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But then again it may be....pay no attention to that last one.

Rules are simple....if you're an SSN, just keep your mouth shut awhile and figure things out. If you are capable of that...then challenge someone of your own lowly ranking....if you can't realize how low that really is, then just SOD OFF.

Don't come in here spouting like a beached whale, say something with panache, use the language as it was meant to be used, but refrain from expletives, and other verbage that would truly alert us to your lack of wit.

Be always polite to the LADIES OF THE POOL, and do not incur their wrath.

That said....just SOD OFF!!!

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Lovely morning.....left the thread last night to get out some turns....got distracted and didnt pop back in till now.

Seems like a bit of a dust up has occurred, that to say the least...

I'm not an Olde One , nor a long time regular, but I have been around for a couple of years, and I do have something to say.....it seems that we all have been on somewhat of a political and personal tight rope these last months. Now I don't claim to have the type of personal relationships that some of you have with each other, but I have played games and chatted with a lot of you for a couple of years, so I'll put in my two cents on that basis, if you don't like it, too bad, then mine will be the only post in here.

Let's keep the politics and personal likes and dislikes out of here...save that for the GF if you must. We all have strong feelings about things, and sometimes find ourselves on opposite sides of issues....fine....thats what the ability to debate freely which our society gives us.

I have always though that what is said in here, should always be taken with a grain of salt...if that is no longer true...then we should close up shop....if our feelings get hurt in here, then maybe we should suck it up for a time, and let it pass....if that's not possible, then take it off line. This Thread is open to anyone wanting to come in and deal with its unique nonsense, if their are personal issues between Pengersdon't air them here...work them out or don't...your choice, but please don't expose the rest of us to it.

We all have our ideals about what this Thread should or should not be, but it is really only the collective typings of a bunch of folks with a common interest, and enjoyment of fun and wargaming. Personalities come and go, but the core of this Thread remains, regardless of who is posting at any one time.

Let us not cause the demise of the MBT on account of perceived or otherwise emnities. But if that is the goal, then so be it. I am sure their are loads of posters on this Forum that would rejoice in our self-destruction.

BTW Happy Birthday Lady YK2

[ March 26, 2004, 10:10 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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*Picks herself up, brushes dust off and steps over debris*

How the hell did Seanacoochie get in here?

*Kick* I'll sort you out later....

I had a very restless night and would just like to point out I was NOT upset because someone forgot my birthday...

Although I think that is now more than clear.

Thanks to EVERYONE for all the mail and messages and of course Birthday wishes....

It took a hell of a lot of pushing, and lots of deliberation, but Nidan was good enough to start this NEW MBT... So... I'm not too proud to step in and say....

Nice place you got here... Now where the hell is that dalem got to... I need a drink.

P.S. from you know who...


SeanachaiBard: And that he will return. And pour oil upon the waters. And then set it on fire.

SeanachaiBard: And dance around it while it burns.

SeanachaiBard: With, perhaps, a 'hey nonny nonny'.

SeanachaiBard: I'm so tired I'm seeing Berlis and Pengs. Must sleep.

Sleep well Steve....

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Originally posted by Mace:

I like being an annoyance.


Stick to your strengths, i always say.

Seems that by catching a few hours of sleep means that I missed the intrusion of the evil, Bizarro, parallel universe MBT into our own little corner of the continuum. Or perhaps it was just a bad dream.

Serves me right for eating nachos and marmelade whilst watching a Tobe Hooper film fest before retiring for the evening.

But, don't ya know, it just feels so good to be so bad.

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Nidan1 ,

May I be the first to say "Shut up and taunt somebody, lad!" I won't be the last, but hey, I got the first in.

May I suggest Boo ? You work and work to get someone a mortal enemy, and he gives up like that to get a wet....err.....pipe dream. Boo , you know know the girl from Alias IS married?

Now, if Boo and you should decide to lock horns, I will send the latest version of the Kiwi scenario [down Mace , I hid the sheep].

Go back to your regularly scheduled taunting and AARs.


[ March 26, 2004, 09:14 AM: Message edited by: rune ]

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Let us not cause the demise of the MBT on account of perceived or otherwise emnities. But if that is the goal, then so be it. I am sure their are loads of posters on this Forum that would rejoice in our self-destruction.


