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I Challenge Peng for a bone to be thrown

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Originally posted by YK2:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Terence:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Roxy:

We ARE "just another few women" who wouldn't give you the time of day, however.

But thats because the lot of you don't have the combined brainpower to tell time.</font>
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Originally posted by dalem:

Don't you worry Mike, I'm not picky.

Fortunately for me I am tho'.

So sod off.

Please (I'm also polite)

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You aren't going to make me jump out of a cake are you?



I said LADIES NIGHT not the bloody Boston TEA PARTY ..

Just bring along your best posing pouch I'm sure we will find something suitable for you on the night. :eek:

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Time for an update! (Yeah, he already posted, but I won, dammit!)

It is finally over! Like condemned prisoners, rotting in the dungeons of Schloss Peng, but eventually granted a pardon, we are free. But, like said inmates, never to be quite the same afterwards. Boo Radley and I have, at long last, ended the debacle known as Crodaburg. After 6 months, and 46 grueling turns, it just…ended. No surrender. No warning. It simply stopped. Cheated out of the last few rounds. Yet another reason to hate Croda, as if anyone needed one. Don’t kill him too quick, Boo; make it last.

Yes, I squeaked out a minor victory. My first within the ‘pool. Through no fault of my own, I might add (should have rushed that last jeep, Boo!). I promise not to make it a habit, M’lord. But the real victory is equally shared, and is the very fact that we played it out to the bitter end. No small task, that. From his classic set-up (arranging his vehicles to spell “sod off”), to his quick turnaround times, to his always entertaining emails, Sir Boo has been an exemplary opponent. I salute you, Sir Radley.

From the very start, this one was a bloodbath. By the halfway point, both of us had lost the vast majority of our units. In the last few turns, it had degenerated into a brutal slugging match, at point-blank range. Picture the scene: a plateau town, heavily cratered. Surrounded by woods and barbed wire. Bodies, abandoned guns and burning vehicles everywhere. Boo's massive artillery barrage had reduced the once formidable defenders to a mere shadow of their former selves. Only two approaches, one barred by a roadblock. At the other, a lone Tiger, gun damaged. Boo sends his only remaining armor, a pair of Jumbos, to spearhead the last, desperate push. Instead of ignoring the toothless tiger, they bounce shot after shot off it’s massive bulk. Only to be K.O.’d by ‘shrecks while distracted. The Tiger, not completely declawed, finishes off a HT dancing forward and back, spurred onward by it’s orders, but fearful of the big cat. With good reason; he was one of the last casualties. Gamey use of a Tiger? Possibly. Well, Probably. Okay, it was gamey as hell. Effective? Absolutely. Didn’t even have to rush the 20 crews I has massed in the back.

Ever the gluttons for punishment, we now will inflict Artyfest upon ourselves.

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Originally posted by Terence:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by YK2:


My you're such a Bitch Terence..... you can have free membership to our Ladies night any time you want.

You aren't going to make me jump out of a cake are you?[/QB]</font>
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Originally posted by Terence:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by YK2:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Terence:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Roxy:

We ARE "just another few women" who wouldn't give you the time of day, however.

But thats because the lot of you don't have the combined brainpower to tell time.</font>
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Originally posted by Terence:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by YK2:


My you're such a Bitch Terence..... you can have free membership to our Ladies night any time you want.

You aren't going to make me jump out of a cake are you?[/QB]</font>
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Originally posted by Simon Elwen:

Roxy I hope you get the job , will you get me a new power shower please .

How big is a power shower? If it won't fit in my biggest purse, I won't be able to get it.

Mr Spkr,

How nice to see you, sir. My records show that it is my turn. I will process your file immediately. In the meantime, enjoy your popcorn; but I think Emma has retired for the evening.

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Squire Beman where are you?

Yeah I know you're not my squire but if memory serves me roight we LADIES OF THE POOL can have any squire to do our bidding if and when needed, so get your sorry ass over here and listen up...

Whimper Whimper..

Beman : But M'Lady do I have to? I already have a list of things to do for MrSpkr .

YK2: I know lad but if we Ladies are to teach that young scallywag a lesson then we need some male help. Ermmmm you are male I hope?

Beman: Course I am M'lady I mean I play CM and have a pic of Roxy pinned to my locker doesn't that prove something?

YK2 then hush lad here is the plan....

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Originally posted by YK2:

Yeah I know you're not my squire but if memory serves me roight we LADIES OF THE POOL can have any squire to do our bidding if and when needed,

In yer dreams buttercup!
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A smoke filled room. Two figures sit at a small table, a chess game and a large bottle between them.

dalem: "Queen to knight's four, taking your rook."

