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Peng Challenge Thread III- Revenge of the Nerds

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Yeh Gods!

I travel interstate for a week and get back to this?

A dozen pages of complete drivel, of utter pap, of such mind numbing nothingness.

Page after page of Andy Griffiths and Star Wars geekdom with scores of little cesspudlians running around in circles squawking incessantly and achieving absolutely zip!

Ugh! On with the next thread I say!

and for Berli's sake, make it an improvement will you?


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Originally posted by Speedy:

Why is it when you give Lars a total thrashing that you are only awarded a "tactical victory"?

He cheats. I do expect a certain level of incompetence but, you aren't even Master of the Obvious.
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Originally posted by Stuka:

Yeh Gods!

I travel interstate for a week and get back to this?

A dozen pages of complete drivel, of utter pap, of such mind numbing nothingness.

Page after page of Andy Griffiths and Star Wars geekdom with scores of little cesspudlians running around in circles squawking incessantly and achieving absolutely zip!

Ugh! On with the next thread I say!

and for Berli's sake, make it an improvement will you?


For once I am forced to agree with Stuka. I blame it on Boo Radley and his inabliity to create a viable thread.

A TRUE and Viable MBT isn't something that one can just toss in the oven and expect to come out properly. One must nurture it, watch it's every toddering step and console it when it falls ... usually after some Australian posts something, anything.

But that's not Boo Radley's way is it ... he should be ashamed of himself and, were it not for the fact that he lives in Ohio, he probably would be.

So, my friends, let us step up to the plate and make the final few posts on this incarnation of the MBT worth remembering eh? Let us so post that, if the Peng Challenge Thread and it's incarnations should last for a THOUSAND years, people will still say that THIS ... was not a complete and utter failure, rather more of a damp fizzle, you know, like those illegal fireworks you purchased across the state line two months ago that were stored in the basement during those untimely spring floods, that sort of thing you know?

Okay it's not a Churchillian call to action but we are talking about a thread started by Boo Radley ... mediocrity is a stunning success in that case.


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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Awwww... wassamatta, kiddo? Don't you loves us no more, Unca Stuka-Nuka-Puka-Pants?

Come sit on tante Boo's lap and tell me all your problems.

I thought there was an injunction against anyone going within 20m of your lap after that nasty incident while you were working as a Santa at Wal-mart.
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

For once I am forced to agree with Stuka. I blame it on Boo Radley and his inabliity to create a viable thread.

A TRUE and Viable MBT isn't something that one can just toss in the oven and expect to come out properly. One must nurture it, watch it's every toddering step and console it when it falls ... usually after some Australian posts something, anything.

But that's not Boo Radley's way is it ... he should be ashamed of himself and, were it not for the fact that he lives in Ohio, he probably would be.

So, my friends, let us step up to the plate and make the final few posts on this incarnation of the MBT worth remembering eh? Let us so post that, if the Peng Challenge Thread and it's incarnations should last for a THOUSAND years, people will still say that THIS ... was not a complete and utter failure, rather more of a damp fizzle, you know, like those illegal fireworks you purchased across the state line two months ago that were stored in the basement during those untimely spring floods, that sort of thing you know?

Okay it's not a Churchillian call to action but we are talking about a thread started by Boo Radley ... mediocrity is a stunning success in that case.


And once again, the noble Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread throws off his tattered lap blanket, plants his bunny slippers firmly in an inconveniently placed mud puddle, creakily lurches to his feet (after several false starts) and settles his shootin' irons snug upon his girlish hips (where they immediately slide down his spindly shanks to join his soaked bunny slippers in the mud puddle).

Taking a dramatic pose (I'm thinking Steve McQueen or even Jim Carrie), the Justicar clears his throat, spits, wipes the spittle from his chin, neck and decorative lobster bib, raises his stentorian voice in a call to arms for every man jack of the CessPool to stand firmly beside him in this, our hour of glory.

(The subsequent receding dust cloud could be seen for miles...)

Standing there, in the sun, but with his back to the sun and his shadow stretching out before him in the dust, Joe thinks to himself, "Hey, I can do shadow puppets!" And as the furtive wind plays tentatively with his propeller beanie, he smiles, feeling a great relief... but then an annoying dampness beneath his chapped chaps.

