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Most kills by one unit???

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I recently completed a CMBB PBEM in which I used the fantastic Sturmtiger. With just three shots it killed 2 guns, 2 mortars, and 52 infantry. I thought this was a fairly high score for one unit and wondered if anyone else has done significantly better?

Perhaps it would be fun to keep a record of the player with the highest proven score in a battle?

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Sturmtigers don't count. For that beast your kill number is only limited by the number of infantry you place in front of it.

Me, I'm impressed when at the end of a scenario I'm scrolling through my infantry squad kills and find most have got an average of just 3 kills but one has racked up fifty!

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Originally posted by MikeyD:

Sturmtigers don't count. For that beast your kill number is only limited by the number of infantry you place in front of it.

Me, I'm impressed when at the end of a scenario I'm scrolling through my infantry squad kills and find most have got an average of just 3 kills but one has racked up fifty!

I of course realize that a Sturmtiger is an exception... so to find an infantry squad with 50 kills is amazing, and perhaps it's that sort of thing we should keep a little record on? I thought maybe saving AARs from two player games and having both players agree on them?

Just a thought! :D

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You are probably much better off trying to begin such an endeavour where people play competetively than here. What I mean is, there is no ladder here, even though probably many of us here are on a ladder somewhere. Trying to keep such records is probably silly though, in my opinion, as there will always be some buddy and his friend who "agree" on a game and then manipulate it for effect. Such things become more likely as the community grows in size. Just my opinion, I'm not trying to insult you, but that's how I feel about it. I do keep a battle record of my own battles against others and I even have a spot to record where units inflicted a lot of kills. But for me, if such a list existed, I would always be skeptical it was all or mostly genuine results.

And yeah, Sturmtigers don't count! lol.

J Kruger

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Don't worry Herr Kruger, you didn't insult me. In fact I had been thinking about the practicalities of it, and thought it would probably be a silly idea myself. I could only see it being worthwhile in a tournament or a competitively angled site. It would be good see a high level integration between sites with ladders etc, and here (the home of CM!).

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I remember during in a Stalingrad scenario I led a German battalion, TCP/IP, against those Commie punks and right at the start of the battle my opponent just blew the HELL out of one of my companies. The company was advancing through some ruins and suddenly 155mm artillery rained right down on them, dead on target, the most accurate and devastating barrage I've ever seen in Combat Mission. It destroyed that company and pretty much lost me the battle right off the bat (although my other two companies put up a good scrap). I seem to remember them taking over 50% casualties and the rest being routed. At the end of the battle his 155mm Arty Spotter had 70 kills.

Highest I've seen.

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Infantry squads with 50+kills are nothing unusual, especially if they are veteran troops with lots of automatic weapons defending against less trained enemies.

I've had tanks with 100+infantry kills, single 105mm howitzers with 80-100 kills and, most notably, a two-man tank-hunter team with 35 kills.

And a heavy arty FO with less than 100 kills is a waste of points anyway... ;)

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