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G'day to you all !

First things first, let's have a wee bit of introduction : I'm Kobal2, I'm French (so hide the frogs and turtles you may have, cause I'll EAT THEM), and even though I may be only 22 and have kind of a hot blood at times, I will do my best not to flame anyone just for the kicks. For at least 36 seconds.

I must also own up to the fact that I'm quite the "silly bugger", and enjoy nothing more than stirring up an argument about something dear to you, then watch you scream and squeal in anger while laughing in an armchair, with a healthy supply of popcorn and saucisson of course.

Now, to the point : I've been playing all three CM games (though I've only got CMAK installed and modded right now - bloody full blown system crash a few days ago) for some time now (4, 6 months, maybe ?) against the AI, and have gotten somewhat good at it - let's say no more than 4 major defeats out of 5. With overwelming odds in my favor of course. Witnessing such an outstanding (and boring, of course - as constant victory is) success against the AI, I feel it is time for me to beat the hell out of you old and decrepit fools, from whom I've been reading so much in the past months.

So, without further ado, I'd like to get one of you into a PBEM game with me.

Now, although I've been lurking this forum for quite some time now, I must admit I haven't identified most of you, but I'd like to meet with experienced fellows first - if they'll give me pointers and constructive criticism afterwards of course. Nothing like getting your arse properly kicked about to learn the fast way.

I prefer scenarios to quick battles, since the latter have a propension to become very one-sided from what I've seen, while scenarios are engineered to somewhat even the forces (I know, I know, it's not historically correct, since a commander worth his salt will always try to attack where he'll be 5 to 1, but it's a game after all).

On a side note, I like to play the germans or French Foreign Legion (toughest outfit in the world ! And dumbest too !) mostly, and since the AI is awfull at attacking, I've always played the attacker, so I'd like to start with that role. Also, I don't like the "whole Tigers and King Tigers" thing, so you can expect reasonnable forces from me - one Panther/Tiger at most, but mostly regular Panzers/Marders/JadgP etc... Oh, and for the time being I'd rather have small ops - size of the map doesn't matter, but too many forces to manage and I'm overwhelmed. Think 500 - 1500 point battles first.

Now, which...one of you...bitches...wants to dance ?

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Originally posted by Kobal2:

G'day to you all !

First things first, let's have a wee bit of introduction : I'm Kobal2, I'm French (so hide the frogs and turtles you may have, cause I'll EAT THEM), and even though I may be only 22 and have kind of a hot blood at times, I will do my best not to flame anyone just for the kicks. For at least 36 seconds.

I must also own up to the fact that I'm quite the "silly bugger", and enjoy nothing more than stirring up an argument about something dear to you, then watch you scream and squeal in anger while laughing in an armchair, with a healthy supply of popcorn and saucisson of course.

Now, to the point : I've been playing all three CM games (though I've only got CMAK installed and modded right now - bloody full blown system crash a few days ago) for some time now (4, 6 months, maybe ?) against the AI, and have gotten somewhat good at it - let's say no more than 4 major defeats out of 5. With overwelming odds in my favor of course. Witnessing such an outstanding (and boring, of course - as constant victory is) success against the AI, I feel it is time for me to beat the hell out of you old and decrepit fools, from whom I've been reading so much in the past months.

So, without further ado, I'd like to get one of you into a PBEM game with me.

Now, although I've been lurking this forum for quite some time now, I must admit I haven't identified most of you, but I'd like to meet with experienced fellows first - if they'll give me pointers and constructive criticism afterwards of course. Nothing like getting your arse properly kicked about to learn the fast way.

I prefer scenarios to quick battles, since the latter have a propension to become very one-sided from what I've seen, while scenarios are engineered to somewhat even the forces (I know, I know, it's not historically correct, since a commander worth his salt will always try to attack where he'll be 5 to 1, but it's a game after all).

On a side note, I like to play the germans or French Foreign Legion (toughest outfit in the world ! And dumbest too !) mostly, and since the AI is awfull at attacking, I've always played the attacker, so I'd like to start with that role. Also, I don't like the "whole Tigers and King Tigers" thing, so you can expect reasonnable forces from me - one Panther/Tiger at most, but mostly regular Panzers/Marders/JadgP etc... Oh, and for the time being I'd rather have small ops - size of the map doesn't matter, but too many forces to manage and I'm overwhelmed. Think 500 - 1500 point battles first.

Now, which...one of you...bitches...wants to dance ?

Try the peng challenge thread. It's the one with Peng in the title.
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Being used to forums, I was under the impression that multiple-paged threads were never being read much, if at all - I know *my* policy is to never open a topic more than 4 pages long, since by that time it's been hijacked/flamed 99 times out of 100... But maybe here it's not the case ?

