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for putting in only half of a command. The 'leave to the wisdom of CM to tell an armored vehicle when to unbutton based on a damn roll of the dice vs. the wisdom of the USER, the PURCHASER of the software, the CONTROLLER of the mircomangagement'!!! To the degree that JasonC feels about how cower is broken, I feel that this command is totally broken and takes away ALL control of the player. Don't you have enough control of the game already? Give me 2 options...leave control of unbuttoning to a roll of the dice (CM) and BUTTON UP AND STAY BUTTONED UP FOR THIS ONE MINUTE BECAUSE I TOLD YOU TO AND I AM GOD AS FAR AS YOU ARE CONCERNED!


Edited a typo.

[ May 15, 2003, 11:46 PM: Message edited by: JAT ]

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I feel that this command is totally broken and takes away ALL control of the player.
Although I said ALL, I'll retract on the ALL bit. It takes away control by the player and puts it in CM's controlling hands. Combat Mission belongs to BFC, but the game I am playing against my opponent belongs to us. I don't care for CM over-riding my directives on the illogical basis of rolling a die to see whether or not something happens AFTER I give specific orders that are valid and reasonable. The way I see it, when I give an order/use a command to a unit, I am at that moment that unit, not necessarily the General back in his easy chair. So, when I give an AC a command to Button up, then it damn well better button up and stay buttoned up as I'm the one in the AC. Of course, if the AC would run into a tank, then I certainly hope that CM (and it does it very well) takes over and reacts appropriately. However; giving a Button up command and the AC merrily rolling along in the middle of a wheat field and at sec. 56 decides to open up, then getting the gunner wasted by a KNOWN sharpshooter in the area does not bode well with me. That's why I Buttoned up!!! This is not another '**** happens' thing. This is a design flaw/thought process flaw from BFC that I feel needs to be re-thought.

If BFC needs to keep this random event, then please add a command of 'Button up and Stay buttoned up no matter what' that will make sure CM doesn't over-ride it.

Reality is one thing and stupidity is another. Stupidity is part of reality, but it doesn't have to be the default.

I can continue explaining what my point is if this is still not enough information for you to digest.

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the concept

(in Theory) works well for the computer (AI) controlled opponent

in CMBO the computer contolled tanks when playing one player against the computer, would NOT unbutton and they would not and could not have the advantage of spotting while unbuttoned

to fix this BFC (it was "in theory" a good idea) coded the game so that ALL tanks could unbutton when they wanted to if conditions were "safe" (ok that concept on WWII battlefield is questionable at best, but lets continue).

So now some tanks unbutton to get a better look and it is now no longer in the players control.

Maybe the solution is to leave the code the way it is for the computer opponent but put the make sure that the GAME does not over ride human players control when the PLAYER says button up and STAY THAT way Damn it!


just an idea

-tom w

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the concept

(in Theory) works well for the computer (AI) controlled opponent

in CMBO the computer contolled tanks when playing one player against the computer, would NOT unbutton and they would not and could not have the advantage of spotting while unbuttoned

to fix this BFC (it was "in theory" a good idea) coded the game so that ALL tanks could unbutton when they wanted to if conditions were "safe" (ok that concept on WWII battlefield is questionable at best, but lets continue).

So now some tanks unbutton to get a better look and it is now no longer in the players control.

Maybe the solution is to leave the code the way it is for the computer opponent but put the make sure that the GAME does not over ride human players control when the PLAYER says button up and STAY THAT way Damn it!


just an idea

-tom w

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If they are fixing this to 1.03, what about a similar situation that occurs at least in 1.02?

You have mortars that don't have line of sight to a place where you want area fire. Mortars are controlled by a HQ unit that can see the target area, thus mortars can fire. Movie begins: Mortars start area firing. Then another HQ unit that can't see the target area walks near the mortars, takes control and immediatelly area firing stops. I think it would be much better if control wouldn't change from a HQ unit to another if those mortars are "executing orders" from the first HQ unit.

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Originally posted by JAT:

Of course, if the AC would run into a tank, then I certainly hope that CM (and it does it very well) takes over and reacts appropriately. However; giving a Button up command and the AC merrily rolling along in the middle of a wheat field and at sec. 56 decides to open up, then getting the gunner wasted by a KNOWN sharpshooter in the area does not bode well with me.

Why didn't you tell him to waste the sniper? ;)

It kinda sounds like you want it both ways.

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It's kind of hard to waste the sniper when it's just a sound contact.

Which brings up a good point. Just how do you smoke out a sniper? If you have any good ways, I'd sure like to know as I've got two to deal with. Any viable suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Good to hear that you are still alive and kicking. Are you still on your winning ways? I agree with your concern about the mortar and HQ. Talk about micro-management to keep that from happening. Would make it a lot simpler. I seem to remember a thread that addressed that. One thing I remember is someone saying something to the effect that if an HQ came by and gave the mortar guy an order, he would be obligated to follow the new order. However; this assumes that the new HQ is issuing new orders (which he is not...not every HQ that walks near a soldier will be issuing that soldier orders) and it also places the worst case scenario first and foremost and always. Which brings full circle my statement that stupidity is part of reality, but it doesn't have to be the default.


Thanks for the confirmation.

Edited yet another typo.

[ May 16, 2003, 03:35 PM: Message edited by: JAT ]

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Originally posted by JAT:


It's kind of hard to waste the sniper when it's just a sound contact.

Which brings up a good point. Just how do you smoke out a sniper? If you have any good ways, I'd sure like to know as I've got two to deal with. Any viable suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Hmm, was it a infantry sound contact or was the unit identified?

If you knew it was a sniper, area fire to keep his head down while you try to bring in more firepower to kill or rout him.

If you didn't, you pays your money and you takes your chances.

The only sure way to find a sniper is when somebody falls down with a nice little hole in him. ;)

You could hardly blame the TC for sticking his head up, it's his job after all.

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