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Clash Of The Titans! (part 2)

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originally posted by tecumseh:



Originally posted by Ghost of the 90th:

Anyone posting odds yet?


I am sure it will come down to a match between Swamp and Wreck. Ghost will drop out because he is bored. Fionn will drop out because he gets offended by something


You don't read tarot cards by any chance? ;)

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I'm one of the (silent) hundreds that eagerly anticipated this clash of CM greats. As previously stated, it would be a shame to see a tourney, at this a high level, dissolve due to the actions, err non-action, of one player.

Though I haven't been fortunate to be in one of your tournaments Treeburst, the spark and effort you provide is apparent even to this sideline lurker. Those tourneys have provided me with much too much entertainment over the many months and I genuinly appreciate it. Thanks! :) But, I think the Clash of Titans is your masterstroke, and the idea of it is too great to be derailed by one person. Come on, what's it gonna take to bribe you...


BTW, I'll second Skelley. He's not scared and he's given me a couple good throttlings.

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Mikey Treeburst - just a public note of condolence here and a thank you for all your hard work on these various tourneys over the past few months. I've had fun in the Invitational and am enjoying the RoW II immensely.

Your comments regarding our mutual friend are all on the money and are, of course, the same things I keep hearing in private conversations from literally dozens of CMers, so I don't think you can be banned for stating the consensus opinion.

Hope your week goes better than your weekend! smile.gif

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In fairness, Fionn was not the only one who was holding things up. He was just the only one to place the blame on me and others for HIS "inability" to follow through with the tourney.

I will attempt another Clash Of The Titans this winter(northern hemisphere)with CMBB. I don't know yet how the tourney will be structured. I want to get familiar with the CMBB QB features first. There may be some interesting possibilities there.

I will be looking for 24 Titans. If there are that many interested, there will be a mighty Clash of the Titans in a few months. Unlike this attempt, I don't think any Titan who wants to play will be left out. smile.gif

What's a Titan? A Titan is a highly competitive CMer who spends lots of time playing other humans, and usually beats them.

Titans usually log lots of ladder games, or are very active (and successful) in club/tournament play.

Titans will take on anybody! The tougher the opponent, the better. They hate to lose, but do not fear the possibility.

When a Titan loses he will ask for a rematch. When a Titan wins he will grant a rematch.

Titans don't brag much. They let their performance do the talking.

Titans don't play historical forces if given the choice because such forces generally suck. :D

Treeburst155 out.

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Hello Treeburst , i hope that you dont mind me poking my nose in here but I recently met Fionn for the 1st time in real life only 3 weeks ago for a session in a pub during which we yapped away about CM and stuff for near 6 hours.

During that time i never found him to be rude or socially inept but good humored and a real spark with good conversational skills when face to face.

Knowing where he works ( over burdened public hospital ) and the passion he displayed for it i do believe him sincerly when he says RL comes before CM for him at this point in time.

As for the history of the negotiations to Titans as to what is / is not allowed and preferred..... Fionn is a better man than I to argue / defend his corner.

I have spent the last hour looking at the Titan threads and i can clearly see that you have put one hell of an effort into trying to design and organise a Tournment that would give an insight to how the Top Dogs fight. It would be a great pity if all that effort was wasted , hence the obvious sense of frustration that you must be feeling.

All i can say is Chin Up lad smile.gif Tomorrow is a new day smile.gif



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I sure would like to give a try to my fights and I have emailed my opponents about this and am waiting their reply. Some problems though...

Swamp: my server (whatever) doesn't approve your email adress as I'm using my universitys account. They have banned several servers because of spamming :( - anyway I'll ask tomorrow if your adress can be accessed. This has happened before and usually I can get things rolling assuring the net maintanance personel HOW IMPORTANT my emails are :D

Broken: same thing as with Swamp - I see what I can do...

a note: both of you have earthlink.net and I think that's on black list but we'll see redface.gif

One solution of course is if you guys have another email adress which to use then we are in business (hotmail for example). Of course if you are not interested fighting me (busy with something or whatever it's ok, just let me know).

