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Originally posted by Michael emrys:

Jeez, it's just incredible that grown men wouldn't already know that. It's a sad comment on the educational system.

[shakes head in sad amazement]



Man, I am 17 and I know that about wind direction lol!
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I didn't learn that until I began messing around with Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000. They must have taught that during one of my many 60 day truancy spells. Besides, it's a back-assward thing anyway. Wind should be blowing north, not "out of the south". I mean, so what if the wind is coming out of the south. Which way is it going? What if it comes out of the south and turns real quick? :eek:

Treeburst155 out.

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Look, it's just a convention. One of those things that you are supposed to learn in school, like the way words are spelled (hint, hint). By having everyone learn and use the same conventions, we are able to communicate with each other and know what each other are talking about. It's like the Fahrenheit scale having the boiling point of water at 212° at sea level. That may be arbitrary, but as long as we are agreed on that it works.

Thus, a long time ago someone, most likely a sailor, decided it was interesting to know which way the wind was blowing from and there hasn't been sufficient reason since then to go through the agony of changing the system. Just think of it as a reminder which way not to piss.


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Fahrenheit is a temperature scale invented by some guy who wanted to know where the wind was coming from, rather than where it was going. He stuck his finger in some boiling water at sea level and said, "Ouch, this water must be exactly 212 degrees." People ask this guy where he is going, and he doesn't know. He just knows where he is coming from and that his finger is sure to get burned in 212 degree water. I think he had something to do with inches, feet, and yards too.

Treeburst155 out.

[ October 27, 2002, 01:40 AM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]

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Yeah yeah, ever one's a comedian. So where's it at in the manual? Haven't been through it yet page by page, but I don't see anything in the index or contents on wind. Does it change direction during the game, or vary in degree which might effect LOS and fire spread?

Is it (ENE), in the lil environment window infact a statement on direction from? (Did BTS say that, or ever one is just assuming?). The local weather stations or news services tend to present it both ways, as in the wind direction is ENE (meaning from), or the wind direction is blowing ENE, (meaning to).

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Originally posted by Silvio Manuel:

Port and Starboard- now that took my thick skull awhile to memorize...I just think to myself that the 1st letters are alphabetical (P, then S) and you read from Left 1st then Right.

Mr. Picky hopes that everyone is aware that Port and Starboard are not exactly the same as Left and Right. Just ask a rower to hold up his starboard hand. :D

All the best,


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Originally posted by Bruno Weiss:

[snips]Is it (ENE), in the lil environment window infact a statement on direction from? (Did BTS say that, or ever one is just assuming?).

I think everyone is assuming that BTS are following the well-established, centuries-old and undisputed convention. In much the same way, I assume that they have not chosen to redefine the metre, the second or the degree Celsius.

Originally posted by Bruno Weiss:


The local weather stations or news services tend to present it both ways, as in the wind direction is ENE (meaning from), or the wind direction is blowing ENE, (meaning to).

What a strange thing for them to do.

This reminds me of the use of the word "flammable" on warning markings, on the assumption that some people were unaware of the conventional meaning of "inflammable".

All the best,


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Originally posted by Silvio Manuel:

Port and Starboard- now that took my thick skull awhile to memorize...I just think to myself that the 1st letters are alphabetical (P, then S) and you read from Left 1st then Right.

Louie- why not bring a flag to mid field?

Easier way to remember than that - Port = Left (same number of letters, nothing else does)

And the F scale isn't arbitrary, Old Fahrenheit took the coldest night he knew, called it zero, took the hottest day and called it 100. Rest is just extrapolation (IIRC what I was taught in school). Now, if you want difficult units, try engineering in US/Imperial - slugs, poundals, gallons (both kinds) the mechanical equivalent of heat, etc. If I want to be flippant, I will ask for answers in cubic furlongs per fortnight, (or occasionally furlongs per cubic fortnight, but that tends to be when drunk!). Confuses the younger engineers (I just caught the UK education system before it went metric!). Next week, the role of rods, poles and perches in a caring society!

[ October 27, 2002, 01:59 PM: Message edited by: Sailor Malan ]

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