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Peng in the New Year With A Resolution to Challenge Peng!

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Originally posted by dalem:

You should post a pic of all my guns on your site Joe.

And that pic tells me I need to stop eating Bon bons. Holy crap, where's my jawline?!?!?!?

You have no jaw ... your dog has no ears and you have no jaw, it's all of a piece, part of Gawd's masterplan.

Your guns, on the other hand, are just weird and I'll have no part in enabling you on that.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Your guns, on the other hand, are just weird and I'll have no part in enabling you on that.

The guns are the only thing not weird about him, and probably serve to keep Seanachai in line.

For that reason alone, they deserve a place of honor. Unlike dalem himself. Or the rest of this mangy crew, for that matter.

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Originally posted by Lars:

How does your split personality keep getting those multiple accounts Boo? And more important, can your psychiatrist do anything about it?

As luck would have it, one of my personalities IS a psychiatrist. He says that there's nothing wrong with me and it's just the rest of the world that's screwed up.

As for the geneology of House Morse, it goes:





Yours truly


Nidan--Lurker--37mm (presently a Squire)


StickiePixie (Squire to Nidan)

And the hits just keep on comin'!

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Originally posted by stikkypixie:

Tell me, how can someone be both knight in ordinaire and senior? Must be some of that Joe Shaw's logic at work.

I know my the last interval between my turns was 5 months, but that doesn't mean you should be browsing the net when you could be sending me my turn!!!
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Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

Wasn't Bone Vulture the twat that kept posting Vanilla Ice pics?

Speaking of posting copious amounts of pics, what happened to Lenakonrad?

lenakonrad left. He's been in a couple of times since then but he posted something to the effect that he wouldn't be able to be around.

Yeah, that was Bone Vulture. He had apparently gotten over that Vanilla Ice phase but then managed to insult a Lady of the Pool or posted something seriously inflammatory. Don't recall exactly WHY he was sent ot Coventry but I'm pretty sure he was.


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ack! I must've missed konrad's exit then.

Oh...coupla things about your site, Joe, dear (yes, I'm a nitpicker, but it comes with the territory of having an editorial nature)...

Your "header" for the Newsletter reads: "These are the posts that made history, that inspired others and that made the CessPool what is it." -- You need to transpose the last two words. heh

Also, just a suggestion...instead of a man behind bars for the pics of those sent to Coventry, you ought to use a braying jackass. Not to be confused with a donkey (especially our very own), but a true jackass. Seems more appropriate to me. But just a creative suggestion.

I think you've done a good job with the site and with some tweaking, it will be top notch.

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Originally posted by v42below:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by stikkypixie:

Tell me, how can someone be both knight in ordinaire and senior? Must be some of that Joe Shaw's logic at work.

I know my the last interval between my turns was 5 months, but that doesn't mean you should be browsing the net when you could be sending me my turn!!! </font>
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Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

ack! I must've missed konrad's exit then.

Oh...coupla things about your site, Joe, dear (yes, I'm a nitpicker, but it comes with the territory of having an editorial nature)...

Your "header" for the Newsletter reads: "These are the posts that made history, that inspired others and that made the CessPool what is it." -- You need to transpose the last two words. heh

Also, just a suggestion...instead of a man behind bars for the pics of those sent to Coventry, you ought to use a braying jackass. Not to be confused with a donkey (especially our very own), but a true jackass. Seems more appropriate to me. But just a creative suggestion.

I think you've done a good job with the site and with some tweaking, it will be top notch.

I will certainly fix the transposition, as to the other ... I LIKE the jail cell. It also has the advantage of being small so it doesn't chew up my FREE storage space.

But I will consider your suggestions. As to being "top notch" it's the best CURRENT CessPool site out there ... keeping in mind that Lorak's site isn't current of course.


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Love the site Justicar Joe ...

Unlike the Lady Moraine I quite like the guy behind bars for those in Coventry, made me laugh.. go figure!

I sent you a few pics Joe, which may or may not come in useful, I also have a great one of JD... if you want it let me know...

Stikky I fully expect to see your lovely curly mop of hair next time I click your name, so make sure you send Justicar Joe a pic I know you have at least one!

Also great to see Croda, Konrad and PawBroon up there with the rest..

Nice one Joe.. Your time and efforts are appreciated.

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Originally posted by stikkypixie:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by v42below:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by stikkypixie:

Tell me, how can someone be both knight in ordinaire and senior? Must be some of that Joe Shaw's logic at work.

I know my the last interval between my turns was 5 months, but that doesn't mean you should be browsing the net when you could be sending me my turn!!! </font>
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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Well, then... you should put Gaylord and/or Tim the Inanier on that page. Or do you need to be asked real nice?

I think it's Iron Chef Sakai/Gaylord Focker/Tim the Enchanter to get the whole chronology correct.

