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I beg Your Pardon, Madmatt Never Promised Us A Peng Challenge Garden


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Well well.

A new home. I got it together kinda quick as there seems to have been a bit of confoosion in Forumland.

Ahem, The Rules:

1. Never say "Hi!" to the scantily-clad young stripper living in the house next door.

2. Never --

Oh wait, different rules...

Here, you may say something with wit but not sleaze, you may taunt and tease, and pour some sugar on me please, but don't annoy the Ladies or they will kick you in the knees.

Tell us about your CM games with fellow Poolers, your bowling scores, your life in general, and stick to the parts that make us laugh.

If you're new then find someone else new and Challenge them to a game, then relate the details here. This is known as "Dancing for the pleasure of the Kaniggets".

In the Olden Days we were about Hate. Now I think we're about grape juice. Or phone books. Or some damned thing.

If you don't get what I typed then you should SOD OFF like a good garden slug afore the sun catches ya.


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Originally posted by MadMatt:

Remember, you losers and loserettes are allowed ONE thread to perpetuate with your cess influxed verbage. I am seeing more and more leaks lately and that makes me a sad panda.

Keep your mess confined to one spot or I will do it for you and you won't like how I do things.

I'm thinking we won't like how he does things because he does them when he's naked.

What a grouch. Crabby Matt. =(


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Originally posted by Kitty:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MadMatt:

Remember, you losers and loserettes are allowed ONE thread to perpetuate with your cess influxed verbage. I am seeing more and more leaks lately and that makes me a sad panda.

Keep your mess confined to one spot or I will do it for you and you won't like how I do things.

I'm thinking we won't like how he does things because he does them when he's naked.

What a grouch. Crabby Matt. =(

Kitty </font>

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Hey, I think Matt just ended the Waffle thread for good. No joke. Looks like he did to me. He locked it and said, "No more," pretty clearly. =/

Maybe he banned Seanachi too and that's why his posts don't show up? Just a conspiracy theory. =) I better shut up now before he attacks. =(

Where's the Grue? I'm scared! =(


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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

1. Never say "Hi!" to the scantily-clad young stripper living in the house next door.

Is it okay to wave? I wouldn't want her to think I'm being judgemental or unneighborly or anything.

Michael </font>

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Originally posted by Mr. Tittles in the "Madmatt..." thread:

I fully support this dewaffling and hope that Peng droppings, Kitty litter and general doroshiness be curtailed.

It would be especially nice if such 'Peng-like' threads be bottom stickied. This, of course, means the thread is locked on the bottom of page. From what I understand, Seanachai likes being bottom-stickied so it should work out well all around.

Down with Peng.

So everyone else can post stuff like this on the outerboards but WE can't (not that we ever would be CAPABLE of posting anything that lame) and aren't allowed to respond to it? This is gonna give me one of those uncontrollable twitches like Emma has. >=(

I guess I'll just have to stop reading the other threads or I'll be dragging something in here every day to kill it. *twitches*


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Originally posted by Kitty:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mr. Tittles in the "Madmatt..." thread:

I fully support this dewaffling and hope that Peng droppings, Kitty litter and general doroshiness be curtailed.

It would be especially nice if such 'Peng-like' threads be bottom stickied. This, of course, means the thread is locked on the bottom of page. From what I understand, Seanachai likes being bottom-stickied so it should work out well all around.

Down with Peng.

So everyone else can post stuff like this on the outerboards but WE can't (not that we ever would be CAPABLE of posting anything that lame) and aren't allowed to respond to it? This is gonna give me one of those uncontrollable twitches like Emma has. >=(

I guess I'll just have to stop reading the other threads or I'll be dragging something in here every day to kill it. *twitches*

Kitty </font>

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Originally posted by Kitty:

I guess I'll just have to stop reading the other threads or I'll be dragging something in here every day to kill it. *twitches*

Don't panic. There's plenty of unwholesome insanity on the General Forum that could use a twist of Peng madness. The posters to the political threads are mostly mouth-breathing knuckle-draggers who could use a quick kick to the DNA to get them started down the road to evolution. Be of good cheer and don't forget the spike heels.


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Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

1. Never say "Hi!" to the scantily-clad young stripper living in the house next door.

Is it okay to wave? I wouldn't want her to think I'm being judgemental or unneighborly or anything.

