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The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypso...

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Originally posted by Andreas:

I shall leave the forum, but only for the weekend, to 'audition' Italian maidens for the performance of ritual dances at my ceremonies.

We are amused.

Do no misunderstand the performance of the Italian maidens as an audition. They are dancing 'cause they party with our Italian friends. They were probably to happy they did not read the next sentence. It will be a rude awakening for them!

I shall be back.

We are not amused. To bad I read this sentence before starting the party.



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I shall leave the forum, but only for the weekend, to 'audition' Italian maidens for the performance of ritual dances at my ceremonies.

All bow before the Magnificent and Mighty Andreas!

(whispering to armored legions: If anyone doesn't bow kill them where they stand.)

All Hail!


LOL! I wish CABRON66 was here to see just how zany this whole thing got.

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My Gast is Flabbered.

Mr Mexinadian Goat had a whole nother melt down, eh? This is all good news. I should really read this forum more. I am all for public shame and humiliation. It is good for everyone involved. It allows those who are comfortably away from the edge to mutter "there but for the grace of [insert favorite deity here] go I" and other such stuff as that and gives those closer to the edge pause to consider the ramifications of being over it, and it gives those of us who like to stand hard by it with sharp sticks, air horns and other proddy, startling things something to do with ourselves. If we didn't have it we'd be hanging around on street corners, or worse, below your windows contemplating your daughter's or wive's or mother's kickers... ahem.

Useless gits like Cabron are not so useless after all. There is something to be learned from the most vile of creatures, the most debased of humans, and the sorriest of specimens of every family of flora and fauna. (there is really nothing to be learned from Pods, on the other hand, except that we have nothing to offer).

I'm all for this starting of new cults based on fear and death too. The more fear and death there is, the closer the crowds get to the edge...

But I'm rambling now... and I have a question. Was Mr Goat's meltdown complete? Was he (heaven forfend!) banned? I sincerely hope not, for purely selfish reasons of course. I want to be the one that sneaks up behind him and let's fly with the airhorn the next time he is teetering on the brink. Won't be me of course... I'm not here enough. There are too many other edges on which to dance out there, but I sure hope I have a good view of the festivities when he goes over.



Cults are for sissies.

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Originally posted by MrPeng:

But I'm rambling now... and I have a question. Was Mr Goat's meltdown complete? Was he (heaven forfend!) banned?

No, he got a warning in another thread, then went on a sort of hissy fit bender, posting the same topic to every conceivable Forum, I believe, except the Beta testers' (fortunately no access for him there), then stormed off amidst lamentations and demands for apologies.

Oh, that reminds me...

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You are premature in your retirement of this so-called Mortal Enemy. Surely he has read this Thread and now realizes what a sad lot you are and is probably reaching for the lubricant right now in preparation for his Dramatic Return.

The man is clearly a genius. It is our task, no..duty to encourage further comedic outbursts on his part.

He will come to appreciate our efforts one day.

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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

Do you know, eventually I'm going to have to start charging for this sort of thing.

Who'd pay you when, like the chain-smoking, gap-toothed old hag down at the end of the bar rail at closing time sucking down the drinks with a swallow left in them, you do it for free? </font>
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Originally posted by MrPeng:

My Gast is Flabbered.

Well congratulations!


There is something to be learned from the most vile of creatures, the most debased of humans, and the sorriest of specimens of every family of flora and fauna.
Yes, dear. That's why we haven't strangled you with your own intestines. Yet.



[ October 09, 2003, 10:26 PM: Message edited by: Michael Emrys ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Also, I want a general apology from BFC for never sending me a card, postcard, or letter filled with hatred.

Originally posted by Seanachai:

Emrys! I demand an apology for acing me out of hatred that is rightfully mine!

You're doing it again.
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Originally posted by Mr. Tittles:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrPeng:

My Gast is Flabber-tattered. This is all good news. I should really read this forum more (sniffs into hankie). .

maybe you should write less?

You yuster be funn-e-er or sumthing. Heck, anything is funnyer then most dist crap.

Get fuuny or get bent now. Like I mean it . Man.


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

And as for Berli and his lies regarding me, let me just say that until he apologizes, most abjectly and which much smooching of my footwear and groveling and clutching at my ankles (in a manly way, not some strange fetishism gig), then I will not stop participating in this Forum.

Guess you'll be around for a long time then? Bugger
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