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God Save the Peng and this Honorable Challenge

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:


Allow me to offer you this clue... You don't want to see ME in tights. Oh no. No, no, no.

Perhaps we can simplify this boring procedure with the simple expedient of quoting a portion of your own words ...

You don't want to see ME ...

See there? Had you stopped at that point you'd have had the right of it and none of the tiresome remainder would have been necessary.

However, your reference to your age does, I admit, have me intrigued. There are far too few of us who are, ahem, mature enough to guide the course of the CessPool and while you ARE a Scum Sucking Newbie it is just possible that you are a MATURE Scum Sucking Newbie and that may, MAY I say, make all the difference. So enlighten us, are you "of an age" as they say or are you yet another bothersome young whippersnapper {not that there's anything wrong with that.)


p.s Pay no attention to ParSaver, he's an SSN as well and, therefore, has no clue.


Hmmm. I must admit that this last (and I pray, final... heh, I should be SO lucky) post from this Joe P'Shaw stirs mixed emotions in me.

Am I of an age as they say? I like to think that I'm only as old as I feel, and therefore still a young man. But alas, as regards the online gaming community, I am forced to admit that, well...

Let me put it another way. You've heard the saying "older than dirt", right? (C'mon, Joe P'Shaw, even you must get outside of that silicon prison you call "my own little world" once in a while.) As regards the age of the average online gamer, I'm not just "older than dirt". No, unfortunately there are things way down deep in the bowels of the earth, FAR older than those things young enough to actually contact dirt...

On a brighter note, I will say that I feel quite free of the abject senility that appears to have infested your mind, Joe. I quote:

"mature enough to guide the course of the CessPool"

I may indeed be a Scum Sucking Newbie in this post. But my intuition tells me that a brief show of hands may indicate, Joe P'Shaw, that the only guiding you are doing involves a little blue vest with a big white button on it that says "Welcome to Wal-Mart".


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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

Forgive my ignorance, but what in blazes is non-SSN? Or are you all just speaking in tongues?

Any chance I could just sacrifice this, this epitome of an SSN to Berli and thereby appease the Evil One? I promise to save the giblets.
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Originally posted by dalem:


A rough estimate would be somewhere on the order of really, really old. Kinda like the old version of Dave at the end of 2001: A Space Odyssey - you know, the part where everything's stark white and quiet and if you're the only guy who isn't stoned you're wondering why everyone else thinks the ending makes any kind of sense at all?


As regards the ice giving way underneath me completely, I may be safe then.

Still, I fear that sound I hear may be the cracks forming on the surface.



Can anyone loan dalem a capitol D?

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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

Originally posted by Joe Shaw:


Allow me to offer you this clue... You don't want to see ME in tights. Oh no. No, no, no.

Perhaps we can simplify this boring procedure with the simple expedient of quoting a portion of your own words ...

You don't want to see ME ...

See there? Had you stopped at that point you'd have had the right of it and none of the tiresome remainder would have been necessary.

However, your reference to your age does, I admit, have me intrigued. There are far too few of us who are, ahem, mature enough to guide the course of the CessPool and while you ARE a Scum Sucking Newbie it is just possible that you are a MATURE Scum Sucking Newbie and that may, MAY I say, make all the difference. So enlighten us, are you "of an age" as they say or are you yet another bothersome young whippersnapper {not that there's anything wrong with that.)


p.s Pay no attention to ParSaver, he's an SSN as well and, therefore, has no clue.


Hmmm. I must admit that this last (and I pray, final... heh, I should be SO lucky) post from this Joe P'Shaw stirs mixed emotions in me.

Am I of an age as they say? I like to think that I'm only as old as I feel, and therefore still a young man. But alas, as regards the online gaming community, I am forced to admit that, well...

Let me put it another way. You've heard the saying "older than dirt", right? (C'mon, Joe P'Shaw, even you must get outside of that silicon prison you call "my own little world" once in a while.) As regards the age of the average online gamer, I'm not just "older than dirt". No, unfortunately there are things way down deep in the bowels of the earth, FAR older than those things young enough to actually contact dirt...

On a brighter note, I will say that I feel quite free of the abject senility that appears to have infested your mind, Joe. I quote:

"mature enough to guide the course of the CessPool"

I may indeed be a Scum Sucking Newbie in this post. But my intuition tells me that a brief show of hands may indicate, Joe P'Shaw, that the only guiding you are doing involves a little blue vest with a big white button on it that says "Welcome to Wal-Mart".


Uhhh... Papadom and Joe... sort of like the two old muppets.... bwabwabwabwabwabwabwa

Yeknod o' tha Thistle

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On a brighter note, I will say that I feel quite free of the abject senility that appears to have infested your mind, Joe. I quote:

"mature enough to guide the course of the CessPool"

I may indeed be a Scum Sucking Newbie in this post. But my intuition tells me that a brief show of hands may indicate, Joe P'Shaw, that the only guiding you are doing involves a little blue vest with a big white button on it that says "Welcome to Wal-Mart".

Well lads, we gave him the chance didn't we. Not our fault that he threw it back in our faces. It appears all the more likely that this one simply won't do.


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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

I may indeed be a Scum Sucking Newbie in this post. But my intuition tells me that a brief show of hands may indicate, Joe P'Shaw, that the only guiding you are doing involves a little blue vest with a big white button on it that says "Welcome to Wal-Mart".


Okay, I'm definitely claiming this SSN for House Persiflage. It is feisty, seasoned, and followed the Rules.

Plus it'll piss Joe off to no end, and that is a goalpost to aim for anytime.

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Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Papa Khann:

I may indeed be a Scum Sucking Newbie in this post. But my intuition tells me that a brief show of hands may indicate, Joe P'Shaw, that the only guiding you are doing involves a little blue vest with a big white button on it that says "Welcome to Wal-Mart".


