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MasterGoodale's International House O' Waffles, Ale and Maggots

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

And by ass-whooping I mean your complete and utter humitlating defeat.


This should be interesting, as I've never suffered a "humitlating" defeat before. :D
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Jebus, that ass kicking PlatCmdr gave me has totally upset my cosmic carma. That and this Finnish Heavy metal I listen to while I play. Because:

*Warning "Cherry Waffle" Spoiler ahead!*





















Axe2121 Just lost a PzIV/H to...two T-TwentyS**ts. OT-130s to be exact. It has no main gun, just an MG and a flame thrower. I knew he'd try rushing them. That's why I had them setup so that anything coming around the corner in the street would be in range. The PzIV blew up real nice too. It took a HT with it. What can I say but:

:mad: :mad: :mad: GARARARGARARGAR TNT is the sux0r! Napalm is the r0x0r! GARARRGARRG :mad: :mad: :mad:

Andy the angry emote says:

"Pwned by a T-26. Noob." - :mad:

Edited for extra :mad:

[ June 24, 2003, 11:24 PM: Message edited by: Nippy ]

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

Very well PlatypusHandler. As soon as Sockpuppet can send me the scenario your ass-whooping can begin.

If you would stop entertaining Widow Palm and her five lonely sisters long enough to send me my next move, I could package the infamous scenario with my reply.

Chin chin,


Edited to add: :mad:

[ June 25, 2003, 03:34 AM: Message edited by: Edward Windsor ]

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by PlatCmdr:

This should be interesting, as I've never suffered a "humitlating" defeat before.

I can call it "Jimmy" if like, slapnuts, either way you are going down like Soddball on a bottle of ripple. :mad: :mad: :mad: </font>
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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

What a bunch of slope-headed Darwinian rejects!!! :mad:

It's better to be rejected from the evolutionary ladder because of high intelligence, than stay there next to fungus.
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Originally posted by Axe2121:

[insert Axe1313s army of emotes here]

You're not slathered in TNT, you're basted in Napalm. Mmmmmmm....that be some fine BBQ.

:D :cool: :D :cool: :D :cool: :D :cool:

[ June 25, 2003, 09:06 AM: Message edited by: Nippy ]

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

Brag to your Stug crew about your IQ Keke. They may see things differently. Oh wait. They don't have eyes. :mad: :mad: :mad:

You inbred oaf, the Stug got only immobilized, and it's in a fine firing position now. Your fungus brain obviously don't recall, that it happened after I had destroyed everyone of your T-34s, without losing any of my Stugs, only one scouting Pz-II to a mine/anti-tank combination. I even opened the hatch of the immobilized Stug last turn to let its commander to see those pathetic peasants running for their lives. :D :mad:

[ June 25, 2003, 09:18 AM: Message edited by: Keke ]

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Ahh blelty.

Turns will go out this evening - and you know this to be true, for I am not MasterNoTurnswhosucksboysfordollars.

Goodale. Turn. Now. No more weaseling excuses.







Goodale sucks at CM:BB.

I told Mike the Wino that I have a new scenario for playtesting, and lo! it is true. Volunteers for Ice Cold in Avnavodsk (developed during a hung-over morning) should email me with a 100-word essay on why they should be allowed to playtest my baby. :mad: :mad:

It's December 1941, Russians on the attack, very cold with snow and snow, and snow and snow and snow.

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Sorry Axe, I forgot to post this earlier. redface.gif

Congratulations to Axe for a thorough demolition of my Hungarian probe by his Romanians. After 29 turns of our 25+ turn game, he had earned a 70-30 Tactical Victory!! :eek: It seemed to be connected to his destruction of my Hetzer which was sitting next to the 300 point VL. My poor Hetzer crew was shocked at the very beginning of our battle and survived another 25 or so turns of constant combat. It destroyed Axe's entire armored force (what was that French tank again?). Unfortunately I could never get my infantry past his to support the Hetzer, which was reduced to a few AP shells, and it finally took a panzerfaust in the worst place. :(

Obviously I haven't figured out how to conduct probes. I've now managed to lose by 80-20 to Keke and 70-30 to Axe. So all you experts :rolleyes: , let's hear some of the secrets of successfully conducting a probe and surviving.

Again, congratulations Axe. Tough and fun battle. :D

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Originally posted by Soddball:

I told Mike the Wino that I have a new scenario for playtesting, and lo! it is true. Volunteers for Ice Cold in Avnavodsk (developed during a hung-over morning) should email me with a 100-word essay on why they should be allowed to playtest my baby. :mad: :mad:

It's December 1941, Russians on the attack, very cold with snow and snow, and snow and snow and snow.

Here's my 100 word essay:

Because I am apparently too stupid and hardheaded to refuse to play one of Soddball's miserable excuse of a scenario. ;)

Because I am apparently too stupid and hardheaded to refuse to play one of Soddball's pitiful excuse of a scenario. :eek:

Because I am apparently too stupid and hardheaded to refuse to play one of Soddball's horrifying excuse of a scenario. tongue.gif

Because I am apparently too stupid and hardheaded to refuse to play one of Soddball's grotesque excuse of a scenario. :rolleyes:

Because I am apparently too stupid and hardheaded to refuse to play one of Soddball's malignant excuse of a scenario. :D

Hope I passed. I wonder if there may just be a flamethrower in this scenario??