Your post was well written and well said. I think you are correct that the MBT is a concept more than anything else. This concept is a beautiful thing and I would not be an agent in it's demise. That being said, I would like to add the following:

1) Seanachai

You are one of the best posters on this Forum. Your wit and style are of the highest caliber. You are someone that is looked up to, by more than you would imagine. I would offer my hand in apology to you for some unkind remarks that were made. You are a human like the rest of us, and it was wrong of me to think otherwise.

2) Mr Peng

I shall retain my new sig line as a reminder that this Forum is made up of human beings and that as human beings we will all make mistakes on occaisions.

3) YK2

Happy (belated) Birthday! Do not ever think of leaving this Thread. You have amply demonstrated the wit and laughter that are prerequisites to being here. You have nothing to prove to anyone.

4) Jow Shaw

I would beg you to reconsider your decision and return to posting. Your Justicar is as vital to the Thread as the Olde Ones. You are the necessary foil of one trying to keep order in an orderless Thread and your frustration in dealing with it is one of the funniest themes of the Thread

I have said my piece and will now return to "lurk status".

BTW Happy Birthday Lady YK2

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Originally posted by rune:

Nidan1 ,

May I be the first to say "Shut up and taunt somebody, lad!" I won't be the last, but hey, I got the first in.

May I suggest Boo ? You work and work to get someone a mortal enemy, and he gives up like that to get a wet....err.....pipe dream. Boo , you know know the girl from Alias IS married?

Now, if Boo and you should decide to lock horns, I will send the latest version of the Kiwi scenario [down Mace , I hid the sheep].

Go back to your regularly scheduled taunting and AARs.


Good idea, you purveyor of second rate, unplayable.....is it scenarios that you try to design?... Boo and I are in the middle of one right now, it may even be one of your's its so bad.

Please Email it to me, tell me which side has the overwhelming odds in its favor and I;ll take that one before I send it to Radley

[ March 26, 2004, 09:24 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Serves me right for eating nachos and marmelade whilst watching a Tobe Hooper film fest before retiring for the evening.

Two words — seek help. </font>
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So I lied! I will leave you with the following:



The Blood Hamster fight continues, the rainy night air is filled with the delightful screams of retreating Boosters. In his favor, he has managed to blow up two houses in spectactular fashion. Did I mention they were empty? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!


He is certainly well named. We are on turn 15 of 30 and just now are his troops coming into sight. My sleepy Italians are rousing themselves to administer an Italian *BOOT* to Lurk's slimey, limey buttocks.

Joe Shaw

Joe has entrenched at his starting location, smiling smugly to himself in his tactical brilliance. "But Joe", I says, "We're playing a Meeting Engagement"

and of course to rune:

What the he** were you thinking giving me a 155 FO with visibility of 60 meters???? Were you watching M*A*S*H? You believe that suicide is painless? Yours is a sick mind. But then what else is new?

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Abuse I get from a lackluster names like Nidan1 , what, were Nidan 2 and Nidan 3 already taken?

Scenario will be mailed out once I get home. In the meantime, I suggest you play the Germans in it.

Now you must wonder, did I give you the more powerful side, or perhaps, in a fit of pity for Boo , and trust me, Boo is as sorrowful as it gets, I gave you the weaker side? Is there a weaker side? These are all thoughts that a normal person would have, in your case, go with the pink frilly dress.

Boo , look for the latest version this afternoon.

May the scenario cause you both much pain...


Army of the Porcupine

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Oh look, the Boggsy twins at the seashore.

Sometimes real life is stranger then fiction. Maybe that is why he got the medal of honor for that night?

However, I give you at least a little credit for knowing the name of the theme song to M*A*S*H. Nice to know you are keeping current with 70s TV shows. Is that all you get in your trailer park?

Boo , if you lose this one to Boggsy, I will have no choice but to have you test the South African scenario I am making.


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Originally posted by rune:

Oh look, the Boggsy twins at the seashore.

Sometimes real life is stranger then fiction. Maybe that is why he got the medal of honor for that night?

I believe it, I'm the Germans you dolt. My spotter has the highest kill total of German troops in the game so far.

However, I give you at least a little credit for knowing the name of the theme song to M*A*S*H. Nice to know you are keeping current with 70s TV shows. Is that all you get in your trailer park?

It's NOT a trailer park, it's a retirement villa. And we get all the latest shows: The Beverly Hillbillies, Petticoat Junction, Green Acres, etc.. So don't tell me to get a life.

