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The Cheery Waffle Thread and Other Natural Disasters: Film at Eleven


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Originally posted by Snarker:

Dominions is deep, Dave, but you should be able to pull yourself away for other activities. It will wait for your return. smile.gif

The PBEM game getting set up will only be 1 turn a day, asfar as I know. That's enough, considering it's currently at six or seven players.

Okay Snarker, does a Dominions PBEM turn into a slow version of Fiefdom, with a few players ganging up on the independent players? The game looks interesting enough to give it a try. Calling it deep may be a gross understatement - it looks to me that as you control more provinces, a single turn could eventually take a long, long time.

My first experience with the demo was hardly reassuring. I conquered the first province easily enough, but on the next turn my commander was killed and my garrison was routed by some kind of magical vine men. Cool, but still a big "GRRRRRRRR!!" at the same time.

Still, I think it's worth a try. I guess I'll order it - it sure looks great on my new monitor! :D:D

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Originally posted by Dave H:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Snarker:

Dominions is deep, Dave, but you should be able to pull yourself away for other activities. It will wait for your return. smile.gif

The PBEM game getting set up will only be 1 turn a day, asfar as I know. That's enough, considering it's currently at six or seven players.

Okay Snarker, does a Dominions PBEM turn into a slow version of Fiefdom, with a few players ganging up on the independent players? The game looks interesting enough to give it a try. Calling it deep may be a gross understatement - it looks to me that as you control more provinces, a single turn could eventually take a long, long time.

My first experience with the demo was hardly reassuring. I conquered the first province easily enough, but on the next turn my commander was killed and my garrison was routed by some kind of magical vine men. Cool, but still a big "GRRRRRRRR!!" at the same time.

Still, I think it's worth a try. I guess I'll order it - it sure looks great on my new monitor! :D:D </font>

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<font color = #8f8f47>This is not the v42below you're looking for................................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................. </font>

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Originally posted by v42below:

<font color = #8f8f46>This is not the v42below you're looking for................................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................. </font>

Uh, so you're equating yourself to one of the most irritating characters ever and a two foot tall robot that communicates with beeps and boops. ...well at least you're honest with yourself.
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My apologies for not holding up my end of PBEMs for the last few days maggots.

Work and this !#@$%^&@ problem with my ATI card are driving my batty.

I sent ATI a detailed list of all the things I have done to try to fix the problem.

What does ATI send me?

A form e-mail telling me to do all the things I just told them I did.

I would blow something up but I'm too damn tired.

And the mailboxes are still in front of my house even though Canada Post was supposed to move them six months ago.

And, to top it all off, Rodney died today.

"The last time I saw a mouth like that it had a hook in it."


At least the Sox clobbered the Angels. =/

Turns tomorrow.

Good night.

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GRGRAAAAAARGHRGAARGHRGHRGHARGH!!!!!!!!! Maggots? MAGGOTS? Who wants some?!?! rune did me in again by tricking me into once again taking the moronic side in one of his "I will continue to make Snarker suffer" scenarios. I swear to Jamoomba he writes the briefs to sucker me in. Dave H whumped me into next week with his stylishly dressed paratroopers in this latest maggot basher. :mad: :mad: :mad:

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Judge Smails: "You're drinking too much, Your Excellency."

The Bishop: "Excellency fiddlesticks! My name's Fred, and I'm just a man, same as you are."

Smails: "You're not a man, you're a Bishop, for God's sakes!"

Wilcoxon: "There is no God."

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Originally posted by Soddball:

You're nearly as amusing as bowel surgery without anaesthetic. :mad:

Soddball, you no-turn-sending waffle, I have to tell you that the thought of you undergoing bowel surgery without anesthetic is pretty funny! :D:D:D

There'll never be another one like Rodney. I'm glad we got to see him. :cool: :cool:

"No respect, no respect at all!"

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Three more BDLRM-revenge PBEM games are now history. I managed only a draw with the estimable and suave Teddy Windsor. This although I eliminated his German armor and I still had six Shermans left, which were quickly mopping up his remaining infantry. Too many Allied vehicles were lost, I guess. Of course, the scenario started with my armored cars arrayed as targets for his tanks. Gamey!! :mad: :mad:

I managed only a minor victory against Snarker in the rune masterpiece. My Brits stormed his airfield and took all but one VL. While sustaining heavy losses, we took the battle to his defending Germans. We managed to take 40 or 50 German prisoners, and we even rescued the one man who had been captured by the Germans. Bloody, but a success. :cool: :cool:

Finally, I took a major victory against Boo Radley, proving once again that in a battle of wits, Waffles will always prevail over <font size=1>penguins</font>. In this case my attacking Americans rolled over his German defenders, destroying all of his armor and his AT guns for the loss of a single Sherman. His Germans finally threw in the towel. Boo created the scenario himself, and the map is like a maze. Everyone has to be very careful when moving. He'd probably be willing to take on anyone else who wants to give it a try. :D:D

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Another BDLRM-revenge match ends in a draw. Mike took the entire Afrika Korps, put them in trenches criss-crossing the sides of a mountain, and allowed me to attack him. My infantry couldn't even approach the mountain without getting hit with a hail of HMG and mortar fire from above. The tanks did what they could, but his dug-in AT guns and his minefields finally stopped them, too. I couldn't get at him on the summit, so we finally pulled back a bit. That's when he went crazy and began chasing my tanks with his AT guns. :D:D

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Well, here's the latest on Wartime Command:

eah guys, I really do have to apologise for not being around the WC boards for so long....it's been months I know

Busy few months for me with 3 game releases taking priority and me doing all the online stuff.

As you can see there has been little to report on the development of the game. I know that there has been problems with the development of the game engine which has caused problems, and alot of work has gone into this. Until these problems are sorted there's little else I can report. I know I'm not supposed to be saying anything about this but I felt a right to tell you all of this and explain the pushing back of the date.

If I hear any definitive news then I will announce it here.



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