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The Peng Challenge Remembers Jim Boggs


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Like I said ... one of those goober nations.

Speaking of which, Joe Xia, why aren't I listed as a kaniggit in good standing? Our little byte battle (I remember it well.. especially the bit about the trucks) was my fifth pool game iirc.
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Originally posted by dalem:

I'm reposting this from the end of the last thread. A friend of mine witnessed the humiliation of Papa Khann the other night and sig files WERE involved.

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />

I was there and I saw the horror....

Across the table from me sat the walking collection of pustulent camel boils that is Papa Khan...only a scented candle and a strong stomach kept the contents of my dinner in my belly when his distinctive stench wafted my way. Seanachai had been drinking heavily all night, trying to blot out the sight of Papa Khan's hideous countenance by blurring his own vision.

In this time of darkness, Seanachai achieved a momentary connection with the divine. He rose up and smote Papa Khan a mighty blow (metaphorically speaking; he was far too drunk to stand). We were there and witnessed the glory. Sadly, there was more to come, but that is a lesson for another time. For now, let me just say:

"Seanachai is god's own prophet".

--Comrade Marstov

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Originally posted by CMplayer:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Like I said ... one of those goober nations.

Speaking of which, Joe Xia, why aren't I listed as a kaniggit in good standing? Our little byte battle (I remember it well.. especially the bit about the trucks) was my fifth pool game iirc. </font>
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Now I don't think that was called for, Joe.

I put in my petition through the proper channels,

in the proper form, with all the paperwork and all I get back is a size 36 blowoff? I'm a fully trained kniggit of ready wit from the Runyan House by gum, with

my Grandliege's sense of histrionics and possess the added advantage of being

especially vile and hateful to dalem[/b. Shouldn't that in itself be enough to warrant elevation?

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Originally posted by CMplayer:

Now I don't think that was called for, Joe.

I put in my petition through the proper channels,

in the proper form, with all the paperwork and all I get back is a size 36 blowoff? I'm a fully trained kniggit of ready wit from the Runyan House by gum, with

my Grandliege's sense of histrionics and possess the added advantage of being

especially vile and hateful to dalem. Shouldn't that in itself be enough to warrant elevation?

Now, now, CMplayer is a Knight of long standing Joe.

And besides, instead of the moose, you could post a pic of a wolf this time.

Try and find one with the "Mcauley Culkin at the Michael Jackson Petting Zoo Look" I would think.

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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by CMplayer:

Now I don't think that was called for, Joe.

I put in my petition through the proper channels,

in the proper form, with all the paperwork and all I get back is a size 36 blowoff? I'm a fully trained kniggit of ready wit from the Runyan House by gum, with

my Grandliege's sense of histrionics and possess the added advantage of being

especially vile and hateful to dalem. Shouldn't that in itself be enough to warrant elevation?

Now, now, CMplayer is a Knight of long standing Joe.

And besides, instead of the moose, you could post a pic of a wolf this time.

Try and find one with the "Mcauley Culkin at the Michael Jackson Petting Zoo Look" I would think. </font>

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That's harsh, Joe, even for you.

I mean, CMPlayer is a pretty cool guy from what I've seen. Even the "goober nations", as y'all put it, can cough up a good one once in a while.

And for you to insinuate Lars is lying...I think you are overwraught, mon frer. You should go lie down and put your feet up.


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Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

That's harsh, Joe, even for you.

I mean, CMPlayer is a pretty cool guy from what I've seen. Even the "goober nations", as y'all put it, can cough up a good one once in a while.

And for you to insinuate Lars is lying...I think you are overwraught, mon frer. You should go lie down and put your feet up.


What do you mean, "even for you."

Are you suggesting that I am using unfair judging criteria ... ion ... rules?

I STAND FOR THE CESSPOOL! And that means keeping the riff-raff OUT! And, let's be honest here, you just don't GET more riff-raff than CMPlayer ... unless you count Australians of course.

But I'm willing to be reasonable. I don't personally recall whether he is or isn't a Knight, but if he is then he certainly deserves to be so recognized ... no matter that his Liege Lord was a drunken sot on a BAD DAY ... no matter that it was better undone than done, the rules are the rules ... so ...