MrSpkr: "Drat!"

MrSpkr hands over the rook, then fills and downs a shot of the liquor.

dalem: "Who's that over in the corner?

MrSpkr: "It looks like my young squire and Lady Emma. Funny, I thought she had better taste."

dalem: "She always was too soft, if you ask me. Your move."

MrSpkr: "Hmm. Knight to Bishop's third. Check."

dalem: "Nice."

dalem pours a shot of the liquor, then downs it quickly.

dalem: "It's a good thing, I think."

MrSpkr: "What's that -- Emma's kindness? I guess - rather like affirmative action for morons, isn't it?"

dalem: "No, no, no -- it's a good thing we have plenty to drink, you fool."

MrSpkr: "I'll drink to that."


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Originally posted by Mike:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by YK2:

Yeah I know you're not my squire but if memory serves me roight we LADIES OF THE POOL can have any squire to do our bidding if and when needed,

In yer dreams buttercup!</font>
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Originally posted by dalem:

I decree that your new one-liner is "Who's your daddy?!?"

Get it? "Who's your daddy?!?" Ha haaaaa.....

Oh boy.

dalem, you insufferable lackwit, you can't decree anything for me ever again. Don't you remember that you released me from fealty when you cast aside your titles and trappings?



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Originally posted by Mike:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by YK2:

Yeah I know you're not my squire but if memory serves me roight we LADIES OF THE POOL can have any squire to do our bidding if and when needed,

In yer dreams buttercup!</font>
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Originally posted by YK2:

Huh, guess I'll have a look at the sorry set up you sent me,

That would help move the game along, yes.

Might I suggest that it would move even faster if you put down the chips and the remote. Don't fret, the Home Shopping Network isn't going anywhere.

Green Grass eh!!!! Now theres a novelty....

I thought it would be a comfort to you, what with you having been put out to pasture and all.


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Originally posted by YK2:

Where are the OLDE ONES when you need them?

Absent, gone, left without a trace, couldn't handle the pace so they've retired, victims of future peng shock, busy sorting out their retirement portfolios and planning their golden years in Florida, gone ta ta's, bye byes, dismissed, ignored......inbred to a point where they lacked any survival traits whatsoever.....

And Joe where are you????

Ditto with bells on.

What's wrong dear? Can't handle life on your own without being propped up by a grey haired wrinkly Just-a-car??

Bah - the pools gone soft I tell yah!

I reckon ewes gals should learn to stand on your own two feet (four in the case of Boxy) and drown like the rest of us!!

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Originally posted by Mike:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by YK2:

Where are the OLDE ONES when you need them?

snippage of a bit of Mike's incessant braying

What's wrong dear? Can't handle life on your own without being propped up by a grey haired wrinkly Just-a-car??

Bah - the pools gone soft I tell yah!

I reckon ewes gals should learn to stand on your own two feet (four in the case of Boxy) and drown like the rest of us!!</font>

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Originally posted by R_Leete:

From his classic set-up (arranging his vehicles to spell “sod off”), to his quick turnaround times, to his always entertaining emails, Sir Boo has been an exemplary opponent. I salute you, Sir Radley.

Oh good grief! "Exemplary opponent"? "Entertaining e-mails"??

You "salute" me???

Next you're going to want to carry my books home and hold hands!

I thought you were just a lout and a hairy-backed knuckle-dragger, but now I see the true R_Leete! You are smarmy and that is the one thing that I shall not stand for!

Before the evening is through, Arty-Fest shall be winging it's way to you, you...you flatterer!

We'll see how much you simper and flirt when I've done with you this time!

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Hey Poopsy Klue-less - where did I say anyone needed to be defended?

She's running off to various grey-haired wrinklies looking for support for her little crusade and I said she should stand on her own feet.

Defended never came into it.

And I'm pleased to see you increasing your vocab - although I'm not in the least surprised that you required someone else to actually suggest it to you.

If you ever had an original thought it would rattle around that empty skull of yours quite alone for the rest of time!

so Poopsy - there's you the plagiarist extraordinare with the reading and comprehension level of a dead retarded parrot, and me, apparently, the idiot.

Seems like a match made in hell - do you think you can beat someone as good as an idiot?

I doubt it, but I suggest that you send me a setup. I know you wouldn't have thought of it on your own, but I like to give to the deprived and you're the lucky recipient today.

[ August 13, 2002, 07:54 PM: Message edited by: Mike ]

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Before the evening is through, Arty-Fest shall be winging it's way to you, you...you flatterer!

Ha! I knew I could get under that thick leathery hide. You're really such a nice guy, too Boo.
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