Yes, it's just another day in the life of the Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

...{snipped}... a damn shame too, since it was MY post that I snipped, but one must do what one must do to make the point ...]

Okay it's not a Churchillian call to action but we are talking about a thread started by Boo Radley ... mediocrity is a stunning success in that case.


And once again, the noble Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread throws off his tattered lap blanket, plants his bunny slippers firmly in an inconveniently placed mud puddle, creakily lurches to his feet (after several false starts) and settles his shootin' irons snug upon his girlish hips (where they immediately slide down his spindly shanks to join his soaked bunny slippers in the mud puddle).

Taking a dramatic pose (I'm thinking Steve McQueen or even Jim Carrie), the Justicar clears his throat, spits, wipes the spittle from his chin, neck and decorative lobster bib, raises his stentorian voice in a call to arms for every man jack of the CessPool to stand firmly beside him in this, our hour of glory.

(The subsequent receding dust cloud could be seen for miles...)

Standing there, in the sun, but with his back to the sun and his shadow stretching out before him in the dust, Joe thinks to himself, "Hey, I can do shadow puppets!" And as the furtive wind plays tentatively with his propeller beanie, he smiles, feeling a great relief... but then an annoying dampness beneath his chapped chaps.

Yes, it's just another day in the life of the Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread. </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Boo Radley you needn't ILLUSTRATE my point for me, but thanks none the less for that, well, mediocre post.

Continuity DOES suffer a bit though, first you state that it's muddy and then you tell us that it's dusty, twice. Now granted it is POSSIBLE for both to occur at the same time, but is it LIKELY? No, nor does it make for gripping prose ... no Bauhaus, not THAT kind of gripping ...

Dear, Joe, it WAS dusty for much of the surrounding area, except for a small, ever widening patch directly beneath you. I really didn't WANT to point it out to all and sundry, but you forced my hand. You have only yourself to blame.

Additionally, you first state that the gunbelt falls to the ground but later you insist that CHAPS are worn! Which is it lad? You see ... continuity is all important for that suspension of disbelief.

So... and let me understand this... you're saying that it is highly unlikely that a person could wear BOTH chaps and a gunbelt?

And you call yourself a Texan...

But don't fret lad, you'll get the hang of it ... eventually. Re-read my posts from the Old Testament, you know, MBTs from 2000 and before, that'll give you a solid foundation upon which to build.


It is so sad when someone dwells so firmly in the past. When someone (coughYOUcough) exclaims to any who would hear, "Don't look at me now! Look at what I once was! Look at me before I became the wreck that you see before your eyes!"

But, if you truly feel that you peaked long ago, I won't argue with you, except to say... you peaked? That must have been a heady half hour, indeed.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Boo Radley you needn't ILLUSTRATE my point for me, but thanks none the less for that, well, mediocre post.

Radley does seem to have gone downhill rather noticeably in recent months. Given the depths in which he began, I would not have thought that possible. We may have discovered a new law of physics here. We could call it "Infinite Decline". Or perhaps "Boundless Decrepitude". Or just Boo Radley.


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Now is the winter of our discontent made glorious...

What the hell has been going on around here?!

If I want to see gibberish like this, I'll go to a freaking Trekkie convention!

Christ on a crutch falling over with spread fingers saying 'live long and prosper', could we take this freaking Thread on to a higher plane of existence?

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Originally posted by Stuka:


Forget poetry, forget philosophy, forget jolly sing-songs...

lets raise to the bar to.....

Thingey references!

Mace, take it away!...

Or Bauhaus ... I miss the old Bauhaus, you could COUNT on him you know? Like Elvis with his "Wankers", Seanachai with his poetry and Boo Radley with ... with ... uh ... hmmmm.


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Now is the winter of our discontent made glorious...

What the hell has been going on around here?!

If I want to see gibberish like this, I'll go to a freaking Trekkie convention!

Christ on a crutch falling over with spread fingers saying 'live long and prosper', could we take this freaking Thread on to a higher plane of existence?

Next time you come over I am forcing you to watch Star Trek with me. Something very Kirky.
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