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The Challenge According to Peng

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Originally posted by Snarker:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Noba:

Actually,Gnome, a fawns bum has a very fine layer of fur, so you would have to shave it to make it really smooth... is this what you did ?

Baring in mind Boo's sensitivities to the discussion, are there photos of the process you'd like to share?

Mace </font>

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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Noba:

Why don't you show him some of yours, you know, the ones you tried to sell to me when I visited you a while back ?

You mean Dolly down at the back paddock?

Mace </font>

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Originally posted by Lord of the High Elves (Persaniasm):

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

You're saying Lord Parmesan High Twit has been shoved into his jeans?

Marvellous, bloody marvellous... that'll curl his pointy ears. Elendor... pathetic!

Pointy ears? Who says I have pointy EARS </font>
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Originally posted by Noba:

Mace prefers Peroxide Blondes...


I'm standing next to a very nice looking Peroxide Blonde right now. She has long pigtails and pointy ears and doesn't appear to be wearing much in the way of protection...

I could pass her Maces phone number?

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That should have read monitOr!

It just occured to me that I can now also run CM and RTW as well as WoW...did I mention I had a new comp?)

So when I'm done running around WoW I'll be looking for a game of CM2..

Anyone up for playing a newbie?.......let me know.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

I'd call Rleete a 'male chicken vacuum device', but the truth is, Roger, that when you're being all cranky and in a dudgeon, you're damn cute.

Gie us a kiss, you big big Upper State New York bugger!

I've taken extra special care that no ridden up, bunched bits o' cotton will come between yer lips, and the smooth, svelte surface of my fawn-like bum.

I know, I know...when it all looks so appealing, you don't know where to begin. Will it help if I tell you: I love you, man!

Look out Roger....the Gnome might be coming to your neighborhood next!!


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Originally posted by Marstov:

I was going to write something witty, but the image of the attacking gnome has quite removed my will to live, much less post...

And much less actually attach a file to your email, you silly twerp.


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Originally posted by Patchy:

Look out Roger....the Gnome might be coming to your neighborhood next!!


Nice, nice, nice Photoshopping, Persephone. The big diaper seems so... apropros, somehow. If you've never checked out RetouchPro*, you should.

(* This is a site for professionals, you dilettantes don't need to bother)

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Of course, it is an allegory in the tradition of the finest Vermeer. As one stands back and contemplates the fine work, the twisting movement of the torso subtly counter-balanced by the errect pointy hat we consider our Bard's timeless contributions. Laying 'imself bare for us all to see his toughened yer vulnerable self with all but the most scanty covering. No modesty here! Striding above us like a Titan, dashing this one or that one against some hard object while swatting our efforts from below with a giant's hand or a fulsome kick in the fork. Athletic and magnificent.

And what of the prize in his hand? One can not tell. It may be his muse? It may be our muse? It could well be the allegorical MBT herself?! And as we take in this work we cannot help ourselves but follow the artist to exclaim halfway through a post: "When will it stop?"

Magnificent, I shall pin it up in me stall.

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Vermeer? Bah! Dutch tyro!

It's more like those vintage ads for some lingerie company who's work was done by some guy who constantly showed women, caught out in public, with their panties drooping below their knees as if women were known for leaving their homes wearing undergarments with elastic stretched to the point of total degradation.

We all know that men are the ones who do that on a regular basis.

I'm doing it now.

Thankfully, I'm seated.

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... and one cannot help but wonder what our soft, beguiling MBT muse is screaming as she writhes and kicks her newly shaven legs in the tight grip of this gnomic monstrosity:

"Oi, you pillock! Let me from your grasp yer flamin' twonk for I, forsaith..."

[that is muse-talk for those here uneducated to understand]

"... and forthsooth would trample amongst the huddled masses beneath me for they amuse me greatly unlike you who can barely sport a jock-strap straight. For I say that you must desist and must tramp back to yer cave and grope the underneath of many Mace sheep as once did a very ancient Cyclops... 'cept you aint no Cyclops but worse. So hear this: there be Odysseus and his companions under said sheep and they do hide amidst yer gaze.

Beware, oh, beware, beware, beware!"

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Dear Seanachai;

Is that a gun in your diaper....or are you glad to see me???

If that was an accurate representation you'd be holding a can of sterno and a loaf of pumpernickel.

[ April 25, 2005, 03:45 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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