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Mr Gopher ticked off Carl who Botched the Job in Typical Cheery Waffle Fashion

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Move over MasterGoodale (the maggot), there's a new champion of the art of delaying the completion of a PBEM in town. Tonight I received an e-mail from none other than the late, great Soddball, sending the reply to the last turn I sent him. My e-mail was dated <font size=5>February 23, 2004!!</font> :eek: :eek:

The funniest thing was that in my e-mail I apologized to him for the couple of days I had delayed our game since his previous turn! At this rate I expect the next move back in early March 2005. :D:D

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GGRRGAAAAARGH!!!!! I said strategy and I meant strategy!!! As in, "Hi, I'm Dave H playing Soddall and I'm planning on pinning him here and manouvering there." :mad: :mad: You great chrysalis wrapped MAAAAAAGGOOOOT!!!!!

Besides, if I forget the difference :rolleyes:Emrys' sig line explains it all. And by the way, that maggot is in Cornwall's Excalibur along with some character named "Cuneglas", whose name I misread every time I see it. Damn distracting. :mad: :mad: :mad:

[ September 03, 2004, 08:17 AM: Message edited by: Snarker ]

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Originally posted by Soddball:

If any maggots have CM:BO and CM:AK, could they convert my 'Chalon-sur-Rhone' scenario using the map converter program? I have evil plans for it and don't want to have to rewrite the whole darn map.

:mad: ) You owe me a turn from so long ago it was probably was Chalon-sur-Rhone.

:mad: :mad: ) How did you make the map if you don't have CMBO?

:mad: :mad: :mad: ) What 'map conversion program' are you frothing about?


Oh, <font size=+5 color=67,89,56> Axe drools!</font>

It is Friday, after all.

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Originally posted by Snarker:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Soddball:

If any maggots have CM:BO and CM:AK, could they convert my 'Chalon-sur-Rhone' scenario using the map converter program? I have evil plans for it and don't want to have to rewrite the whole darn map.

) You owe me a turn from so long ago it was probably was Chalon-sur-Rhone.

) How did you make the map if you don't have CMBO?

) What 'map conversion program' are you frothing about?


Oh, <font size=+5 color=67,89,56> Axe drools!</font>

It is Friday, after all. </font>

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GRGRAAAAAARGH!!!! You non-CMBO owning, goat licking pub jumping MAAAAAAAAAGGOOOOOT!!!!

You'll get a setup so furious your limbs will sever themselves, wiggle to a vat of molten TNT and pray I let them melt to end their suffering. :mad: :mad: :mad:

Oh, and I do believe The Underdogs has a listing for CMBO. I didn't look to see if it was the game itself or just a listing to BFC's site. Your job is to check that.

ps if I can find my copy of CMBO and that map conversion thingy I'll have a go at it for you.

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino2:

Holy CRap!!! Are those things radar dishes? Is Axe2121 part of the SETI Project as a mobile listening post? Why on Earth did post a photo where you knew I would get it and mock you relentlessly? When/ if I cut my ponytail off, do you want it to make a wig out of?

Perspiring mimes want to know. :D

* sniff * :(:(
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As down the glen one Easter morn

To a city fair rode I,

Their armed lines of marching men

In squadrons passed me by.

No pipe did hum, no battle drum

Did sound its loud tattoo

But the Angelus' bells o'er the Liffey swells

Rang out in the foggy dew.

Right proudly high in Dublin town

Hung they out a flag of war.

'Twas better to die 'neath an Irish sky

Than at Suvla or Sud el Bar.

And from the plains of Royal Meath

Strong men came hurrying through;

While Brittania's Huns with their long-range guns

Sailed in through the foggy dew.

The bravest fell, and the requiem bell

Rang mournfully and clear

For those who died that Easter-tide

In the springing of the year.

While the world did gaze with deep amaze

At those fearless men but few

Who bore the fight that freedom's light

Might shine through the foggy dew.

And back through the glen I rode again

And my heart with grief was sore

For I parted then with valiant men

Whom I never shall see more

But to and fro

In my dreams I go

And I kneel and pray for you

For slavery fled

Oh, glorious dead

When you fell in the foggy dew

Say what you will about Shinehead O'Connor's wackiness, I think it was a brave and brilliant decision by The Chieftans to use her to sing The Foggy Dew. If this song doesn't give you chills, you are either dead or mike_the_heartless.


If you don't have The Long Black Veil, you are not a fully realized human being. Same as if you don't believe frickin' laser beams brought down the WTC. :mad: :mad: :rolleyes: :mad:

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

I have to drive to Paula's in-laws tomorrow morning and we're leaving at 7:30 a.m.

Okay, Paula's the missus right?

So if you're driving to Paula's in-laws isn't that the same as driving to your folks?


It's far too early in the morning and I'm far too hungover to even attempt to comprehend this.

I think I'll go vomit, or rehydrate, or somefink, all you festering postules of maggot nads!!! :mad:


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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Axe2121:

I have to drive to Paula's in-laws tomorrow morning and we're leaving at 7:30 a.m.

Okay, Paula's the missus right?

So if you're driving to Paula's in-laws isn't that the same as driving to your folks?


It's far too early in the morning and I'm far too hungover to even attempt to comprehend this.

I think I'll go vomit, or rehydrate, or somefink, all you festering postules of maggot nads!!! :mad:

Mace </font>

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:mad: :mad: :mad:

GRGRAAAAARGH!!!!!! Brood!!!! I just got a call from a neighbor who was a might puzzled. Seems someone told him I'm walking around calling him and his friends "bums who do nothing but hang out in the driveway and get drunk" or somefink. Interesting since we don't talk to anybody.

Someone else told him I was major league hot after the last incident and he would be better off just telling me it happened rather than storming across to my front door and getting in my face. Good advice.

I just told him he can safely assume it was idle rumors, someone is trying to stir up trouble and would he kindly point me at the person whose jaw would be wired shut for six weeks? :D :mad:

Now I'm waiting to see if my property gets vandalized. Pity the fool...

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