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The Sun Never Sets On the Peng Challenge Thread

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It’s nearly Thanksgiving.

I’m thankful I’m not a cherry waffle. Were I a cherry waffle, I’d have rage and buggery issues, no doubt about it. This is why I’m thankful not to be a cherry waffle.

I’m thankful that BTS has made Combat Mission, for through this medium I can reach out and slap someone. I am thankful that that someone is never a cherry waffle.

I am thankful that I will be eating a large turkey. I am thankful that I found a turkey who was not a cherry waffle (interestingly, though turkeys aren't always cherry waffles, the converse is always true).

I’m thankful that I have a roof over my head, and that no cherry waffles are given shelter by same.

I’m thankful that the bulletin board is a text-based reality, for that limits the sensory assault that are the cherry waffles.

I’m thankful that there is beer, and that I need not share my portion of divine drunkenness with cherry waffles.

I’m thankful for my ability to express myself without the need of emoticons, as they are the lexicon in the tower of Babel that is cherry waffles.

I am thankful to be reigned o’er by Her Majesty, for by her grace she blesses us in ways not dreamt by cherry waffles.

I’m thankful for a three day work week, and the fact that no part of it involves cherry waffles.

I’m thankful to be a thankful sort, unlike those cherry waffles.

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I am posting this here as a matter of public record. My apologies to the Ladies of the Pool for the obscene use of emoticons.


The sound hooves galloping approaches the brood. Over the rise, Sir Lurkur appears in full armor, behind him a nameless serf manfully working the coconut halves.

Sir Lurkur halts at the entrance of the brood, from whence dank reptilian smells and evils sounds usher, punctuated by the occasional "gggggrrrraarrggh." The serf steps forward to translate from High Peng to gutter Goodalese

Greetings and felicitations, you repugnant little wannabe oiks!

[Listen up, maggots!]

Soddball has been rightly and manfully challenged by our combat gnome (though both are pretty challenged by the look of it). The outcome is not in doubt, though at the rate that Seanachi returns turns, it may be 2011 before we find out. In the meantime, while we wait to see if it be war or simply everlasting enmity betwixt the Cesspool and this ill-gotten brood, I propose that as many of you unworthy slack-jawed buffoons as desire meet me in the field of dishonorable combat. There you stinking slope-headed spawn of carnys will be mercilessly crushed and pressed like a rotted olive under the rough tread of a cess-sogged iron-shod jackboot. There will be no greater glory, no silly wagers, no quarter asked or given, the conflagration will be as pointless as your collective existence, or more truthfully, nearly as pointless. It will, however provide opportunity to put a finer edge on our mutual hatred, whiling killing many, many, many pixeltruppen and splodey things.

[(uncertain pause) FRESH MEAT!!!! DIE!!!! GGGGRRRRRAAAARRRGGGGGGH! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: ]

To those that scrape together enough of their meager manhood to stand before even the lowliest of kaniggets of the Cesspool: prepare to DIE-A-LOT™!

[Eat my hot, molten TNT, maggots!! :mad: ]

Now find someone who can write and ook-ook your response to them, so they will forward it to me, or e-mail me a set-up. Extra points if it's some vileness Rune has concocted.

Now Sod Off!

[Well, what the hell are you fairies waiting for? Charge!!! Gggrrarrrgggh :mad: :mad: :mad: ]

Sir Lurkur

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Originally posted by rune:

Let us see the record....

Originally posted by rune:

If Dame Kitty does not come along and take him soon, I will once again claim Acey Duecy as mine, and yes, once again have a Marine report to the Navy.


Bugger that boy-o! I'll raise your lowly knight with an Olde One and not even your NDA impresses me!

Berli [not bolded] admits here Acey Duecy was my serf, until Dame Kitty wanted him. Not to stand in the way of one of the Ladies of the Pool, not not you Joebob, one of the non-cross dressing types. However, since she then ignored him, I claim my original rights back. Berli stole him [and since it is one of the original sins, makes him proud].

You knew all this as indicated by the post that guess who picks out the promotions and right of denial.

So, the innocent Justicar is anything but...I now increase the curse to include:

"May your next airline trip have you seated next to a wailing baby"

and, for playing stupid [well, I give you the benefit of the doubt here]

"May that same flight be delayed by a storm, and you sit on a taxiway an additional 6 hours"

As for Berli, I have not heard any traditional Chicago offer of a bribe, so at this point, I must resort to yet another curse:

"May your lawn be overrun by Aussies with a bladder problem"


Ah, I see the error of my ways now. Thank you rune for pointing out my mistake. I shall now take PROPER steps to rectify that error and make full amends within the scope of the rules as far as you know.


Be it know to one and all that the Serf known as Aces-n-Eights (spelt but not bolded) is hereby and shall henceforth be acknowledged and recognized within the CessPool as Aces-n-Eights, Squire to and of the House of Berli having been taken to Squire by said Knight Berli upon the failure of the first and original claimaint Dame Kitty to take him to Squire following her elevation of said Serf.