Hmm, it just occurred to me. It's entirely possible that in the whole history of the Pool, we've been booting the same guy repeatedly.

How does your split personality keep getting those multiple accounts Boo? And more important, can your psychiatrist do anything about it? </font>

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And now the award for "what single post best brings a thread to a screeching halt". The envelope, please. *much tearing and rustling*

The winnah is...our very own Boo Radley!

Four hours without a single reply or change of topic! This in the most frequently posted thread of all, may it always be so.

Congratulations, it takes a special kind of mind-numbing droning to induce sleee.... *snore*

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Originally posted by MrPeng:

I had a perfectly fair and balanced cuppa and chat with my dear old mum in my very own kitchen one fine Autumn Sunday afternoon directly after consuming some 'shrooms. She arrived at my door and I made us both some Earl Grey. She was none the wiser as we yapped about this and that for an hour. Never woulda been able to pull that off with LSD. Of course I turned into a puddle of gibbering laffs for about 20 minutes after she left.

One night the Old One and me Mum were supposed to go out for some drinks and general hilarity with friends. I thought it the perfect time to do down a tab of black star. I took it right before we sat down to a light and mellow dinner.

But me Ol' Da' came home a bit the worse for drink that night. I made it through dinner, and offered to do the dishes in order to get them out of the house soonest. But me Mum decided, given that he was already tipsy and a bit contrary, that they should stay home instead.

So there I am, acid coming on like a house on fire, trying to do the dishes. I kept picking plates up, carrying them into the kitchen, setting them down, staring at them, and then, as often as not, carrying them back into the dining room. Fortunately the Old One was in his own private Idaho, so he wasn't copping to my behaviour, but my Mum, who's usually not all that observant, began giving me strange looks.

It took me almost 40 minutes to transfer the dishes for 3 people having a light meal into the dishwasher, and I have a very creditable memory of taking almost 20 minutes to very thoroughly clean out one pan in the sink, the whole while quietly (or maybe not) singing 'I've Been a Wild Rover' under my breath (which may have been, that night, over my head).

I had anticipated a frolicsome night of cranking up something like Handel's "Messiah" (especially that bit later on, where they all sing joyfully about how 'He shall smite and break the unbeliever'), Jimi Hendrix, and my revered copy of 'Songs of the Metal Llamas', all the while crawling from window to window of the house with a .12 gauge (with the usual 'firing a few mad bursts of buckshot off the balcony, down the hillside, in order to keep the woodchucks and other weird night mutants in their place), while attempting to find that perfect balance of mixing rum and odd things from the liquor cabinet in order to put the acid into 'just the right intensity'.

Instead, I wind up sitting on the couch with me Old One, ripped right straight to the gills, watching a very bad horror movie. After about an hour, even he's looking at me oddly as I start, quiver, and occasionally let out short screams while fake looking monsters devour entirely deserving members of the B movie community. Between the whisky and my off-putting behaviour, he decided to call it a night and left me there to cruise the cable channels (a new and wondrous possibility, in those days), with his blessing.

It did lead to a 'first' in our house, though. Just before she herded the Old Man off to bed, my Mom came back into the family room and wished me a good night, and said: 'Maybe you'd like a drink or something, before you go to bed? There's rum in the cabinet.'

I smiled happily and said, 'Why, yes, Mother! I think a bedtime cocktail would exactly hit the spot!' Or something like that. I was trying for a sort of PG Wodehouse/Noel Coward sort of effect, but I imagine that my glittering eyes, acid grimace, and spastic movements might have undercut the light-hearted intent. I then proceeded to the kitchen where I filled a glass with ice, took half the ice back out, and then, jerking like a wind-up toy, shambled to the liquor cabinet and filled a highball glass with Meier's rum.

She told me: 'Good night, Seanachai! Don't stay up too late!'

I spent the rest of the night (a very long night) watching the soft-core porn channel, slurping rum and mumbling and giggling to myself.

You see, that was in the 'Olden Days', when we had to know how to make our own fun. Not like nowadays.

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:


Joe, I have the original list of Senior Knights at home (including their titles). I'll try to remember to dig it up for you

Please do Berli, trying to remember who's who and what was what (excluding, of course, that Seanachai is Seanachai and his post preceding this one is ... well, it's got to be a classic) is not an easy thing at my age.


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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

How does Bloody Emrys make your website whereas the rest of the Horsemen do not? That unspeakable suckup....

No, he's just been around more and I remembered him. I'm perfectly happy to add the other horsemen as soon as someone reminds me of who the hell they are.

I'm presuming YOU are one ... Pustulence isn't it?


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

How does Bloody Emrys make your website whereas the rest of the Horsemen do not? That unspeakable suckup....

No, he's just been around more and I remembered him. I'm perfectly happy to add the other horsemen as soon as someone reminds me of who the hell they are.

I'm presuming YOU are one ... Pustulence isn't it?

Joe </font>

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