Michael </font>

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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

There's plenty of unwholesome insanity on the General Forum that could use a twist of Peng madness. The posters to the political threads are mostly mouth-breathing knuckle-draggers who could use a quick kick to the DNA to get them started down the road to evolution. Be of good cheer and don't forget the spike heels.


I just came from there. "Elf Sex," and "Wet Dreams" are two topics. "Wet Dreams" being about some kind of masturbation machine made from photos of women. After that I was afraid to read about elves having sex. And you thought I was disgusting for making you visualize John Madden naked?

Then the usual bunch of boring political threads. I've posted there before but everyone always ignores me. I'll just hang around here and complain instead. =)


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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Kitty:

I guess I'll just have to stop reading the other threads or I'll be dragging something in here every day to kill it. *twitches*

Don't panic. There's plenty of unwholesome insanity on the General Forum that could use a twist of Peng madness. The posters to the political threads are mostly mouth-breathing knuckle-draggers who could use a quick kick to the DNA to get them started down the road to evolution. Be of good cheer and don't forget the spike heels.

Michael </font>

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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

1. Never say "Hi!" to the scantily-clad young stripper living in the house next door.

Is it okay to wave? I wouldn't want her to think I'm being judgemental or unneighborly or anything.

Michael </font>

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

My sister drives a Honda Civic - 95 I believe. It was stolen last week. (finally found Seanachai's post). Very weird! What colour was yours, Seanachai?

Dark blue. Minneapolis Police called this very evening to say they found it on the north side of Minneapolis with the ignition punched out. Not sure what other damage has been done, or how much has been stripped off it. Will call impound lot in the morning to see if the uncaring minions in charge of hostage cars can tell me what kind of shape it's in. The cop on the phone simply knew the ignition was gone so I'd need it towed from the lot. He didn't know whether it could go rolling on its own wheels, or whether I'd need a bloody flatbed.

Second call, of course, will be to my insurance company to see if they will do anything more for me than wish me luck and let them know if total expenses and repairs come to more than my huge deductible so they can send me some stamps to make up the difference.

Rather braced, actually, to get it back. Never expected to see it again.

Mind, when I do see it I imagine I'll wish they'd simply set it on fire and drove it into Dalem's neighbourhood as part of the bi-monthly Columbia Heights Road Warrior Reenactment Society's Gala Celebration and Swap Meet.

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* Tip-toes in quietly *

I just saw this great big panda growling and showing his teeth on the old thread..

I took a deep breath, walked up to him, looked him straight in the eyes while stroking his forehead and said...

"shhhhhhhhhhhhh there there, mummy's here now.. shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh."

He fell fast asleep.

Totally exhaused if you ask me... I did hit him a few times over the head with a great big mallet for locking the maggots thread... poor Soddy and Snarker what will become of them?

*Sniff.. Sob.... *

It's all so sad really

Don't you just love it when a plan come together?


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Hello, you delicious delinquents! That's right, I'm out of the Oklahoma State Women's Confinement Facility. I've done my time, though I did no crime. That's what I get for letting Mr Spkr defend me. That MEANIE!

Before I get down to what is really on my mind, I need to tidy up some loose ends. If I owe you a turn from before my unfortunate scrape with the law, your surrender has been pre-approved and will be accepted. If you owe me a turn, the same applies. It's not my fault the games were not

completed. How was I to know the law applies to me too? Please update your records as follows: Roxy 10 wins, 0 losses vs The MBT.

Now then, what have you darling devils done with my Cheery Waffle....hmmmm? I'm ashamed of you!! How could you?! C'mon now, admit it. You killed the Waffle, cheery ale and all. You meanies! Why, if I didn't have a hair appointment in 30 minutes I'd scold you until your cute little ears hurt.

Why can't you play with boys and girls your own age? Do you absolutely have to pick on the little kids? Why did you ruin their sandbox? You have your own to play in.

I should rally the Wafflers, and get them to post their drivel to the

MBT. I could do it you know. I have no problem getting adolescent

males to do my bidding.

Now, where is my pedestal? Did you give it to Kitty? If so, you'll need to construct another one for me right away. Make sure it doesn't clash with my gorgeous red hair. Emma should be consulted before work begins.

Ta Ta my heroes. Try to stay out of trouble until I get back.

Roxanne, former shotcaller on Cellblock B, mud wrestler, vixen, siren, professional identity thief, and the woman of your dreams

[ January 20, 2004, 03:33 AM: Message edited by: Lady Roxanne ]

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