There ... all nice and legal and within the rules.


Oh ... you're likely wondering about YOUR attempt to take young Aces-n-Eights to Squire eh? Well, had you made it CLEAR that it was Aces-n-Eights you desired for your Squire it would have been the work of moments to acknowledge your claim, but since you referred to him as ... wait a moment here ...

If Dame Kitty does not come along and take him soon, I will once again claim Acey Duecy as mine, and yes, once again have a Marine report to the Navy.
well you see my delimma ... dillemm ... problem on this.

Berli, of course, identified him without doubt in HIS post, to wit (or some portion of that in the case of Berli:

I hereby take Aces-n-Eights as Squire-on-Loan!

But rest assured that you have FULL RIGHTS to ANY Serf named Acey Duecy (spelt but not bolded) should you wish to take him to Squire (and assuming that one shows up on the MBT at some point) and I'll fight tooth and nail to ensure that your rights are protected.


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Originally posted by Leutnant Hortlund:

Speaking of proctologists... Has anyone seen Nidan1 lately? [not bolded for I do not know his current status]

Edit...now THAT was spooky.

Anyway..do we owe eachoter turns or somefink?

I don't know what eachoter owes to whom, but I believe I deleted the files from the game we were playing...I think...send something new and I will continue to strip your skinny Swedish hide.
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Originally posted by rune:

So, a curse upon the Justicar and Berli [names not bolded until I get something in trade, or a bribe, it is the Chicago way]

Oh, you wan play by Chicago rules? I t'ink I gadda car wit' a trunk big enough ta fit you in. Jus' drop you off at O'Hare and da problem's solved
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

But rest assured that you have FULL RIGHTS to ANY Serf named Acey Duecy (spelt but not bolded) should you wish to take him to Squire (and assuming that one shows up on the MBT at some point) and I'll fight tooth and nail to ensure that your rights are protected.

There, see Rune, no harm, no foul? By G.. by Go... DAMMIT, I'll back you're claim to ACEY DUECY as well (why not, he'll probably be a Cherry Waffle anyway)
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

MrSpkr is, correctly speaking, the Inquisitor General of the CessPool and therefore responsible for all Inquisitions ... however, it is a long held tradition that all TRIALS be conducted by the Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread ... furthermore I have the contact with Bill Al's House of Giggles and Girls for Stenographers ... need I say more?

You may have the contRact (certainly the thought of you having [contact with any of the Stenographers is laughable at best), but I WROTE the contract. Check the fine print -- yes, that's right, Part IV, Subpart 22, Section Q, subsection a, paragraph 23, third sentence: <font size = 1 > "Availability of Stenographers is subject to the limitations set forth herein." </font> AND Part V, Subpart 14, Section H, subsection b, Paragraph 2: <font size = 1 > "Limitations: Availability of Stenographers is subject to certain limitations. Any request for Stenographers by any individual other than the Office of the Cesspool Inquisitor General are subservient to the requirements of the Inquisitor General. Stenographers assigned to other uses may be redirected without notice or recourse to the needs of the Cesspool Inquisitor General as necessary. No advance notice shall be required to parties affected by the sudden unavailability of said Stenographers. In the event the Office of the Cesspool Inquisitor General's requirements shall force cancellation of previously scheduled Stenographer appearances, Customer's sole recourse against Bill Al's House of Giggles and Girls for Stenographers shall be for substitute personnel. Substitute personnel shall consist solely of residents from the W. Norwich Women's Old Age Retirement Home for Female Hockey Players Over Eighty. In the event this subsection conflicts with any other portion of this Contract, this provision shall supercede and the other conflicting provisions shall be rendered void and unenforceable. All rights Reserved. God Bless the Cess." </font>

So, you were saying something?


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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

You may have the contRact (certainly the thought of you having [contact with any of the Stenographers is laughable at best), but I WROTE the contract. Check the fine print -- yes, that's right, Part IV, Subpart 22, Section Q, subsection a, paragraph 23, third sentence: <font size = 1 > "Availability of Stenographers is subject to the limitations set forth herein." </font> AND Part V, Subpart 14, Section H, subsection b, Paragraph 2: <font size = 1 > "Limitations: Availability of Stenographers is subject to certain limitations. Any request for Stenographers by any individual other than the Office of the Cesspool Inquisitor General are subservient to the requirements of the Inquisitor General. Stenographers assigned to other uses may be redirected without notice or recourse to the needs of the Cesspool Inquisitor General as necessary. No advance notice shall be required to parties affected by the sudden unavailability of said Stenographers. In the event the Office of the Cesspool Inquisitor General's requirements shall force cancellation of previously scheduled Stenographer appearances, Customer's sole recourse against Bill Al's House of Giggles and Girls for Stenographers shall be for substitute personnel. Substitute personnel shall consist solely of residents from the W. Norwich Women's Old Age Retirement Home for Female Hockey Players Over Eighty. In the event this subsection conflicts with any other portion of this Contract, this provision shall supercede and the other conflicting provisions shall be rendered void and unenforceable. All rights Reserved. God Bless the Cess." </font>

So, you were saying something?


