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OT- But desparately need help - KILLER RACOONS

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I apologize prfusely for this, but I really need help (and no this isn't a joke). Me and my (soon-to-be-fiancee) live in the suburbs, and I have an ornamental fish pond I built before I became too terminally ill to work. We also have severla nice bird feeders we can see from the table (very relaxing for me).

At any rate tonight I heard some frightful noises and looked out the slider door, and found 6 racoons. They've been eating every piece of bird food we put out, and lately they've been attacking and trying to eat my goldfish/koi. They killed one 2 nights ago :(

Anyone have some ideas of how I can get rid of them? Here's the problem... I cannot shoot them (with a bullet) because of living within township limits, and I'm just perplexed.

Basically I want them exterminated :mad:

Could someone mod me a "racoon-killing-tank" please?

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Call you local Congressman and ask if the US Government can nuke your part of the country. Of course, property values will fall quite a bit once this has been done. tongue.gif

I love cats! Shoot the bastoid for making an attempt on your feline! :mad:

Seirously though, remove the food source. Once they run outta eats, they'll move on. ;)

And at that close of a range, pellet rifle hits to the skull will probably be just as effective as any standard firearm.

[ October 20, 2002, 02:34 AM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]

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I got racoons on my hill coming out my ears! i put in a turf lawn you know the one you buy in strips and put down (the ready made ones) anyways I go out in the morning and the little bastards had ripped it up looking for worms they are a complete pain in the ass whats funny is thou my neighbor has a pit bull and she LOVES going after them :D the look on thier face when she trees them :cool: ...go get yerself a pitbull or some kinda bad displacement temper dog and have fun!

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Originally posted by Epée:

They are cute little buggers!

Are they like possums (the australian variety)?

Racoons are not marsupials like possums, and they are some smart & crafty little bastards, much smarter than a cat or a dog.

They are renowned for breaking into cabins and getting into everything, including glass jars (Note the human like hands)

They are a lot of fun to watch but they can be quite destructive and sometimes dangerous to household pets as they can put up a fierce fight and often carry rabies.

Some people do keep them as pets


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There are some famous examples of Racoons being used as mascots in the American Civil War.

I also don't know about Racoons being smarter than dogs, I seem to recall the order of brain capacity to go human, dolphin, simian, and then canine. I could easily be wrong though.

I'd agree that killing 'em would be a bit extreme, though if you were able to it would be the most direct method.

If you like inhumane, I've got a method that a farmer taught my family for rabits. I am not a farmer, nor have I done this, so don't get pissed at me.

The fellow noted that if you caught a live rabit and wanted to get rid of the rest, all you had to do was take the rabbit, tie up his back feet with bailing wire, and dangle him in the mile radius that you never wanted to see rabits in again. The rabbit will scream murder until it dies its awful death, but it will freak out every rabit around. Its cruel, but if you're a farmer, its practical.

Now I doubt you could do that to your buds there, but I bet it would work.

It looks like traps are the way to go, either home made of some sort, or go buy some. But, for the cost of the traps, you might be able to hire a professional to capture them. (and then release them 5 miles away, only to have them come right back to your poarch.)

BTS, I'm sure you'll probably move this when you see it, but FWIW could it stay here for comic releaf and good will until this gentleman gets his problem fixed? I mean, c'mon! He's given us pictures too! This can be a hoot! (not for him maybe...)

I figure if Peng can get top billiing, we can bend the rules once... smile.gif But, of course, its ya'll's board.

Good luck friend!

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Awww cute, just like the mice that infested the office I used to work (I found a couple of them trying to build a nest out of our archive once :D ).

And probably just as hard to get rid of, you could get netting for the pond to cover it up at night. And they're smart enough to now when not to come back. Staking out a few nights to pellet them with BB guns and the like will probably do the trick. But you'd probably want to keep the cat inside the house for a few days when you do that.

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