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Originally posted by Doodlebug:

Well thank you for that. It was quite spectacular to see but on the down side and to be absolutely honest I'm just a tad uneasy at watching a child with a machine gun.

Well, yes, I can respect that feeling. I'm also not very enthusiastic about that. Just would like to share it, because we are always talking about firepower and this helps to imagine it. But I do see your point, Doodlebug.
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Whoa! I think the kid fired more rounds on that video than I did during my service, heh. Americans sure are crazy about guns. I've been thinking that while I visited Texas a couple of years ago I should have gone to some sort of guns expo like that. I'm not really into guns and frankly I'm a poor shot too, but it would be nice to be able to brag with the different types of weapons you've fired. smile.gif

Yeah, and kids with guns = not good.

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Originally posted by Doodlebug:

Well thank you for that. It was quite spectacular to see but on the down side and to be absolutely honest I'm just a tad uneasy at watching a child with a machine gun.

Not to mention the damage the recoil and shear violence of a MG can do to a child. That little girl most certainly had to be hurting at the end of the day, got me pretty pissed off watching such ignorance .
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I recognise there is a huge gulf in perceptions on this subject between some in the States and some in Europe. It has to come down to familiarity and access to these items. I appreciate it's quite acceptable in those families and/or communities which have opportunity to play with these toys but over this side of the Water gun ownership and access is so restrictive it just seems "ugggh". I would genuinely like to hear the opposite side of this argument so if anyone of a shooting disposition cares to sound off please do.

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The machine gun was on a tripod, which means there isn't any bad recoil to deal with. So I doubt her shoulder is very sore since her thumbs were the only part of her body to touch the weapon.

On another note I think its just a culture thing. I don't see anything wrong with a child shooting a gun under the supervision of her father. Its not like she was doing crew drills with two other children in the woods unsupervised. She was at a range in a controlled enviroment shooting from a tripod with her father standing right there.

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Originally posted by zmoney:

[QB] WindyCity:

The machine gun was on a tripod, which means there isn't any bad recoil to deal with. So I doubt her shoulder is very sore since her thumbs were the only part of her body to touch the weapon.

Is that why she stoped halfway to shake her hands,COME ON watch the film this time around.
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I don’t appreciate your tone windy. I did watch the film. From your comments I take it that you are ignorant on how a machine gun works. It’s not like a shot gun or rifle where you shoulder fire them and you will get a sore shoulder from recoil.

If you noticed in the film her hands vibrated. Hardly a thing that is going to make her be sore all night. It’s kind of like when you hit a baseball with a bat wrong and it vibrates your hands.

Lastly if you happened to notice her father didn’t force her to keep shooting, she probable just wanted to try it out. So her father let her try it out. Big deal.

That’s why it’s a cultural thing. People who live in big cites like Chicago aren’t used to shooting guns off in their backyards (or at least I hope not) but that doesn’t mean it’s wrong if you live out in the middle of no where. Some kids grow up with soccer or baseball or football which makes kids sore after a game or practice. But does that make sports wrong for kids? NO. So relax and just enjoy the video.

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It's nothing like mis-hitting a ball.

I used to fire machine guns on tripods for a part-time living. The recoil is minimal, and transmits no shock to your hand - that's all taken by hte tripod mechanism.

What does happen is your muscles, ligaments, etc get tired of being shaken back and forth - it's pretty much the same as RSI/OOS.

The girl's wrist was sore because it had been moved amny times through a small repetitive distance.

There's nothign particularly strange, wrong, unusual about it.

Nor will it harm her as long as she doesn't do this every day.

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It's definitely a cultural thing. I grew up with guns, they were/are an integral part of country life in Australia. But even I find the whole American gun-show thing a bit disturbing. Having said that, I don't actually know why I find it disturbing... basically Americans are just disturbing :D

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I'm just thrilled to know that when the Gooks/Commies/United Nations/KKK/Rebs/Feds/Mexicans/Chinese/A-rabs/Atheists/Fundamentalists/Liberals (delete as applicable) come over the hill to steal all their women and Moms Apple Pie, those 300lb Heroes are going to be PREEEEE-Pared!

It's a cultural thing....


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