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Mr Gopher ticked off Carl who Botched the Job in Typical Cheery Waffle Fashion

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And now, a jolly Canadian singsong for the Goodalers:

On sleepless nights down in the laundrymat

Watching the clothes, ghosts playing tit for tat

We light a joint, talk about our old friends

Dead or alive our stories never end

Turn it over,look on the back page

There's Johnny GoGo looks like he'll never age

Sits in the Park House, drinking beer and landing flies

Just after noon, waiting for the trouble boys.

That's just the way it is here

No less and no more severe

That's just the way it is here

So pull up your socks and lean on your peers

Did you hear about Hank?

Booze rotted out his liver

Gray and depressed,

He gave his wife the finger

What about his kid,

What about his ex-wife

Ask themselves the same thing when they turn out the lights

I still remember the first time I saw him sing

2 black eyes, from a knuckle and a biker's ring

climbing up the speakers, hanging from The Balla rafters

Hamilton punk king swinging to his own disaster

That's just the way it is here

No less and no more severe

That's just the way it is here

So pull up your socks and lean on your peers

Pattie couldn't make it

She jumped right out the window

3 floors down cuz they cut off her cable

Dan took the same fall

Fire ball on Hunter Street

Landed on the sidewalk

Looked just like a chicken wing

It was a heartfelt night it was raining

Tim told us the whole story

Hanging at the gas station

I never wanted to hear that description

But now I know what is and isn't fiction

That's just the way it is here

No less and no more severe

That's just the way it is here

So pull up your socks and lean on your peers

Lean On Your Peers

-Blackie and the Rodeo Kings

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You Goodalers are weak. Weak as water! Five AM, and not a single post from any of you. Too busy sleeping and cuddling your treasured collection of soft toys, no doubt, rescued from the garage sales and rubbish heaps your parents consigned them too when they finally got you to move out of the basement and into an apartment with some marginally employed cousin who needs a roommate to make rent.

Of course a few of you, like Axe2121 are trying to nuzzle up to the missus who's murmuring "Not tonight, honey, I've taken a lover". And Mike the Wino is lying on a bathroom rug (face down, so he doesn't aspirate the vomit), mumbling his way through the lyrics of 'Dancing Queen'.

Dave H, of course, is curled into the fetal position and whimpering, contemplating whether people will find out he religiously attends Star Trek conventions caparisoned as a 'Vulcan', while Snarker is trying to remember if he let all the cats out, and designing cute hats for them in his head.

Smope is trying to figure out how to work a bic lighter in the bathtub, and Master Goodale himself is deep in the throws of his recurring dream of waking up as a cockroach and having to learn German in an effort to make his life look significant, rather than simply annoying.

Keke, is, of course, twitching and and snorting while he dreams that he's chasing Russians with a gigantic dill pickle, shouting 'eat me, eat me.'

If Lewis Carroll had plunged through the Looking Glass into this thread, he'd never stop throwing up.

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I've spent the last two hours productively converting my CM:BB scenarios to CM:AK. There are some shockers there, I can tell you. I'm redrafting Cheery Waffles with some new, stupidly huge explosives. I plan to include some of the less worthwhile Pengers, and set Cheery Waffle Warriors against Peng Pansies in an epic battle of death.

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Oh, and Snarker, this thread title is the worst, the very worst. 'Painful rectal itch' bad. Refrain from starting another thread until you get your money back from the 'Can You Title This Thread? If So, You Could Earn 1,000s of $s As An Internet Halfwit' School of Writing that you found on the inside of a matchbook.

In fact, don't get out of your bunk at the Institution until the bedsores require serious medical attention. And then pour lemon juice over them before pulling on your stained and tattered underwear.

This is a seriously awful thread title, Snarker. Even you should have been able to realize that.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Soddball:

I plan to include some of the less worthwhile Pengers, and set Cheery Waffle Warriors against Peng Pansies in an epic battle of death.

Killing the lot of you wouldn't justify more than a badly rhymed limerick, let alone an epic. </font>
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Oh, and Snarker, this thread title is the worst, the very worst. 'Painful rectal itch' bad. Refrain from starting another thread until you get your money back from the 'Can You Title This Thread? If So, You Could Earn 1,000s of $s As An Internet Halfwit' School of Writing that you found on the inside of a matchbook.

In fact, don't get out of your bunk at the Institution until the bedsores require serious medical attention. And then pour lemon juice over them before pulling on your stained and tattered underwear.

This is a seriously awful thread title, Snarker. Even you should have been able to realize that.

Quiet Gnome, before I sic the luggage on you.
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Sorry about the delay of games from me to my maggot-lipped opponents. Friday was our 10th Anniversary, and so we went out. Going to the pool this afternoon to hang out with some friends, before Frances makes us regret being outside (Monday or Tuesday in our area).

Drink up, all and sundry.

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If Seanachai is going to come in here for a jolly singsong, then who am I to argue? Just don't look for me at 5 AM. Here's one of my very favorite songs. The version I've heard was recorded at a live concert by Kornog. :D:D

Jesuitmont (Traditional)

There lived a knight in Jesuitmont

A huntin' he did ride

His footmen all attending him

And his horsemen by his side.

And they found out in Jesuitmont

A pleasant sport and play;

His lady goes exceeding fine,

To hear the masses play.

An' she's called on her daughter Anne,

To come to her with speed;

To go and tell the master cook

To dress the dinner straight.

To go her message for to tell

Young Annie feared nae ill'

An' she is gone to the master cook

The message for to tell.

"Ye maun dress the dow, the dow

That fair and milk-white dow;

That in the parlour shines so fair,

There's nane so fair to show."

"Here is a penknife in my hand

Will bereave thee of thy life;

For thou art the dow that I maun dress

Unto thy father's wife."

Up them spoke the kitchie boy

An' he spoke loud an' high

"O save, O save fair Annie's life

An' bake me in your pie."

"I will not save fair Annie's life,

No, not for such as thee;

But if thou divulge this lady's life

Thy butcher I will be."

When day was done and night was come

And they were all at dinner

When he's ca'd for his daughter Anne

To come and carve his dinner.

Up he rose and away he goes

An angry man was he;

"One bit of meat I will not eat,

Till I fair Annie see."

Up then spoke the kitchie boy

An' he spoke loud and high;

"An' ye wad your fair Annie see,

Ye maun break up the pie.

Her meat it was a' minced sma'

An' forced by the fire'

An' cursed by her stepmother

For it was her desire."

This lord he is a' clad in black

A' for his Annie's sake;

An' he has caused her stepmother

To be burnt at the stake.

An' he has caused the master cook,

In boilin' lead to stand;

An' he has made the kitchie boy

The heir o' a' his land.

Cheerful song, eh? :D:D

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Originally posted by Snarker:

I send you a drink recipe






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Originally posted by Mace:


Ouch, I think that one is going to leave a mark! That would make a great sig line for Snarker. Of course, I'm sure someone will have to explain that one long word to him! Maybe one of his neighbors can tell him what a colostomy is. :D:D:D
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Yarh. One of them apparently tries to rip me a new one behind my back all sneaky like when they think I'm not looking. I'll need that colo... clor... that bag thing soon.

I don't have a place to post the MP3, so I'll just forward the email to you two maggots. :mad:

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