Boo , if you lose this one to Boggsy, I will have no choice but to have you test the South African scenario I am making.


Hey Boo, say hi to Winecape!


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What a grand and glorious day...by the way, a belated happy birthday YK2, hope the booze was flowin and many great presies were laid at your feet. Here's to a two day hangover *raises glass of locally procured rotgut* ...Today I got to visit my very good friends at the Traffic Management Office. In exactly one month all my trash will be Westward bound, followed by myself. 34 days folks, 34 days and I will be departing this hell-hole known as Frederick, MD winging my way to the great state of Calee-fourn-i-aaaaye.

Maybe I will stop by the world's biggest ball of twine, maybe I will stop by the Fitzgerald Theater in St Paul to catch A Prairie Home Companion, maybe I will stop in Donner's Pass and regail my children with stories of cannabilism, feign an auto breakdown, and announce, "I'm sorry kids, but looks like you're the main course. No hard feelings, and dont worry, mom and I can always make more." The possibilities are limitless, except Ohio.

Flat and featureless, much like Boo's brain, I think we will be skipping that state. Is it still a state, or has it reverted to territorial status? Its so hard to keep up with these things now-a-days.

I get all warm and tingley just thinking about the upcoming road trip. Yes, the Aces' clan could be stopping soon at a town near you.

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Boggsy ,

You weren't on a TV show that featured three women who couldn't act their way out of a paper bag, were you? Or was the character just named after you?

However, if you are Germans, you might try USING THE TRP. I know this is a new and foreign concept for you, like tactics, or teaching Boo to use HQs as spotters for mortars, but I still hold hope for you.

May I suggest going to the East side of your state, waiting for a riptide to go tubing? Let us know when you reach Europe...


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Originally posted by rune:

Boo , if you lose this one to Boggsy, I will have no choice but to have you test the South African scenario I am making.


You do realize that I'm playing the surrounded American force don't you? The ones, who in real life mostly got killed?

You do realize that, don't you? Or are you even denser than the concrete headed ninny I took you for?

Oh, and while I'm at it, thanks ever so for deciding what I will be playing in my next battle with Nidan. They don't keep you very busy out there at the work farm, do they?

Let's see, I'm playing about a half dozen Rune scenarios right now, each of them...oh, how can I say this without seeming too critical...each of them just awful. And when I finish one of the little nightmares, thinking that the next one can't be any worse, that at some point, a little sliver of reality will pierce the fog of your Dali-esque mind set, I get another little addled gift from your mushroom soaked consciousness. (By the way, just between you, me and the hidden microphone, how many Sturm Tigers did you give Lars in our little sceanario? 12? 37?)

Tell you what, CupCake. Do you ever play the game or do you just sit in your padded playpen churning out little meadow muffins for the rest of us to slip in? Howsabout if I send YOU a scenario to play test? How would that fit into the comfy little delirium you call home?

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Boo ,

Nope, being involved with getting a small stinky rodent to work, I don't have time to play, and the scenario I am working on may be the last for a while. [insert cheers here] Also being involved with an X project, my free time is also taken up by testing Joint Operations from Novalogic. Once in a while I get to join the Cess patrol and remind them what a real pilot is like.... and actually complete a mission and land with the gear intact.

So, no, I don't get a lot of time to test right now, nor have I since CMBB went Alpha. The Madone is too fond of his whip. Now Moon is taking lessons from him too...


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Translation: I don't have enough time because "WAAAAH, my labia hurts!"

What a wussy!!

BTW, my staples are out and I'm doing my hirsute Hiram dance once more, although much slower and with much more flatulant trumpeting.

Edit - I owe turns but I don't care! I'm going to beat Diablo II, LOD. I have my Saint Hiram, the Paladin and he's a black fellow like our beloved Berli.

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You better be careful rune! Boo is keeping notes on all the snide remarks made about him.


If he started last week, he's probably up to Volume XII by now.

I finally found that TRP you so graciously provided without mentioning it in the Briefing!!!. Too bad I already have a company parked on top of it.

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Originally posted by rune:

Yeah, I HATE it when I hide something in the open like that. Did you think it was a crop circle? Perhaps the town center? Perhaps a Boo was here sign?



It's now sitting plainly underneath a German Flag!!!!!

NOBODY with a lick of sense, puts a TRP on a VL,


Nevermind, I just answered my own question.

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