HA! That document ain't legal! The type is big enough to read
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Everyone should have a copy of Jump in the line...

Here's another good one to shake your bones...

Hey where did we go,

Days when the rains came

Down in the hollow,

Playin' a new game,

Laughing and a running hey, hey

Skipping and a jumping

In the misty morning fog with

Our hearts a thumpin' and you

My brown eyed girl,

You my brown eyed girl.

Whatever happened

To Tuesday and so slow

Going down the old mind

With a transistor radio

Standing in the sunlight laughing,

Hiding behind a rainbow's wall,

Slipping and sliding

All along the water fall, with you

My brown eyed girl,

You my brown eyed girl.

Do you remember when we used to sing,

Sha la la la la la la la la la la te da

So hard to find my way,

Now that I'm all on my own.

I saw you just the other day,

My how you have grown,

Cast my memory back there, Lord

Sometime I'm overcome thinking 'bout

Making love in the green grass

Behind the stadium with you

My brown eyed girl

You my brown eyed girl

Do you remember when we used to sing

Sha la la la la la la la la la la te da.

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

You may have the contRact (certainly the thought of you having [contact with any of the Stenographers is laughable at best), but I WROTE the contract. Check the fine print -- yes, that's right, Part IV, Subpart 22, Section Q, subsection a, paragraph 23, third sentence: <font size = 1 > "Availability of Stenographers is subject to the limitations set forth herein." </font> AND Part V, Subpart 14, Section H, subsection b, Paragraph 2: <font size = 1 > "Limitations: Availability of Stenographers is subject to certain limitations. Any request for Stenographers by any individual other than the Office of the Cesspool Inquisitor General are subservient to the requirements of the Inquisitor General. Stenographers assigned to other uses may be redirected without notice or recourse to the needs of the Cesspool Inquisitor General as necessary. No advance notice shall be required to parties affected by the sudden unavailability of said Stenographers. In the event the Office of the Cesspool Inquisitor General's requirements shall force cancellation of previously scheduled Stenographer appearances, Customer's sole recourse against Bill Al's House of Giggles and Girls for Stenographers shall be for substitute personnel. Substitute personnel shall consist solely of residents from the W. Norwich Women's Old Age Retirement Home for Female Hockey Players Over Eighty. In the event this subsection conflicts with any other portion of this Contract, this provision shall supercede and the other conflicting provisions shall be rendered void and unenforceable. All rights Reserved. God Bless the Cess." </font>

So, you were saying something?


HA! That document ain't legal! The type is big enough to read </font>
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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

You may have the contRact (certainly the thought of you having [contact with any of the Stenographers is laughable at best), but I WROTE the contract. Check the fine print -- yes, that's right, Part IV, Subpart 22, Section Q, subsection a, paragraph 23, third sentence: <font size = 1 > "Availability of Stenographers is subject to the limitations set forth herein." </font> AND Part V, Subpart 14, Section H, subsection b, Paragraph 2: <font size = 1 > "Limitations: Availability of Stenographers is subject to certain limitations. Any request for Stenographers by any individual other than the Office of the Cesspool Inquisitor General are subservient to the requirements of the Inquisitor General. Stenographers assigned to other uses may be redirected without notice or recourse to the needs of the Cesspool Inquisitor General as necessary. No advance notice shall be required to parties affected by the sudden unavailability of said Stenographers. In the event the Office of the Cesspool Inquisitor General's requirements shall force cancellation of previously scheduled Stenographer appearances, Customer's sole recourse against Bill Al's House of Giggles and Girls for Stenographers shall be for substitute personnel. Substitute personnel shall consist solely of residents from the W. Norwich Women's Old Age Retirement Home for Female Hockey Players Over Eighty. In the event this subsection conflicts with any other portion of this Contract, this provision shall supercede and the other conflicting provisions shall be rendered void and unenforceable. All rights Reserved. God Bless the Cess." </font>

So, you were saying something?


HA! That document ain't legal! The type is big enough to read </font>
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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Poor Joe. You are OBVIOUSLY confused.

Stenographers don't have a function in the Courthouse. Transcripts are made by Court Reporters.

Silly Joe. You'll still have fun with the octogenarian hockey players, right?


Oh no, none of your lawyerly tricks in here MrSpkr ... PROVIDE THE LINKS REQUESTED SIR ... or you can simply admit that you've done NOTHING ... ZERO, ZILCH, NADA for the CessPool lo these many months whilst the Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread has worked it's fingers to the bone protecting and defending the Sacred CessPool.

Show us your worth MrSpkr or go back to basking in the glow of your own self-importance ... I've WORK to do MrSpkr, the work of the M.B.T. and I'll not have it waylaid by some Stephen Come Lately ... or before either.

The Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread handles the trials HERE sirrah, and the Stenographers that are a PART of those trials.

THE LINKS, SIR ... or slink away in defeat!


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