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What [i]is[/i] this thing?

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I was wasting time on the web the other day and came across this:


The image was illustrating the foreground vehicle, but what is that thing behind it? It looks an awful lot like a Sherman chassis with a strange turret slapped on top. Anyone know what this vehicle is?

The turret reminds me of French light armor (modern) for some reason, but all I know is what you see, and that the vehicle is Egyptian. I know some Panzers ended up in the Syrian army after the war to be used against Israel. Did some Shermans make it over there too?

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That's a well known Egyptian modification. Sherman on the top, French turret from the AMX-13 light tank (oscillating turret, automatic loader, 75mm gun derived from the Panther gun.) It was their way of keeping a little life in the old sherman. Definitely a post-WWII design. There should lots of info on the www on that thing.

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The whole turret, with exception of the ring, is moved in the highering or lowering of the gun (if you look at the picture you can see that the gun is put in the turret without means of movement).

Advantage is the smaller turret needed (no need for room to swing the counterweight around in). The AMX-13 was designed as a tank scout or skirmisher. A smal profile was one of the goals in design. The idea was to snipe other tanks from cover and scoot. It was dropped fairly fast.


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Originally posted by Bertram:

Advantage is the smaller turret needed (no need for room to swing the counterweight around in). The AMX-13 was designed as a tank scout or skirmisher. A smal profile was one of the goals in design. The idea was to snipe other tanks from cover and scoot. It was dropped fairly fast.

I thought the biggest advantage was that you could fit an auto-loader easily because the gun breech didn't move around in relation to the turret?

Here in Austria, we fit that thing on the old Saurer APC's. Excellent Tank-Hunter, light, sneaky, and quick to get off the first 6 rounds before running away.

Edit...here's a link to a picture showing the shilouette of our vehicle.


[ April 15, 2003, 05:33 AM: Message edited by: RSColonel_131st ]

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I knew I could count on the forum. Thanks for the quick ID of one strange vehicle.

Can anyone characterize how well WWII-era vehicles fared in the postwar period? I know France used Panthers, Syria PzIVs, I believe the NVA was still using T-34s at the beginning of that war, and of course the Swiss Hetzer up until '74.

I suffer from a total knowledge vacuum from about 1946 to 1980 unfortunately...

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Once on holiday in Greece I accidentily got into a training area of the Greek Army (the area was only guarded by some yellow signs, with some Greek text on it. I later heard they did life fire exercises there as wel. The lady that tought me (ancient) Greek at high school always said I should pay more attention) and ran almost into a Sherman. This must have been somewhere in '75 or '76 I think.


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Israel was using upgunned Shermans and M3 half tracks in the War with Egypt in '67(?)

The Egyptian army was using T34/85s and IS-3s in addition to more modern equipment.

There are plenty of armies still using the venerable T34.

Most of the AFVs used in the Korean war were WWII vintage as well, with a few newer vehicles such as the British Centurion.

M36 Jacksons and M18 Hellcats turned up in the Balkens in the recent fracas.

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