Okay, I'm definitely claiming this SSN for House Persiflage. It is feisty, seasoned, and followed the Rules.

Plus it'll piss Joe off to no end, and that is a goalpost to aim for anytime.</font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:


Well lads, we gave him the chance didn't we. Not our fault that he threw it back in our faces. It appears all the more likely that this one simply won't do.



Joe, I'd like to take this moment to offer some heartfelt concern regarding a couple of your previous posts. Now you and I don't know each other from Adam and Eve, so maybe you do this all the time and it's no big deal. But I notice a particular tendency on your part not only to state an opinion, but to offer it with the term "we".

In the case of the above quote, you even refer to others ("well, lads, we") as if someone else is actually LISTENING to you.

Question for you, Joe. When someone walks up to you in the real world (that's when you're away from your computer, Joe... like when you leave your house... say if you receive a summons or something) and asks you a direct question, do you respond with the term we think fill in blank with mindless drivel? Or worse yet, do you refer to yourself when you answer? As in, Joe P'Shaw says fill in blank with more mindless drivel.

Just wondering.

I don't know you much, Joe. But already I find myself worrying about you. How odd.


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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

Originally posted by Joe Shaw:


Well lads, we gave him the chance didn't we. Not our fault that he threw it back in our faces. It appears all the more likely that this one simply won't do.



Joe, I'd like to take this moment to offer some heartfelt concern regarding a couple of your previous posts. Now you and I don't know each other from Adam and Eve, so maybe you do this all the time and it's no big deal. But I notice a particular tendency on your part not only to state an opinion, but to offer it with the term "we".

In the case of the above quote, you even refer to others ("well, lads, we") as if someone else is actually LISTENING to you.

Question for you, Joe. When someone walks up to you in the real world (that's when you're away from your computer, Joe... like when you leave your house... say if you receive a summons or something) and asks you a direct question, do you respond with the term we think fill in blank with mindless drivel? Or worse yet, do you refer to yourself when you answer? As in, Joe P'Shaw says fill in blank with more mindless drivel.

Just wondering.

I don't know you much, Joe. But already I find myself worrying about you. How odd.


Yes you are, how astute of you to notice.

As to those who listen to me, THEY are all members of the CessPool ... YOU are not. With a great deal of luck, a carefully placed bribe or two and catching some downtrodden Knight on a bad day with a bellyful of cheap liquor (which does not, I admit, limit the pool of choices greatly) you MIGHT be proposed as Serf to the CessPool. I would not oppose that move. It is even possible that you might, by carefully reviewing the posts of your betters (just about anyone here ... with the obvious exception of the Australians), improve to the point where the Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread would reluctantly approve of your elevation to Squire. Smart money, at this point, is HEAVILY against that likelihood.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

- prattling -


Hm. Hmmm. I hate to admit it, but somehow you have read the cue cards correctly and -gack- have made some sense.

I'm still weary from holding the MBT in some kind of shape whilst all the Olde Ones were off having recreational colonoscopies, or whatever it was they were all doing, so I don't want to cause too much trouble.

So Serfdom it is for Khan Noonian Singh. Serfdom in the service of House Persiflage, with a possible extra quarter in it if'n you make it shine real bright!

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Have you two idiots had enough spitting on each other by now? Why don't you guys start a new thread before we get blamed for snigger crashing the BTS server again?

Geez, you guys are scrambling over this SSN like a pack of wild dogs over a whore covered with bacon drippings. Or somefink.


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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Have you two idiots had enough spitting on each other by now? Why don't you guys start a new thread before we get blamed for snigger crashing the BTS server again?

Geez, you guys are scrambling over this SSN like a pack of wild dogs over a whore covered with bacon drippings. Or somefink.


Aww, c'mon MrSpkr, you have to admit that watching their little interaction, which resembled nothing less that the pas de deux of two drunken trollops with inner ear infections has a certain value as entertainment.

Not great entertainment, surely, but it beats watching paint dry. Sort of.

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Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

- prattling -


Hm. Hmmm. I hate to admit it, but somehow you have read the cue cards correctly and -gack- have made some sense.

I'm still weary from holding the MBT in some kind of shape whilst all the Olde Ones were off having recreational colonoscopies, or whatever it was they were all doing, so I don't want to cause too much trouble.

So Serfdom it is for Khan Noonian Singh. Serfdom in the service of House Persiflage, with a possible extra quarter in it if'n you make it shine real bright!</font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:


Yes you are, how astute of you to notice.



Best I can do with this one, Joe, is to chalk it up to my on-going assumption that sometimes you are responding to me, and sometimes to the voices in your head.


As to those who listen to me, THEY are all members of the CessPool ... YOU are not.



Though if forced to utter "nothing but the truth" (obviously at gun point, under Oath would simply not be sufficient) I may have to admit that this makes me feel clean. For now, anyway.


With a great deal of luck, a carefully placed bribe or two and catching some downtrodden Knight on a bad day with a bellyful of cheap liquor (which does not, I admit, limit the pool of choices greatly) you MIGHT be proposed as Serf to the CessPool. I would not oppose that move. It is even possible that you might, by carefully reviewing the posts of your betters (just about anyone here ... with the obvious exception of the Australians), improve to the point where the Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread would reluctantly approve of your elevation to Squire. Smart money, at this point, is HEAVILY against that likelihood.



I'm with you, Joe. Er, well, I was, up until your outpouring of Justicare wisdom got drowned out in the sound of your own voice droning ON and ON and ON about some sort of something or other.



Joe, what aisle can I find Chlorox Cleanup in? I'm not feeling as clean as I used to.

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