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Who will Peng challenge after the Apocalypso?

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I see that the playground scuffles haven't changed a bit...

A few new names, as well as some tired Old Ones...

As for old ones, try this bit of text on for size...

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battlefield of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.

But, in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate -- we cannot consecrate -- we cannot hallow -- this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here.

It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.

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Okay, for all Cesspoolers playing Fiefdom, but especially the members of the now defunct Mother Beautiful Alliance (And it will always not be there):

Dalem decided to get out of the game because it wasn't...stimulating him enough, or something. He handed the alliance off to me, and I put all the Alliance cash into a new bank as the Cesspool Alliance. Shortly thereafter a group of toads, acting clearly as an 'unofficial' or indeed, covert Alliance, most if not all of whom were probably 'the Crimson Brigade' in the last game of Fiefdom, started going after our Fair Queen. They may have used that twit Grouper as a stalking horse. Berli thinks that it may even have been Jouk (from last time) simply pretending to be a halfwit, and helping to expose who everyone was that would support the Queen.

First they took out v42below (now bolded because of his fanatical and impassioned, not to mention crazy to the point of weirdness, devotion to the Queen). Then they completely destroyed the realm of the Fair Emma. It was brutal to watch, and most of it was done accompanied by extremely piss poor taunting, and a certain low thugishness that led Berli to dub them 'The Crimson Brownshirts'. They did it casually, and without seeming to act together. Then they got a lot more aggressive, and hammered Berli. They hit him twice, doing the maximum damage to his infastructure possible.

About this time, a member of the MB Alliance, SturmSebber (bolded out of respect for the fate he suffered), came in and began to play. By this time most of the members of this secret Alliance were becoming pretty clear. They hammered SturmSebber into the ground. He'd never acted against any of them, his only crime was belonging to an Alliance they'd marked for destruction. He had withdrawn most of the Alliance bank to rebuild when the jackal pack struck. He was left with nothing, and the bank had been emptied.

Then they came for me. By this point it was becoming completely obvious as to which of them were allied. They weren't even subtle in their attacks. They hit me one and a half times, and reduced my realm to nothing except a few lightly scorched bars and brothels. Apparently even pillagers and murderers hesitate to burn down a brothel.

Shortly thereafter, as I tried to rebuild, I was dogpiled and brutalized by a gang of Disney Dwarves that had a grudge, but that's a different story. I was left, trampled, lying in the mud.

They then proceeded to repeat the process with Boo Radley (already known to them as both a member of our alliance, and as a supporter of the Queen), and rleete (they probably hit leete because he associated with us, and used the same shield crest as the MB Alliance.

They finished by trashing Emma's fief yet again, in what was clearly a move of pettiness and arrogance, like going back to piss on someone you'd already knocked unconscious in a fight.

They're Borgia-esque approach to the game was understandable, but this last was low and bullying.

They had not, as of this writing, gone after Lars, Leeo, or Marlow. That may be because they hadn't hit listed them (they seemed to concentrate on anyone who'd actually stomped on Grouper), or it may just be because some of their members finally had to go offline, and they will resume with the destruction of the Mother Beautiful League later today.

I name them here so that MBT players and former Alliance members can know of them: Tethias Veneteer, Vyk, Eion, baffles, Gripper, Hugrin. Possibly also Brother Lee Love (not as likely), and possibly Grouper (he may just be a shill)

I spit on their shadows, as I wouldn't want my saliva to touch their unclean flesh. To have them role in weasel dung would be to foul the dung. Vultures wouldn't feed on their corpses for fear of cheapening their image as loathsome scavengers. I cast them from life. I would insult and belittle them further, but it sullies hatred itself to apply it to such unworthy puddles of pus.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled taunting and worthiness.

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GO AHEAD Nidan1!!! Dont be nervous, you have him right where you want him. Now, drive the shiv through the lower back at a 45 toward the front while you have him in a Hug 'O' Dooooooooom. Surely you'll hit a kidney. Remember, "Arms are for hugs not for war...Just squeeze em till their eyes pop out."

Oh...it was just a friendly hug? DRAT!!!

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Originally posted by v42below:

For Peng's sake, he's ripe to be raped. Don't tell me I'm all alone!!!!

You know, I'm really happy that this game you guys are playing is leading to such good natured and friendly joshing.

I do have a question, however.

In the above example given by the illustrious v42below, would Soap-on-a-Rope be considered a relic of great value?

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

...They hit me one and a half times, and reduced my realm to nothing except a few lightly scorched bars and brothels.

So you're still feeling ok then, right?

...I spit on their shadows, as I wouldn't want my saliva to touch their unclean flesh. To have them role in weasel dung would be to foul the dung. Vultures wouldn't feed on their corpses for fear of cheapening their image as loathsome scavengers. I cast them from life. I would insult and belittle them further, but it sullies hatred itself to apply it to such unworthy puddles of pus.
Seanachai, my boy, I was going to taunt you yet again, but alas I cannot bring myself to do it. That paragraph of pure unmitigated hatred is one mutha beautiful rant. Much as I hate to credit any of you tossers in here (Ladies of the Pool excepted, of course) with anything, I have to give credit where credit is due. That tirade of verbal abuse twas fit for royalty. It's art.

Can I give you a hug?


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

First they took out v42below (now bolded because of his fanatical and impassioned, not to mention crazy to the point of weirdness, devotion to the Queen). Then they completely destroyed the realm of the Fair Emma. It was brutal to watch, and most of it was done accompanied by extremely piss poor taunting, and a certain low thugishness that led Berli to dub them 'The Crimson Brownshirts'. They did it casually, and without seeming to act together.

I have asked v42 to marry me....

Thank God I was in Liverpool and away from my comp.. I remember last game when the CB brigade attacked and wiped me out... It was pretty soul destroying watching my wee Fief bite the dust....

The CB lot are cowards afraid to show their faces.. changing their names with every game..

Thanks to everyone who came to my aid it was, and is, much appreciated... especially as I wasn't there..... I'm so lucky having you all as friends.. (cheesy but true)

But v42!!!! what can I say?

He stood by through every single attack on me and offered his help... I don't even know him..

He's either totally bonkers or has a death wish... Either way... He scores full points with me...

I think I'm in love........... again ...


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