Do I have another besides Lars (who, after all, can be bought lock, stock and barrel for the price of a six pack) who will agree that CMPlayer has been a Knight of the CessPool?


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Can't believe I am still a Senior Knight. How long do I have to be gone, and what's up with that picture?

Did I mention it sucks that Boggsy is gone. He was the only one apart from me with a sense of humour. Well, actually the only one with a sense of humor, since he was American.

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Originally posted by Andreas:

Can't believe I am still a Senior Knight. How long do I have to be gone, and what's up with that picture?

Did I mention it sucks that Boggsy is gone. He was the only one apart from me with a sense of humour. Well, actually the only one with a sense of humor, since he was American.

You want a better picture, you need to SEND a better picture.

Check the email in my profile and fire away.

Oh ... you being German and all, aren't you forbidden to have a sense of humor? I know that's the assumption we've all been making lo these many years.


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Originally posted by Andreas:

Can't believe I am still a Senior Knight. How long do I have to be gone, and what's up with that picture?

Did I mention it sucks that Boggsy is gone. He was the only one apart from me with a sense of humour. Well, actually the only one with a sense of humor, since he was American.

Yeah, he always spoke highly of you. Many was the time he said to me, "Damn... that Andreas must be high..."

True story.

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You English speakers are just jealous that your language did not come up with something like that.

Bit like all these non-German speakers go all gooey-eyed about Tigers. 'Ohhh, look, now there's a tank'. Same way linguists go all bubbly about Donaudampfschiffahrtsgesellschaftskapitänspatentsausgabestellenvorstandsassistentenschreibstubenhocker. 'Ohhh, look, now there's a word.'

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Originally posted by Andreas:


The wet Dona sells the Captain's weenie to the assistant scribe then hocks a loogie?

That makes no sense.

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Originally posted by Sir 37mm:

Well I have to say I didn’t know this Boggs character but I’ve been studying him in the way that seems most appropriate… by reading his posts to the One Thread (this despite some Pengless idiots rather lame-ass attempt to strangle me with a kind of pigeon) and I can conclude that they’re rather marvellous if often too short.

My rough survey also suggests that approximately 70% of all his posts mocked or belittled Seanachai in some way; this is a truly startling achievement and should shame us all for not doing more on that front.

However I thought I’d show you a simple little exchange between Boo & Boggs over some kind of Blood hamster challenge

Boo; “We find this acceptable.”

NOTE: (that which is being acceptabled is some kind of challenge)

Boggs; “Excellent!

By the way, I have good news!

McDonald's is doing away with Super Size meals. Maybe by this time next year, you can refer to yourself in the singular!”

Shaw, you imbecile! How could you knight this gob of snot if the twit doesn't even know what a Blood Hamster is? I say this is good grounds for impeaching the Justacar.
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Originally posted by v42below:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Sir 37mm:

Well I have to say I didn’t know this Boggs character but I’ve been studying him in the way that seems most appropriate… by reading his posts to the One Thread (this despite some Pengless idiots rather lame-ass attempt to strangle me with a kind of pigeon) and I can conclude that they’re rather marvellous if often too short.

My rough survey also suggests that approximately 70% of all his posts mocked or belittled Seanachai in some way; this is a truly startling achievement and should shame us all for not doing more on that front.

However I thought I’d show you a simple little exchange between Boo & Boggs over some kind of Blood hamster challenge

Boo; “We find this acceptable.”

NOTE: (that which is being acceptabled is some kind of challenge)

Boggs; “Excellent!

By the way, I have good news!

McDonald's is doing away with Super Size meals. Maybe by this time next year, you can refer to yourself in the singular!”

Shaw, you imbecile! How could you knight this gob of snot if the twit doesn't even know what a Blood Hamster is? I say this is good grounds for impeaching the Justacar. </font>
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I agree wholeheartedly lad, now ... where do you propose we go to find this, who was it again ... oh yes ... </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Justacar

chap. Sounds like a dangerous man to me, I for one will be glad to see him impeached.

