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Ok, since this is now the Wish List thread, I'll throw mine in and--I think I'm reasonably accurate when I say--this one should not be that hard to implement, even for 1 programmer:

Allow the export and import of scenarios in a format which is readable by humans. That is, put all the data the game saves about a scenario (and a game which has ended) into a text file in a format that can be easily understood by someone so that people can make their own campaign engines (unless BFC plans to do that themselves in CMAAK.) This would not require any proprietary information to be provided, just the names of the units, their type, casualties, their positions, the map, and the results of battle. I know most of this is already in some format (I imagine the map is saved as a 2-dimensional array of values which index types of terrain and heights or somesuch), it just isn't readable by anyone.

Anyhow, this idea's been mentioned before, just like most of these ideas... ;)

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Well, having posted in all the other wish threads I guess I'll keep up tradition.

As always JonS has presented his view in a very organized and intelligent way, so I will model his.

Randomized skins: These would be really nice but as BFC has already shown a reluctance to expand the database simply to add more doodads I don't know if this will be here any time soon.

Phonepoles and such: see above.

New buildings well they made new buildings for CMBB I don't see why we couldn't expect the same for CMAK. What I would like to see is the ability to build buildings of all types like you can with factories. I would also like to see them made with smaller tiles so you could destroy part of them rather than all or nothing. This could also make them more durable as it could take the same damage to destroy the smaller tiles as it does the whole buildings now in the game.

Motorcycles I don't really care one way or the other. Yes they were there but no they were not a regular part of the front lines. If they detract from more important efforts or lead to BS tactics like the cycle rush I say leave them out. I am almost of the same oppinion about trucks and kubelwagens but they were much more common than MCs at the front.

Dirt tiles I have actually been wanting these for a while. No just for visual effect but they are different than just open terrain. While you really have to soak an open field to change its movement properties (in real life) it only takes a couple of minutes to turn a field of dirt into a bog. It quickly becomes rather exhausting to walk across a field in full kit when the ground is sliding out from under you and making your boots weigh a ton. Damp for a dirt field is not the same as for a field of grass. Yes you can mod them but not everyone has the same mods. I know I would be pretty put off to see a map with huge fields of road tiles.

AT obsticals I would like to see a wider variety. Some things, like dragon's teeth, would be an obstical to vehicles but nothing to infantry. Maybe there could be a digging option for roadblocks. If they not dug in they are a pile of rubble or what have you. If they are dug in they are a tank ditch. Eye candy mostly but it would add more to the immersive feel.

I do think that they need to expand the terrain that tracks can enter. It is very often possible to find some way around or through a piece of terrain. Tanks can knock down trees and climb over some pretty impressive terrain. As it is someone defending a town can completely seal off the objective with little use of tactics. In my opinion roadblocks should be extreemly expensive. BFC has said that you can't breech them because something that would stop a Tiger tank would have to be huge. Similarly, in order to construct one you would have to expend a massive amount of effort and resources. It just isn't possible to quickly throw up a real tank stopping obstical in a few hours or even a few days for any sort of extensive system.

Engineers: I am a huge fan of expanding the abilities of engineers but I also know that many of the things engineers do in real life are beyond the scale of the game, time wise. Clearing wire or blowing bunkers can be done within the scale of a typical CM battle but the one thing they can do, clear minefields, most certainly cannot.

I think that if we are not going to time scale other tasks as has been done with mines then they shouldn't be able to clear mines either. As it is they are the most unrealistic unit in the game. They can clear a dug in minefield in 2 or 3 minutes but cannot breach wire or light a smokepot?

And of course my usual request for more designer control in the scenario editor.

Ok that's it people, move along, nothing to see here.

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You don't have to insult me to get your point. I don't know what your problem is and I don't want to know really. If you can't go into a normal discussion you shouldn't respond at all.

You like or dislike kinds of gameplay, but trying to make it something personal doens't get you anywhere.

Originally posted by reinald@berlin.com:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by eichennudler:

Any one is free to pick the gameplay they like.

What furthermore irritates me is your oscillating between a mission oriented snatch-the-General FPS and a grand strategy game. No game can fill both slots. I got the impression your wish list is not well thought over.