[ August 04, 2002, 05:53 AM: Message edited by: Deathdealer ]

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Regarding mail problems, I can use one of my servers to install an automatic forwarder. That will take care of the problem with banlists. I am sure my machines are on no ban list of the world smile.gif

Since I repaired them... No really I had to 4 years ago, ****ing spammers using me as relay when I had relaying turned off, stupid sendmail. Naive admin...

Anyway, I would like to see that happen and whatever I can do for you guys to help please ask.

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I am all for continuing the games in this tournament with those who are still interested. I am sure we could fill in the three missing seats (assuming Ghost and Graves Reg don't show). It sounds like Mike (Treeburst155) is burned out by this whole process. Is anyone willing to step in and finish adding the purchase files to the game maps? I think that is all that is really needed to get the ball rolling.

MajorTaktik and Deathdealer have stated their interest in continuing, how about Wreck and Swamp? Are you guys still interested even if you won't get a chance to sink your teeth into Fionn?

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Looking over the purchases I have in, there are only three games I can put together. Swamp only sent in purchases for one scenario, GravesReg, Ghost, and Fionn sent none. This shows a general lack of interest that occurred after the scenario descriptions were made known. The tourney flopped, but I will try again with CMBB.

I can put together the following:

Broken vs Deathdealer.....Major Taktik Scenario

Major Taktik vs Broken..........Swamp Scenario

Swamp vs Wreck..................Swamp Scenario

Of these three battles, only one is on a pretty map.

I think I should send the four nicer maps to Deathdealer, Major Taktik, Broken, and Wreck as a reward for getting their purchases in. You guys can chat amongst yourselves, arrange games, maybe edit the maps and parameters a bit, and generally kill time with your fellow Titans while you wait for CMBB. Skelley might be interested in joining the party too.

I would be happy to act as a third party to purchase forces for any battles you guys arrange. Sound good?

Treeburst155 out.

[ August 04, 2002, 12:27 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]

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So are we presuming that the Titans of CM:BO will also be the Titans of CM:BB?

How will you know who is actually a CM:BB Titan until it has been out for a while? While many tactics will no doubt remain the same, I suspect (or hope, rather) that the improved MG treatment alone will have a large affect on game play. Of course, whole new areas of gameyness will crop up where others fall by the wayside (ie the new variable game length and flag contesting rules mean no last second flag rushes).

Will there be a precise criteria, or time frame, for determining who a CM:BB "Titan" really is?

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Hi Michael,

Titans know who they are. :D I am almost certain the CMBB Titans will be the same group of people I now consider CMBO Titans. It's the way they choose to enjoy CM that makes them very strong players, and thus Titans.

The stereotypical Titan (IMO):

A Titan plays more games in a month than the rest of us do in a year, and they win them. They do lots of TCP/IP.

Titans are not only wargamers, they are gamers in general. While others read books on WWII history and tactics, a Titan is studying the game to discover the strengths and weaknesses of every unit and the tactics that work IN THE GAME. Titan's will be the first to discover ways to exploit the game engine.

Titan's are not grogs, but you can bet they know what penetrates what at at any given range in the game.

Titans will play any even battle they are challenged to. They will play historical, ahistorical, gamey and non-gamey. It is second nature, and part of the game to work out "rules" with their opponents. The game begins with these negotiations, which don't take long because they all know all the tricks.

While we are posting, the Titans are playing. While we are sleeping, the Titans are playing.

While we are losing games, the Titans are winning. :D

Treeburst155 out.

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You're right, Swamp! I'm sorry. I forgot I've been moving assembled battles to a different folder. I have two purchases from you.

Well then, if I get purchases from Swamp and Ghost, and Skelley replaces Fionn, I have only GravesRegistration as a problem. Just maybe, this thing can still happen.

I have to do some honey-do stuff now. I'll be back in a couple hours.

Treeburst155 out.

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I don't give a rats ass how much you have done for CM and your tourny you absolutely DO NOT come in here and publicaly blast another member, regardless of what goes on behind closed doors.

This is not your own private bitch session and your comments to Fionn are totally out of line.

This thread is being locked up while I decide wheter or not you should be allowed to continue to participate on these forums.

Dorosh, I would suggest you keep your smug comments about Fionn private as well. What you guys talk about in private means NOTHING to me. If you don't like him or others, thats is fine, its your right but you air your dirty laundry here you will get a banning boot up your butt faster than light.



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