So what should I do, copy/paste into the Peng forum ?

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Yup, no doubt about it, the Peng challenge would be ideal for you and for all your PBem needs. Head for the Peng thread on this forum. Why not copy/paste your introduction in there as a start.

If you enjoy an exchange of views with reasonable and open people, swing by the General Forum, and go into any thread with 'Bush' in the title.

Welcome, you're going to fit right in!

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Originally posted by Kobal2:

G'day to you all !...

Dear God, what kind of monstrosity is this? An Aussie Frenchman? A French Aussie? The mind reels. :eek: :D

While normally I would suggest you avoid the Peng (or <font size=1>penguin</font size=1>) thread, you may find you like it there. Ask for Seanachai first, as he likes to welcome all newcomers. If not, feel free to drop in at the Cheery Waffle thread, where the real anarchists dwell. Someone there will be glad to give you a PBEM. I would, but twelve is about my limit right now. :D:D

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Originally posted by Pheasant Plucker:

Yup, no doubt about it, the Peng challenge would be ideal for you and for all your PBem needs. Head for the Peng thread on this forum. Why not copy/paste your introduction in there as a start.

If you enjoy an exchange of views with reasonable and open people, swing by the General Forum, and go into any thread with 'Bush' in the title.

Welcome, you're going to fit right in!

You. Are. EVIL.



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I was waiting for that smile.gif

I'd go for the leftmost one - that ludicrous bandana combined with an even more silly skull shirt, plus the hand gesture... No really, he's got to be the worst of the bunch.

Plus, I'm sure this hair can be hull-downed, for combat purposes - you know, hair recon, hair attack, close hair support, the works (and no, I'm not ashamed.)

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Originally posted by Kobal2:

I was waiting for that smile.gif

I'd go for the leftmost one - that ludicrous bandana combined with an even more silly skull shirt, plus the hand gesture... No really, he's got to be the worst of the bunch.

Plus, I'm sure this hair can be hull-downed, for combat purposes - you know, hair recon, hair attack, close hair support, the works (and no, I'm not ashamed.)

Ooooh, so you're a Donnie fan. I got to take my pre-teen daughter to a New Kids' concert back in what, 1989? She won two tickets in a contest at a local department store. What a night that was! We took three of her friends to the concert, and my car wouldn't start when the concert was over. Of course it was in mid-winter. GRARGHRARRGHRARR!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

Donnie had this tendency toward pyromania which didn't do the group's public image much good. He set a fire in their hotel while they were in Louisville. Later he copped a plea and made some fire prevention public service announcements to avoid arson charges. I guess if some guests had died in the fire he might have been charged with disorderly conduct or something. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

So Kobal2, how are things in the <font size=1>penguin</font size=1> thread? I told you to try the Cheery Waffle thread. No rules there. :D:D

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

You're an amusing fellow (not like that Dave Aitch person. Him we don't find amusing at all) I may have to kill you last.

I'm blushing! redface.gif I've been singled out for abuse by the ex-junior something or other of the <font size=1>penguin</font size=1> thread!! "Look at me, Ma, King of the World!!" tongue.gif:D :cool: :D
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@SpitfireXI : You mean they actually *did* things after finally disappearing from the air ? I'd always assumed they'd been flogged to death once and for all on their last show or something. Would have been the logical thing to do, not to mention decent and humane.

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Originally posted by Dave H:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

You're an amusing fellow (not like that Dave Aitch person. Him we don't find amusing at all) I may have to kill you last.

I'm blushing! redface.gif I've been singled out for abuse by the ex-junior something or other of the <font size=1>penguin</font size=1> thread!! "Look at me, Ma, King of the World!!" tongue.gif:D :cool: :D </font>
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Originally posted by Lars:

There's always under the bus...

I'll second that ... third it too now that I think on it.

Seanachai you've been after the booze again lad, admit it now.

How many times must I say this ... WE DON'T RECRUIT! If someone WANTS to show up and take their chances in the Holy of Holies (i.e. The Peng Challenge Thread, the Mutha Beautiful Thread and the CessPool) then they may, by all that's Berli do so.

BUT ... they'll abide by the rules and follow preciden ... presidens ... tradition or I'LL KNOW THE REASON WHY SO I WILL!

Stop flashing your wares on the corner like a common streetwalker damnit! We've standards to maintain ... which is why the Goddamn Thread is, well, what it IS. No standards mean that ANYBODY can get in and that means it's full of NOBODIES!

Mind I'm not disagreeing about young Cobalt or whatever his name is, but this tossing about of invitations is ... well it's just wrong.


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