Whinnie! </font>

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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by reinald@berlin.com:

Don't see why a perfect tactical simulation like CM should be forced onto the operational level. I actually see CM fail at it many times when scenarios grow too big, i.e. IMHO over bataillon. Soon degenerates into a chore to micromanage all those teams. Now add horseback messengers, supply carts and mine dogs and you have a game nobody will want to play.

There is always somebody eager to play such a game. Usually somebody with no social life but lots of paranoid delusions of grandeur who will spend an entire sleepless weekend hunkered down in front of his computer.

But I'm in your camp on this. I'm even starting to find battalions a bit much to handle and still enjoy the game. I think I will soon go back to playing reinforced companies.

Michael </font>

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It's even less convincing when you squint at the photo and see that it shows French troops (look at the helmets and uniforms) in July 14, 1928 (or 1938...I have trouble clearly seeing the year signed at bottom right).

Originally posted by JonS:

Photographic Evidence: A photo of a massed motorcycle victory parade down the Champs Elysee is exceptionally poor evidence if you are trying to convince people that they were used in combat. We all know the Germans had and used m/c's.



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Originally posted by eichenbaum:

If Reinald is afraid for an oversized CM why does he build scenarios where the player has the command over 3 battalions ? (Kelja, http://www.fontanari.com/cmstuff/ )

Now what do we have here?

The usual Axis admiring pampered Eichenboy resorting to half-truths and lies once not everyone around caters to his half baked wishes?

It is correct that the scenario is too big and I myself consider it a failure, which actually proves the point I make. Furthermore the scenario has TWO Finnish bataillons in it, but they only arrive after serious depletion and therefore the player will never come close to having to command the three full bataillons you're rambling about.

First, you try to prohibit me from posting further comments in this thread, then you try to box me out of it with unfair half-truths. I get the impression that your problem is beyond CM and the units in the game, your problem seems to be one of character. Maybe Pa should have bought that pony 5 years ago and therefore have spared serious gamers from having you around.

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Originally posted by Brent Pollock:

It's even less convincing when you squint at the photo and see that it shows French troops (look at the helmets and uniforms) in July 14, 1928 (or 1938...I have trouble clearly seeing the year signed at bottom right).

It's "28" (although I think that is a mistake and it should have been "38"). I just took another look. Good catch. I wondered about that myself when it was posted, but just shrugged it off as a mistake when the pic was captioned. Foolish me.

The motorcycles also don't look right somehow for German. And did the crowds gather that thickly to welcome their conquerors?


[ August 17, 2003, 12:17 PM: Message edited by: Michael Emrys ]

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It seems to me that some people do have a big problem with this forum topic ( and with me ). The last reply's don't have anything to do with the subject of this topic anymore. Maybe it's better to close this before it gets out of hand.

There are accusations made in the last few posts that which have gone too far. My website has nothing to with any political issues. It's only about Combat Mission. Nothing more and nothing less.



I want to thank you all for posting you thoughts and ideas. I've learned some new things.

<h1>Topic Closed !</h1>

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Hey, is this you on the run Eichi? If you can't stand the heat, take out the swastikas and Axis admiration of your web-appearance.

And, having a tiny no-Nazism symbol at the bottom, as nearly all pro-Nazi and Aixs-admirer homepages have, won't cover up either. If you are against Nazism, then why not simply quit having a swastika in your sig and why not quit spreading Axis-admiration dung like e.g. your scenarios?

(BTW, contrary to your power-fantasies you're not an admin of this board and can't close topics just because you get spanked.)

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Originally posted by reinald@berlin.com:

Ya know what, Eichenbaum, I've been to your site too and you're an Axis admiring Nazi. And it shows. No horsie-sprites will help you out of that.


Sigh, whenn will the wargaming genre finally get rid of all that aenemic underachieving Nazi kids?

[edited: typo]

I can't say I see the swastika in that pic, but that aside Eich' has never said anything that I am aware of that would make me think he had such...err...leanings. If he is a Nazi enthusiast, he is hiding it well...