Joe </font>

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AAR of a very troubled liege: A Messianic production

Sir 37mm the Peng blessed, disowned, tested, tolerated, mocked, belittled & forsaken Messiah of the Peng Challenge Thread, Leading light of the House of (sigh) JDMORSE (sigh) and owner of all the other titles & privileges bestowed upon his heavenly shoulders


Boo (Former liege to said Messiah)

Well after the last ridiculously huge blood bath we decided to play two smaller battles consecti… conseqtue… at the same time. This was the smaller of the two; a tiny allied assault in muddy conditions, I took the few German defenders.

Now I’ve played some one sided scenarios in my time but this was something special; to face off against a large force of Canadian tanks, vehicles, infantry & artillery I had under my command…

One Gun of some description

A few men of some description

An MG bunker

A Minefield containing one mine (and that’s probably a dud)

Still I did have the weather on my side… sigh

I deployed my scant forces around the objectives & decided to place the gun at the end of the main road.

Boo’s forces arrived onto the map; a platoon of Sherman’s along the road & I think a company of infantry in the scattered trees & vineyards beside that road.


My bunkers and a few other MG’s began firing… nobody was hit, but the Canadians became pinned. Boo brought up one of his Sherman’s and began firing at the pillbox… I decided now was the time to strike!


The Gun didn’t take long to score a blazing success.


The remaining tanks began to panic & dropped smoke rounds all over the place. As the smoke dissipated my Gun engaged in duels with the Sherman’s and appeared to score another success.

Meanwhile MG’s continued to rip into the Canadian infantry.

However it didn’t take long for artillery to begin to fall around my gun. I’m pretty certain that it was the spotting round which knocked out the damned thing, Boo didn’t know this & continued to pummel the entire area for many turns (even retargeting a few times).


Boo’s infantry played a deceitful little trick & dropped smoke shells infront of the MG bunker but it bought the Canadians only a few turns of peace.


Well I fully expected Boo to come out with his last Sherman (it was quivering in a ditch at this point) & blow that bunker away however the first rule of playing CM is expect the unexpected…

Boo ignored the MG spitting lead into his men (as they continued struggling to advance) and began to make his way down the road.

Oh but his lone tank was no longer alone… a veritable horde of vehicles had also joined the battle (indeed initially thanks to fog of war they looked like other Sherman’s it soon became clear they were just MG carriers & the like).

Well Boo now proceeded to launch the most cautious advance in history, at one point I thought he was even ‘advancing to the rear’ (I knew Yankee’s often did such things around Canadians) but it turned out I was rewinding the movie.

It was incredible, truly breathtaking to watch indeed I watched & re-watched the action movies again & again just to make sure that what my eyes were telling me was actually happening.

I suppose it was inevitable really but the incredible pace of Boo’s attack was bound to put incalculable stress on the men.


I told them before this had all begun…

“Stay down until you see the whites of their eyes lads!”

“Err Sir?”

“What is it Lad?”

“Err what if ‘they’ are a tank & we can’t see their eyes?”

“Do you expect me to repeat all of my orders Lad?”

“Err… no Sir!”

After 19 minutes of this relentless pressure it finally happened to a young Panzerfausterer.

“Oh for fecks sake why the feck aren’t they fecking getting any fecking closer I can’t fecking fire this thing if he’s all the fecking way over their?”

“But Franz they’re being cautious”

“Cautious! Cautious! He’s ******* his pants at the very idea of MG bullets scratching the paint of his tank! I’ve had enough, I can’t stand it!”

The brave, foolish & now stark raving mad Panzerfausterer got out of his foxhole against my orders & levelled his deadly tube (calm down Emrys) towards the American vehicles (still well over 130m away) & fired.

His rocket smacked into the last Sherman & that was that.


The enemy vehicles responded like a swarm of angry wasps, the sting of their bullets quickly slaying the brave Panzerfausterer but this blow must've pretty much disheartened Boo.

His rampaging advance slowed yet further (incredible) and five minutes of intensive MG fire later the battle thankfully ended.


[ April 12, 2005, 04:26 PM: Message edited by: Sir 37mm ]

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