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Mac G4 Psycedelic Display

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I'm another Mac user with a dispaly problem. Mac G4 with dual proccessor, totally maxed out, state of the art machine. OS 9.2.2

Splashscreen, menu bars, text boxes look fine.

The area where the game takes places is a kalediscope of raw colors. It'll play fine but, what's the point when it's so fugly?

New patch didn't fix problem and I've seen other mac users on this forum with similar problems. Tried everything and no other apps have had these problems. Battlefront.com needs to address this in their next update. Thanx

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Interestingly ATI doesn't mention specific support for the Radeon 9000 Pro on the Mac. So this page is a driver listing for the Radeon 8500 Mac edition. Nevertheless the drivers should be the same to my knowledge.

This Version Tracker info mentions that there were some problems to the October 2002 update before Oct 16. So if you haven't updated the drivers after then, you may want to do so again.

I have no idea if the NVidia-related extensions may cause problems, so you may want to double-check that they aren't loading up. Which version of QuickTime do you have installed (since this seems to make a difference every-so-often) ? Have you minimized the number of extensions that load up ?

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Yeah, I should've mentioned the 8500 driver I've been using. BTW I did update everything and tried disabling all of the NVidia extensions and still no go. I also tried it without 3D acceleration on and still, nothing.

I truly belive it's a software issue because the menu along the bottom, the buttons and all of the text boxes and text display properly on the very same screen where the in-game window is all crazy colors. Every screen and menu in CMBB is correct and works properly except for the in-game window.

I've tried every combination of driver extensions and nothing addresses it,

Thanks for your suggestions. I'll just sit tight for now. (It works great on my iMac but I don't like the 13" LCD screen much)

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Then its a problem with these particular drivers and possibly this particular hardware combination since other Radeons on the Mac don't exhibit this problem.

Typically BTS/BFC's policy in the past has been not to code around the drivers for a current product. The drivers will probably (hopefully) be updated at some point where this problem goes away. Attempting to code around it (if that could even be done) may prove fruitless and break something else in the code. In essence they would be troubleshooting ATI's driver problem and coding around it.

All that can be done is to report the problem to ATI and hopefully their engineers contact BTS or somehow duplicate the problem in another game and address the issue in a future set of drivers.

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A comment I noticed on Versiontracker evaluations:

"Hey update clown, you can install the update on 10.2.2 if you want without any problems. However, if you compare the version numbers of the drivers installed by 10.2.2 to those included in this update, you'll notice that the 10.2.2 versions are newer (1.2.6 vs 1.2.3)"

I assume you dont have 10.2.2 on your mac?

Dont know if the classic side drivers are also new model,

or if the previous comment only applies to OSX side.

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Well it appears the previous comment was about OSX drivers.

I can toss you the original 9.1 radeon drivers I have on my work mac, but can't test them. (I have GF2MX on this one).At home I've ran the november update, so those would be the same drivers you have.

It'd be a 2meg package..

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  • 1 month later...

Uh... if your having problems with one particular card and its drivers, then it is more than likely a problem with that card and its drivers. Because of unique combinations of RAVE calls it is possible for a card to have problems with one game and not another. Even if Apple approved of these drivers they can still have bugs in them. The Radeon 9000's have probably had more work done to their OpenGL drivers than the RAVE ones.

Perhaps if you report this problem to Apple or ATI it may get on the list of things to be looked at for the next (or later) driver release.

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Originally posted by gibsonm:

I've logged my problem with a 1GHz G4 PowerBook with ATI.

It uses a Radeon Mobility 9000 so there maybe a common trend here.

If I get a constructive reponse I'll post it to the various Mac topics that seem to be current.

SAME here

I thought I might post some screen shots

BUT Totally Psycedelic pretty much sum's it up.

I have a G4 Titium 867 spanking new Power Book

Same thing: NO JOY! :(


-tom w

[ January 19, 2003, 01:54 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]

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I have this problem too (i.e, the psychadelic display) but it's an intermittent problem, and I have a different driver. My Mac is a G4 iMac with 17" display, and my video driver is the nVidia GeForce4 MX. What happens to me is that I sometimes open a new scenario after playing for a while and the screen is psychadelic. It can happen on my first PBEM, but it seems to happen more often after I've been playing a while.

This problem can also occur if I escape from CM in mid-game, do something else on the computer, and then come back to the game. Sometimes I return to a psychadelic screen Unlike the person who started this thread, my info boxes at the bottom are obscured, too. I'd say this problem occurs about 20% of the time when I play CM at some point in the action. The solution is to quit CM (if I can catch it at the PBEM password stage) or force a reboot the computer. It usually goes away when I reopen CM. It happens sometimes in CMBO but more often in CMBB.