Not sure why there is so much animosity directed towards him in this thread. He posted things he'd like to see in the next version of CM, some agree some disagree, but I see no reason for so many people to be jumping on him...am I missing something(?)

(P.S., yes I realize horses and what-not have been brought up many times before on these forums, but not everyone who visits here is aware of all the topics that have been discussed already.)

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Originally posted by reinald@berlin.com:

Hey, is this you on the run Eichi? If you can't stand the heat, take out the swastikas and Axis admiration of your web-appearance.

And, having a tiny no-Nazism symbol at the bottom, as nearly all pro-Nazi and Aixs-admirer homepages have, won't cover up either. If you are against Nazism, then why not simply quit having a swastika in your sig and why not quit spreading Axis-admiration dung like e.g. your scenarios?

Swastikas don't automatically make a nazi, not even a nazi-lover, if one doesn't truly understand what nazism means nowadays to most adults (not too rare, just look at Berlusconi!). Many juveniles and young adults with an interest in war history just aren't mature enough in that sense. Just like most of those who listen to gangsta rap are too young to shave.
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Originally posted by reinald@berlin.com:

Hey, is this you on the run Eichi? If you can't stand the heat, take out the swastikas and Axis admiration of your web-appearance.

And, having a tiny no-Nazism symbol at the bottom, as nearly all pro-Nazi and Aixs-admirer homepages have, won't cover up either. If you are against Nazism, then why not simply quit having a swastika in your sig and why not quit spreading Axis-admiration dung like e.g. your scenarios?

(BTW, contrary to your power-fantasies you're not an admin of this board and can't close topics just because you get spanked.)

Maybe he's just tired of some people [cough]YOU[/cough] acting obnoxious and condescending towards him. Frankly, I thought this was an interesting topic until you decided to rudely butt in and call him names.

Hope you feel better about yourself for it.



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Well, Ruthless, if that ain't a swastika you sure need some good glasses. And, as you may have noticed, Eichi isn't denying that it is one.

My animosity stems from the simple fact that he's spreading Nazi insignia and Axis admiration material.

Why not have a look at two more screenies from Eichi's website:



The site is at least Nazi-military admiration all over. Geez, don't tell me you also don't see the tons of iron crosses and steely-eyed Überlandsers?

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Originally posted by reinald@berlin.com:

Well, Ruthless, if that ain't a swastika you sure need some good glasses. And, as you may have noticed, Eichi isn't denying that it is one.

My animosity stems from the simple fact that he's spreading Nazi insignia and Axis admiration material.

Why not have a look at two more screenies from Eichi's website:



The site is at least Nazi-military admiration all over. Geez, don't tell me you also don't see the tons of iron crosses and steely-eyed Überlandsers?

Sorry, I don't see it in his emblem. Also, I see those same German emblems you circled in the game CM. It is my opinion that is he interested in German WWII military, but I have not seen him making mention of Hitler, Nazis, the Reich, Jews, or anything else that would make me think he is anything other than interested in WWII German military--not unlike many people who play this game. If someone came on and had similar things for the Russian WWII military, would you immediately condemn them as a communist? Until he starts saying things that are offensive, I won't condemn him.

It is possible that he has an inappropriately romantic view of the Wermacht or what have you, but so far he has failed to offend me with it.

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You are TOTALLY out of line here and your attack on Eichenbaum will not be permited or tolerated. He has never given us any reason to think that his site is anything but an attempt to promote and support the game.

It is also not your place to post into our forum and accuse this guy of anything else.

As a webmaster yourself of a CM site I would think you of all people would understand how much work goes into running a site and I am shocked by the uncalled for attack.

It's hard enough to run a active site without some idiot giving undue grief. I have no tolerance of such activity.

You WILL ceast and desist these claims of yours on our forum or I will boot your off this forum so quick it will make your mother dizzy.

Eichenbaum has done nothing to you, and you attacked him unprovoked in a thread in which you had nothing to add. That in itself is a bannable offense but I have decided to just issue a warning at this point.

If you don't like his site, think it promotes Nazism or just dont like the guy that is your own burdon to bare but it has no place here and I will not permit such personal animosity to run unchecked on our forum.


[ August 17, 2003, 05:27 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]

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