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Maggot picks Waffle to be his Cherry mate

Guest Mike

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u geyz r kul.


Wallybob finished a LDBYLRM-like slaughter of my frozen Americans.

Axe and I are about to pummel each other (round 3) with arty to win the favour of quaint little Castelforte. He has a lot more arty but he's also got the French so I still think I'm ahead.

Dave.....Dave? Time to get the wood-burning computer fired up, no?

no_one is still AWOL. He warned me that he was having computer trouble, but I think it was the sight of the grim determination of my Russian horde that sent him scurrying into his hole.

:mad: :mad: :mad:

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Mace you Oddstralian 'getting maggotted' maggot!

I repeat - send an email with your fer real addy for a tasty barley treat. First ask, first get. ABA comes 12 22oz bottles in a case for a mere $42 US, so the rest of you maggots will have to be NOT WORTHY!!!!

When you open the case, you gaze upon a quarter flap with the pithy words, "What are you looking at, numbskull?"

And in leeeettle type at the bottom of the bottle is the following: <small>Questions or comments? If you don't like this beer, keep it to yourself - we don't want to hear from any yellow-beer-drinkin' wimps, 'cause this beer wasn't made for you. </small>

Animated arrogance

Oh, yeah. Those living in the States that are by now salivating at the thought of ABA, look around Stonbrew.com and Arrogantbastard.com for distributors or to see if it can be delivered to your door.

:mad: :mad:

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Greetings Wafflers,

In the gaming equivalent of being slathered in hot TNT and then asked to hold a flaming Molotov cocktail while he went to water his pansies, Dave (the venerable maggot) has well and truly kicked my bottom in BDLRM 2004 :mad: :mad: :mad:

The cunning old chap inflicted the worst defeat I've ever suffered that hasn't involved my little pixel army surrendering after fleeing the field of battle or lying down and dying en masse :mad: :mad: :mad:

I bow down before the crusty warrior and cordially suggest the tournament is renamed next year ... any suggestions are welcome tongue.gif

Teddy (fighting his way through a crocodile pit while delivering witty one-liners to his buxom side-kick and attempting not to spill his vodka martini) ;)

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<font size=5>Good Morning, Waffles!!</font size=5> :D

Fiefdom is over. A BFC forum member won - although he is a <font size=1>penguin</font size=1>, this once we can overlook that tragic character flaw. The Yorick/Crimson Brigade clans accused the BFC members of cheating. I think I've managed to irritate Warpig. All things considered, a hugely successful round. :D

Originally posted by Edward Windsor:

Greetings Wafflers,

In the gaming equivalent of being slathered in hot TNT and then asked to hold a flaming Molotov cocktail while he went to water his pansies, Dave (the venerable maggot) has well and truly kicked my bottom in BDLRM 2004 :mad: :mad:

The cunning old chap inflicted the worst defeat I've ever suffered that hasn't involved my little pixel army surrendering after fleeing the field of battle or lying down and dying en masse :mad:

I bow down before the crusty warrior and cordially suggest the tournament is renamed next year ... any suggestions are welcome

Teddy (fighting his way through a crocodile pit while delivering witty one-liners to his buxom side-kick and attempting not to spill his vodka martini) ;)

Teddy, so good to see your secret agent self reappear in the Cheery Waffle thread. The next time I decide to have a BDLRM tournament, I will decide what point levels seem like a fair fight, and then double the points for you maggots. Apparently this scenario veered slightly to my advantage. I must admit, the treads of your Sherman were inches from the north edge of the map when the game ended. Also, major kudos for using that same gun-damaged Sherman to roll directly over a 20 mm gun. That's a tactic I had never seen before, but it worked to perfection. I was only disappointed that there was no graphic to watch the gun crushed into scrap metal.

If it's any consolation, your terrible loss has placed you among the leaders in the BDLRM. Congratulations. Consider this scenario to be the "Kobiyashi Maru" among CMAK scenarios, for all of you Trekkers out there. Evidently it's an unwinnable scenario. I'm so proud!!

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Originally posted by Snarker:

ABA comes 12 22oz bottles in a case for a mere $42 US, so the rest of you maggots will have to be NOT WORTHY!!!!

After caferful consideration of the Canadian/United States exchange rate, I respectfully withdraw my offer.
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No turns out last night as I was at an 'event'*. Got home late, played with the puppy and didn't even turn computer on. I will catch up tonight. Truly sorry to delay the arse-whooping of Wattle & Sickbit but plenty 'o time this weekend for that.

Glory be!!!! The return of the man who would be queen. Our very own super-secret, James Bond-esque, cross-dressing spy, Teddy Windsor has returned.

*an 'event' is a social gathering where wine-type people mill about eating bits of food, drinking copious amounts of adulte beverages and usually centered around some self-serving prattling about how our wines are the nectar of the gods whilst all others are cattle droppings. quite fun.

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You blithering idiot. Send me some of that beer, or by noon tomorrow I will have no choice but to send you a scenario. It features:

Pommie paratroops

An Airfield in Tunisia

things that go rat-a-tat

things that go boom.

more things that go boom.

Failure to acknowledge the beer is on the way will result with this scenario in your mailbox tomorrow. To torture you even more, you must play.... Hmm... Watson and his cricket, or DaveH.


[ July 16, 2004, 02:36 PM: Message edited by: rune ]

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Maggots!!!!! Any and all shipments of ABA overseas (at least to Australia) are hearby NULL AND VOID!!!

Guess why? Two bottles of beer to Australia = $80 + $15 DHL Duty paying fee + whatever the duty is. GREEDY MAAAAAAAGGOOOOOOTS!!!!

UPS= $85 for ONE bottle + all that other crapola.

Any and all of you that cannot get ABA locally can call 800.331.3005 x258 and see how much it'll cost you. US customers not too terribly bad, Canada may not be outrageous either.

Some Peoples Republic areas in the States won't allow it to be shipped in either.

Sorry maggots, gotta feed the kids first. :mad: :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by rune:

Failure to acknowledge the beer is on the way will result with this scenario in your mailbox tomorrow. To torture you even more, you must play.... Hmm... Watson and his cricket, or DaveH.

Yay! I must be back in your good books after posting the first-ever review for evil bastiche jr for Meeting in the Wind at the Depot.
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