Another problem I have is that random flags appear on th board (always picking up on the nationality of a flag actually in play.) If I turn flags off, the images turn into bomb craters turned vertical. It's a bit distracting, though I've learned to live with it.

If anyone can suggest a possible solution, I'm all ears.


Just saw the images posted by aka_Tom and mine are quite different--mine looks more like colored lines that have been put through a shredder and mixed together. I also sometimes get something like a ghostly black and white image of the map, with the map tiles laid out like a black and white chessboard.

[ January 19, 2003, 02:24 PM: Message edited by: CombinedArms ]

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Originally posted by CombinedArms:

I have this problem too (i.e, the psychadelic display) but it's an intermittent problem, and I have a different driver. My Mac is a G4 iMac with 17" display, and my video driver is the nVidia GeForce4 MX. What happens to me is that I sometimes open a new scenario after playing for a while and the screen is psychadelic. It can happen on my first PBEM, but it seems to happen more often after I've been playing a while.

This problem can also occur if I escape from CM in mid-game, do something else on the computer, and then come back to the game. Sometimes I return to a psychadelic screen Unlike the person who started this thread, my info boxes at the bottom are obscured, too. I'd say this problem occurs about 20% of the time when I play CM at some point in the action. The solution is to quit CM (if I can catch it at the PBEM password stage) or force a reboot the computer. It usually goes away when I reopen CM. It happens sometimes in CMBO but more often in CMBB.

Another problem I have is that random flags appear on th board (always picking up on the nationality of a flag actually in play.) If I turn flags off, the images turn into bomb craters turned vertical. It's a bit distracting, though I've learned to live with it.

If anyone can suggest a possible solution, I'm all ears.


Just saw the images posted by aka_Tom and mine are quite different--mine looks more like colored lines that have been put through a shredder and mixed together. I also sometimes get something like a ghostly black and white image of the map, with the map tiles laid out like a black and white chessboard.

you are refering to an Nvidia card problem in your iMac

try this

""For the others, here is a more detailed 'how-to' :

When file downloaded from Apple site and mounted (should be done

automatically), you find on your desktop a disk image containing the install

program provided by Apple. The name of this virtual disk is 'NVIDIA driver

Update'. Lauch TomeViewer and select menu 'File/Open...'. With the file

chooser, go to the desktop, then disk 'NVIDIA driver Update', then folder

'Installer Files', then 'NVIDIA Driver Update' and finally folder 'Installer

Files'. Select the file 'Tome' and click 'Open'.

A window displaying the 6 driver files should appear. Select all the files

(Cmd-a) and click on the upper left icon of the window. Choose the

destination folder and click 'All' (if you already have made a copy of your

former drivers, you can directly select the 'Extensions' folder of your

'System' folder).

That's it."

I think this will work for you as well "

this solution fixed my friends iMac problem.



the pics I posted are from an ATI card problem on a new 867mHz TiBook.

I have seen a different problem on the iMac, those bad graphics look different than the ATI bad graphics.

good luck

-tom w

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gibsonm and aka_tom_w, I have exactly the same problem with my Ti PB G4 1GHz with I Gb RAM. I run OS 10.2.3 and 9.2.2. (no partitions - I just boot up on OS9 to play CMBB -or at least try to)

I have found that running at Millions of colours and at full screen resolution and giving CM lots of RAM makes a slight difference. Less black but still colourful. The menus and windows still all work fine except the game window (very frustrating). Not sure if this info helps. Have also tried the latest drivers form ATI (for the RADEON 9000 Mac Edition) but no difference. Any advice is appreciated.


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I have a partial fix for the graphics problem. I run a 1 GHz Ti PB 15" screen with 1GB RAM. Partly by trial and error, I have CMBB running with only patches of psychaedelic diplay with most of the map being normal. It is not a full fix and maybe with the information I give you on my fix, someone with more technical expertise can figure it out.

I boot in OS 9.2.2 (no separate partition)

I have installed ATI Radeon 9000 mac Edition latest drivers from thier website

I have diabled classic RAVE

I trash the CMBB preference file so there is no pref file in the pref folder.

I give CMBB the minimum memory recommended or perhaps 50000K which is still less than suggested

Monitors is set to 1024x768 and colours to thousands of colours.

Then I start up CMBB.

I get normal menus and only patches of psychaedelic display in the background. The foreground is fine. Units show normal colours depending on angle and point of view. At level 1 or 2, everything looks normal.It is playable.


You can give the game more memory once this is done as long as it is a whole multiple of your original setting eg if you assigned CMBB to have 47256K (minimum size) then you can give it 94512K safely.

If the monitor is reset to diffrent resolution, you lose the display and the next time you start up the game, it will be partly blacked out or psychaedelic again.