[ June 25, 2003, 09:53 AM: Message edited by: Dave H ]

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Thanks Dave, my worthy opponent. It only took those bloody Romanians to the last turn of the freakin' battle to figure out exactly what that funny looking thing in their kit was for. :D

I've done up a few jpegs which I will e-mail later tonight. Just a suggestion or two, all with 20/20 hindsight of course.

Jas :mad: n

edited to add: ROFL. One hundred words exactly too. I guess his claim of being a budget analyst checks out.

[ June 25, 2003, 10:23 AM: Message edited by: Axe2121 ]

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Originally posted by Dave H:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Soddball:

I told Mike the Wino that I have a new scenario for playtesting, and lo! it is true. Volunteers for Ice Cold in Avnavodsk (developed during a hung-over morning) should email me with a 100-word essay on why they should be allowed to playtest my baby. :mad: :mad:

It's December 1941, Russians on the attack, very cold with snow and snow, and snow and snow and snow.

Here's my 100 word essay:

Because I am apparently too stupid and hardheaded to refuse to play one of Soddball's miserable excuse of a scenario. ;)

Because I am apparently too stupid and hardheaded to refuse to play one of Soddball's pitiful excuse of a scenario. :eek:

Because I am apparently too stupid and hardheaded to refuse to play one of Soddball's horrifying excuse of a scenario. tongue.gif

Because I am apparently too stupid and hardheaded to refuse to play one of Soddball's grotesque excuse of a scenario. :rolleyes:

Because I am apparently too stupid and hardheaded to refuse to play one of Soddball's malignant excuse of a scenario. :D

Hope I passed. I wonder if there may just be a flamethrower in this scenario?? </font>

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Nope, no flamethrowers. What's the point when the weather's so cold your tiddle freezes as it leaves your dong? In very cold weather, flamethrowers are used for making tea.

Yes, instead the force composition for both sides shall be a company worth of conscript sharpshooters with a single shot each who are backed up by Machinegun-less SP guns that are armed with nothing but AP rounds.

...hell, I better not give him any ideas. :eek:

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I was going to ask if "Ice Cold in Avnavodsk" might be a good choice as my first Cheery Waffle induced game? Possibly against DaveH as he had previously kindly offered to defeat me whenever I felt brave enough to actually partake in this insanity you lot refer to as PBEM. Frankly I must be mad to even consider it, I’m sure my boys will be surrendering before I’ve even issued a single command!

However having read some of the descriptions of Soddball’s scenarios I'm thinking this may not be quite such a wise course of action to take... Thoughts?

(BTW The above = 100 words!) :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by Crow:

I was going to ask if "Ice Cold in Avnavodsk" might be a good choice as my first Cheery Waffle induced game? Possibly against DaveH as he had previously kindly offered to defeat me whenever I felt brave enough to actually partake in this insanity you lot refer to as PBEM. Frankly I must be mad to even consider it, I’m sure my boys will be surrendering before I’ve even issued a single command!

However having read some of the descriptions of Soddball’s scenarios I'm thinking this may not be quite such a wise course of action to take... Thoughts?

Crow, excellent essay. One slight correction, I offered to play against you, not to defeat you. The way things are going right now, I may never win another PBEM. :rolleyes:

Also, I think you deserve extra credit for the use of the phrases "Soddball's scenarios" and "wise course of action" in the same sentence. :D

Quick question: Have any of you fine gentlemen (and possibly ladies) played Strategic Command? I see they've released version 1.07 or something, and thought it might be time to take a look. Besides, CMBB hasn't been working out so well lately. I've been crushed by Keke and Axe, I'm getting crushed by UXcva_, and I'm barely hanging on against, God help me, MasterGoodale (the maggot). :rolleyes: :eek: I'm thinking maybe I'm trying to win WW2 at the wrong level. Maybe I'd do better conducting diplomacy and production than trying to get a tank into hull-down position. :D

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Damn it all to hell. Tried posting a midweek gamey update, as I am bored with/ at work, and it disappears into the nether regions of the Internet. Wonder if I pulled a Boggs and planted it on another thread? Gotta cut out the martinis with breakfast.


Teddy turn out to you tonight.

MG is losing.

The rest of you weren't all that interesting in the first place and not much going on in games. :mad: :mad:

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Hey Dave, turn that frown upside down. :mad:

Snarker v. Axe2121 round 1 -- Axe2121 major victory

Snarker v. Axe2121 round 2 -- Snarker major victory

Snarker v. Axe2121 round 3 -- ???? (could be close to a draw in Inferno, although I think Snakeinthegrass may have me by a bit :mad: :mad: )

And don't forget how close our battle was in Kneiber Dam. Such are the fortunes of war.

Or sumfink.


Jas :mad: n

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

The rest of you weren't all that interesting in the first place and not much going on in games. :mad: :mad:

You're the attacker in ours you sheep-lovin' freak!!! YOU make something happen!! :mad: :mad:

Sheesh. :rolleyes:

What do I have to do, ask nicely? :mad: :mad:

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Okay, but this is a tough one. The nude pictures of the Swedish Bikini Team were excellent, as were the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders. How they ever got those camera angles is amazing.

But clearly the best pictures were..........

uh oh....DAMN!

Sorry, wrong thread!

Carry On.

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