I can fall asleep on my office floor, and I remembered the purpose of my life - nothing. a brief and silly reorganization of a few cents worth of organic compounds and water and then rot. I should never have been allowed to breed. christ what a mess! who the hell LET ME BREED! DON'T YOU GET IT?! my seed has been spilled on the earth and now there are THREE extra beings 50% of whom have been craeted by the mess of genetic material from ME! PENG! I'll pay five canadian dollars to anyone that can tell me why the hell that was allowed to happen. Except slappy of course - our poor misunderstood ubergrog. He knows EVERYTHING, so it wouldn't be fair to the rest of you.

Well, I have made a cataclysmic decision - Today I am off the wagon. Work be damned. Wife be damned, LIFE be damned - I am off to the bar for a snack and a drink. When I return I had better have something damned funny to say. Or at least be angry about something. All of this lobotomized lack of humor has me well, dull.


[something grey and heavy stirs in the darkest part of the paddock. An ear can be seen to waggle as it considers the merits of bed-baths]

Yeknod o' tha Thistle

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Sheesh, I don't read the MBT for a week then when I do I find that Seanacoochiecoo is leaving.



Well, it's just not good enough, the Cesspool without you is not an option, so stop messing about and get your lazy ass back in here pronto.

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Holy Crap!

Within a single thread we have Seanachai and Berli wandering off into the void AND the Second Coming of Peng! I used to laugh at the predictions of the imminent end of the world, but now I quake within the confines of the lowest and deepest part of the cess. Peng's nihlistic angst aside, it is at least more entertaining to assume it means something . If nothing else it may lure the übergnome and the lord of darkness back long enough that we can properly chain them to their rightful stations.

Speaking of the truly meaningless, Harv , the little snitch, and I have begun the game Jagov! that Joe Pshaw, bloody stool sample that he is, forwarded to us. It is a charming little "set-up" (true in every sense of the word) that fortunately will only waste 10 turns of our lives. One or both of us shall report on this useless expenditure of electricity precisely because none of you could care less about it and will resent having to pass over it to read something equally meaningless but potentially slanderous to yourself.

Peng, If you're looking for something to be angry about, merely consider that everything that goes on here is done in your name. If that doesn't set you off then you must not have a central nervous system.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Now children, listen up please. As the ranking remaining Seniour Knight of the CessPool it falls to me to maintain some degree of discipline here. Unfortunately I'm off to LA in a couple of hours and simply won't be able to monitor the MBT properly.

Therefore, I hereby appoint my loyal and trustworthy Squire Harv as CessPool Monitor. He will, bascially, spy and snitch on you lot as he sees fit all the while whining that he's going to "tell the Justicar" about any and all infractions. I think this is as good a time as any to toss him into the deep end ... he's Canadian after all and no likes them anyway.

I shall attempt to stick my nose in from time to time to be sure that you are behaving.

Now play nicely and Mace ... stop peeking under YK2's skirts ... I don't care if she likes it, it simply isn't on.


Noooooo don't do this to me my liege....now they'll all hate me lots and forever.

Wait a sec....

They will anyways. WhooHoo, this is gonna be fun! Or something.


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Originally posted by Harv:

Noooooo don't do this to me my liege....now they'll all hate me lots and forever.

Wait a sec....

They will anyways. WhooHoo, this is gonna be fun! Or something.


Teacher's pet.
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Originally posted by MrPeng:

not angry. yet.

Think about Judge Judy in your shower for a minute, that ought'a do it.

*re-reads post*

Woops! My mistake, I thought you said 'horney' not 'angry'.

My apple-ogies.

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