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Associated Press Story: 'The Peng Challenge Thread Welcomes Refugees, Decries Idiocy'

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Originally posted by Kitty:

Yes, He is wrong. I don't know where he went wrong . . . yes, I do. We must wait for Him to come to his senses. That's all we can do. And YOU are still my bitch. >=D


Yes, I am your bitch (well, without the right tackle). And I don't know that he did go wrong, except that I know that he did go wrong. What are we without him?

A Thread without Death is a thread without substance. If there are no consequences, if there is no fear, no stark moment of existential angst...that is a thread without meaning.

We need him. And I hope you will forgive me for knowing that.

Why must you always contend with me? I do not oppose you. You are Kali. You are the Morrighan,

I will not contend with you. Take your path. I already know mine.

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It appears the Commies are coming.

This place has become a disgrace - two pages after the original post no one has pointed out that MrSpkr misspelled "tail".

Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Someone step on Kitty's tale again?

Personally, I blame Joe Shaw.


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Originally posted by v42below:

It appears the Commies are coming.

This place has become a disgrace - two pages after the original post no one has pointed out that MrSpkr misspelled "tail".

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Someone step on Kitty's tale again?


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Dear God, am I going to have to take you aside?!

'Scuse me....they lock people up for those sorts of perversions.

De-scusting, "on the side"...stick to the normal way. Kick it in the fork.

And Berli ain't never coming back in here. He's lost the will to rule. Why else would he renounce his exalted place in the scheme of things?


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At the risk of incurring Sky Kitty's wrath and potentially losing a strong ally in future rounds of Crackdom, I would nevertheless like to request a ruling from the Just-a-Carrot.

Seeing as the Dame/Lady/Girl/Woman/Cutie/Bird/Chick/Honey/Kitty is (in no particular order) a:

B)Knight of the MBT; and

a) Lady of the Pool; and

B) waffler; and

e) person who uses way too many smilies for her own good.

Should we treat her as one, some or all of the above?

Also, what sort of treatment do the remnants of my body (if any) deserve when she's through with it after reading this post?

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Originally posted by v42below:

At the risk of incurring Sky Kitty's wrath and potentially losing a strong ally in future rounds of Crackdom, I would nevertheless like to request a ruling from the Just-a-Carrot.

Seeing as the Dame/Lady/Girl/Woman/Cutie/Bird/Chick/Honey/Kitty is (in no particular order) a:

B)Knight of the MBT; and

a) Lady of the Pool; and

B) waffler; and

e) person who uses way too many smilies for her own good.

Should we treat her as one, some or all of the above?

Also, what sort of treatment do the remnants of my body (if any) deserve when she's through with it after reading this post?

Look lad it's really quite simple ... much like yourself.

As a FEMALE Knight of the CessPool, Kitty is entitled to an honorific. We can only look to the past to determine the proper honorific and we find that here:

Knighthood - Descended from mediaeval chivalry, knights exist within the orders of chivalry and within the class known as Knights Bachelor (usual recipients include High Court judges). Knighthood carries the title Sir. The female equivalent Dame only exists within the orders of chivalry.

There is, therefore, no contradiction. A Knight is a Knight and so is a Dame.

The fact that Dame Kitty doesn't care for the honorific is completely immaterial as long as one isn't actually IN her presence when using it. At THAT point one might choose to reconsider.

As to the Waffler ... we of the CessPool are concerned only with those matters OF the CessPool. What others choose to post in the Gawdawful thread or ... {shudder} ... the General Forum, is up to them.

You're spot on about the smilies though and Peng himself wouldn't stand for it.


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Boo Radley we have found the game FOR YOU!

No more pesky decisions about placing AT Guns, no more nail biting about what your PBEM opponent is doing, no more agonizing about setups ... now you can play a game that will capitalize on YOUR skills and your abilities ...


I trust that BFC will allow me to post this reference to another game here ... if not it's just Boo Radley who will suffer so ... like we care.

But THINK Boo ...

Create and manage your own successful farm with John Deere American Farmer. You'll decide what crops to plant, livestock to raise, employees to hire, equipment to purchase and structures to build. Plagues, weather, market trends, employee skill level and much more will play a role as you make decisions that will determine the ultimate success of your farm.
YOUR farm Boo ... YOUR FARM!

Can you resist the opportunity, can you refuse the CHALLENGE? I think not. And with the name John Deere behind it you just KNOW it's going to be spot on accurate.


p.s. With luck lads, we'll never see him again.

[ June 27, 2004, 10:59 AM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Joe, your links don't work. Much like yourself, I imagine. And just what are you doing, scampering about looking at other games when you still owe me a turn, you twit?

Is this how you spend your time? Instead of sending moves for the one true GAME, you're off by yourself in a darkened room which reeks faintly of boiled cabbage and beets, giggling to yourself, under your breath, "Oh, lookee, lookee, lookee, a computerized version of Mr. Potato Head! I'l just keep this information to myself, yes. I alone will play Mr. Potato Head when no one's watching with their sneaky-sneaky eyes."

All I can say is that it's a good thing you have me around to keep a watchful eye on this place, because frankly, you're slipping a bit.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Joe, your links don't work. Much like yourself, I imagine. And just what are you doing, scampering about looking at other games when you still owe me a turn, you twit?

Is this how you spend your time? Instead of sending moves for the one true GAME, you're off by yourself in a darkened room which reeks faintly of boiled cabbage and beets, giggling to yourself, under your breath, "Oh, lookee, lookee, lookee, a computerized version of Mr. Potato Head! I'l just keep this information to myself, yes. I alone will play Mr. Potato Head when no one's watching with their sneaky-sneaky eyes."

All I can say is that it's a good thing you have me around to keep a watchful eye on this place, because frankly, you're slipping a bit.

I can't BELIEVE that I actually took you of all people into the grand Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread.

There was NO link posted, I assumed that your glee at finding this game, this DREAM of yours finally available would lead you to some research on your own.

{sigh} ...

Global Star Software

Try not to drool on the keyboard over the screenshots ... it'll make your turns all that much MORE incomprehensible.


p.s. Oh ... your turn ... I'm an artist, I can't be rushed on these things.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Did I say link? I meant to say images. Your images don't work in that they only show up like little red "X's". You know what an "X" looks like, don't you? Like when you sign your name down at the welfare office?

You DID say link, how unusual that you should confuse "link" with "image" ... unusual in that I wouldn't have thought you knew what EITHER of them meant.

As to the image ... it works on MY machine therefore it's clearly YOUR machine that's at fault.

Go to the LINK I provided and you can see the IMAGE ... probably even on YOUR machine, provided that you've rebooted by turning it upside down and shaking it.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Did I say link? I meant to say images. Your images don't work in that they only show up like little red "X's". You know what an "X" looks like, don't you? Like when you sign your name down at the welfare office?

You DID say link, how unusual that you should confuse "link" with "image" ... unusual in that I wouldn't have thought you knew what EITHER of them meant.

As to the image ... it works on MY machine therefore it's clearly YOUR machine that's at fault.

Go to the LINK I provided and you can see the IMAGE ... probably even on YOUR machine, provided that you've rebooted by turning it upside down and shaking it.

Joe </font>

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Dear Kitty,

At last you have embraced what I got into trouble with you for many years ago. Your "And YOU are still my bitch." comment to gnomeboy was made with the same intent I had at the time. Thank you for coming full circle. You're a stand up woman.



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