I suspect the problem is something to do with how CMBB uses and allocates memory based on the initial settings the first time it is started up.

Anyone with technical and programming expertise is welcome to help out.

This will let you play CMBB as long as you are wiling to scroll the map so that the map scrolls into the non psychaedelic bits.

Hope this works on your machine and helps



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Well ATI's response to my query was:

Dear Customer,

Thank you for contacting ATI Technical Support.

As your mail indicates that you are using an on-board ATI chip on a laptop/notebook computer or on your system motherboard, we would like to draw your attention to the following points.


Display drivers and multimedia applications for laptops and notebooks are NOT available for download from ATI Technical Support.

Please check the general information about Laptops and Notebooks on our website:


The display driver supplied with a given laptop or notebook has been customized for:

the built-in flat panel display;

any other graphics or video options installed in that specific computer.

As a result of these modifications, ATI Technical Support is unable to offer "generic" drivers for laptops and notebooks.

We strongly recommend that you:

use the driver supplied with your laptop or notebook computer, or, obtain a driver update from the manufacturer of your laptop or notebook computer.

If you choose to use any of the generic drivers posted on our ATI Technical Support website in a laptop or notebook computer, you do so at your own risk. These drivers are designed for our add-in board products, and not for laptop or notebook implementations.

If you're looking for a specific driver feature (e.g. OpenGL acceleration), please consult with your computer manufacturer.

Support for a specific driver feature (such as hardware acceleration of OpenGL) may be incorporated into a particular ATI display driver (or not) at the discretion of the laptop or notebook manufacturer.

For your convenience, a list of links to laptop and notebook manufacturers is available in the ATI On-board section of our corporate website:

<<http://www.ati.com/shopati/onboard/onboard.html>> <<http://www.ati.com/na/pages/onboard/onboard.html>>


If you require drivers or software for the ATI graphics chip on your motherboard, please check the information on the following website:



If you're not sure which graphics chip is installed in your system or if you wish to disable the graphics chip on your motherboard, please contact the motherboard manufacturer.

For information on variations in ATI Products from Different Sources, please check the following website: <<http://www.ati.com/support/identify/advisory.html>>


If your question is not answered, or you have another technical issue, please re-submit your query via our Online "Request for Assistance" form available at the link below and choose Other in the subject field:


The details requested in this form will assist us in providing you with the most accurate information available for your situation. Please also include your original email or a brief description of your problem in the reply.

Please note that we estimate a current response time of 10 days in replying to our customers' emails. We apologise for this delay.

Thank you for contacting ATI.

Still with me ??

So the bottom line of ATI's automated response is:

Talk to Apple!

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I had updated to the October 2002 ATI drivers and then couldn't save games. The Save Game dialog would cause the system to crash. My solution was to back off to an earlier version of the ATI drivers.

I'm not sure exactly which of the updates caused the problem, but the newest versions of the retail drivers did terrible things in my system:

Beige G3, ATI Orion (I think that is a RAGE 128) board instead of the built-in video.

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I must add my voice to this discussion, since I have been experiencing exactly the same "psychedelic display issues" with my brand new Mac. Like the others, I have a G4 dual processor (1 gig) Mac, which comes with the ATI Radeon Pro 9000. My display looks exactly like the screenshot listed earlier in this forum. I too tried all the mentioned workarounds (disabling Classic Rave), booting with minimal extensions, etc., and updating the ATI software to version 1.00 (the only one listed for the Radeon 9000 dated 1/7/03. Nothing works.

I ran the demo for Ghost Recon and Jedi Knight II, and they look wonderful in 3D, with no problems or artifacts.

So it must be some major problem with the new ATI boards, the New Macs (released since mid 02), and Combat Mission (BTW - CM Beyond Overlord looks just as bad). I'll bet anyone who has bought a new Mac in the last 6 months with the new Radeon cards will not be able to run these games. I hope Battlefront will realize this is a very significant problem, and that this issue goes to the top of the "to-fix list"

I also contacted ATI, and got an automated response. Hopefully if enough of us contact them, this will help move to a fix, which seemed to happen with the NVidia problems for the Mac. I don't know how to contact Apple for this issue.

I am a big fan of Battlefront (formerly BigTime Software), and deeply appreciate your production of wargames for the Macintosh, and I trust you will continue to support our platform.


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Originally posted by MPVID:

I also contacted ATI, and got an automated response. Hopefully if enough of us contact them, this will help move to a fix, which seemed to happen with the NVidia problems for the Mac. I don't know how to contact Apple for this issue.


I've started a discussion topic on the Apple site at this site: Apple Discussion Page.

This discussion refers back to this page.

Hopefully if enough people add to this discussion it will:

a. Stay on the front page, and

b. Get a response from Apple (since talking to ATI is a waste of time and bandwidth).

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